reply to post by Ethiopia21
Mystery Babylon is modern day Christianity.
Simon Magnus, who later became the Patar of Rome (Patar was the religious title to the head of the sun god worshipping Roman Church in the first
century) began a Romanised version of what Jesus Christ taught after being rejected by Simon Peter when he requested the gift of the Holy Spirit.
This sun god worshipping church (Church of Rome) originiated in Babylon.
At the counsel of Nicea in 325 AD the Church of Rome, founded by Simon Magnus in the first century, became the Holy Roman Catholic (universal) Church.
And officially changed the core doctrine of true christians to match their pagan origins.
-The 7th day Sabbath was replaced by the day of the Sun god (Sunday)
-The annual Holy Days were replaced by pagan holidays
-The one true God of all creation was replaced by a trinity of gods (in Babylon it was Father, Mother, resurrected Son; in Rome it was Father,
resurrected Son and Holy Ghost)
-The priest called Patar (father) became the priest called Pope (father of fathers).
- Fish on Friday (Freya's day, Freya was the fertility goddess to the Nords) was a staple to the fertility goddess
- 40 day lamentation of the fertility goddess Easter (Freya's counterpart in sumaria), became lent.
"Mystery Babylon, the mother of all harlots" (harlot spiritually = is to have a relationship that is not true).
The mother - Roman Catholic Church
Of harlots - Protestant christianity that has their doctrines rooted in the Catholic Church from which all of modern christianity originated from.
Truely the "Mystery Babylon" pagan religious system originating in the Roman Catholic Church (Mother) and accepted by her protestant daughters
(harlots) is full of Blastphamies (claiming to be of God, when they teach doctrines of men while destroying the perfect laws of God), and the blood of
the saints (those who truely follow the ways and laws of God, which Mystery Babylon would kill you for living by during the dark ages).
God Bless,