posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 01:40 AM
I've looked into this.
Even a used, older (almost antique!) plane will run you between $80,000 and $100,000. The fuel isn't as much as I expected, and the planes I looked
at were much more fuel efficient than what I'd imagined.
Most people don't know, but private planes have an incredible amount of latitude as long as you are not near the border, or near major cities. It
isn't mandatory that you file a flight plan, or even stick too it. I could hardly believe it.
I have a friend who was airborne on 9/11. He wasn't forced to land or anything. They told him to continue to his destination, and contact the
landing strip by cell phone to verify that he had a flight plan and was on schedule, and wasn't a terrorist.
In my situation, There is no real way they could keep you from flying. I can't imagine they'd follow every single plane in the US and force
them down. We're talking thousands of small craft, who can literally land anywhere they want. A 6 seater can land on a stretch of dirt road, and
will fit in a someone's barn.
I've traveled overseas by private plane, and it is far less of a hassle than you'd think. Nothing like commercial air travel. You basically check
in with one of a number of airports along the border. They search you and the plane on your return, but are a lot friendlier than they are to
commerical flight consumers.
And, all I will say about it is to point out that no one seems to care if you leave the USA without saying bye-bye to the authorities. Mexico
sure don't care.
The agreement I have with the frau dr is that I won't buy any survival equipment unless we would "use it anyway." It was her first objection to
the thought of a plane. I've pointed out that we could get a cabin in the rockies . . . .
But the money involved is just more than we can dedicate to such a toy. I keep working on my employers, but they remain unimpressed.