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Is Charlie Sheen a Disinfo Agent?

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posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 01:16 AM

Originally posted by sp00n1
reply to post by Redge777

Yea, thats just what they want you to think, maaan!!!

Think about it, what worse person could you possibly choose? Charlie is easy to discredit as a moron, because he's proven over and over again through past actions that he is a moron.

He's somebody that is easy to discredit and dismiss as a kook.
[edit on 9/27/2007 by sp00n1]

You support my point about shooting the messenger, you gave labels to him without addressing the issues he brought up. You also do not support your claims of his lack of thought process, I think a better claim would be his background under an extremely liberal father, teaching values that would support that his claims are his and not disinformation. Of coarse you probably think his father is in on it to. I refer you to many narrations and activities his father has done to back up my claim of the label liberal I gave him. Google him for examples.

Of coarse this topic is on Charlie Sheen's motives so you get a pass on that

I guess I just think that if he was disinformation he would be getting support from other controlled sources, why wouldn't the media help his disinformation campaign.

I would guess you would say that is part of the plan also. Well at some point we have to admit we never know how many levels of reverse psychology are used, and just look at what is said and not the messenger.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 01:17 AM
Alex swears he is a Protestant, but who knows? AJ raises tons of flags to me ,even though I never miss his radio show. He seems so genuine. If he is lying and is a fraud, he is the ultimate evil.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 01:20 AM

Originally posted by dntwastetime
Alex swears he is a Protestant, but who knows? AJ raises tons of flags to me ,even though I never miss his radio show. He seems so genuine. If he is lying and is a fraud, he is the ultimate evil.

I saw a history channel show on the guy who started the CIA, it said by the end of his tenor he was completely unable to believe anything. He kept thinking is that just another reversal or are they in on it to..

He actually ordered the stopping of recruiting human intelligence sources, I believe, yet do not know, this is why the USA agencies moved so heavily into technological methods.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 02:53 AM
reply to post by Redge777

Geez, the USA is a mess.

The CIA since it was created, has vowed itself be a secret organization acting in secrecy, independent of the American people. It's hard not to reference movies, but just watch "The Good Sheperd" or "The Quite American". The amount of destruction and chaos create throughout the world just by the CIA's actions should make any informed citizen to stop and think about the realities of this world we live in.

The propaganda machine is way to strong and the elites understand that and will continue to boost their disgusting arrogance.

[edit on 28-9-2007 by Conundrum04]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 03:11 PM
reply to post by Redge777

The media isn't going to support him, that would be counter productive.

The idea is that Sheen raises questions about very valid issues that the government doesn't want to answer, but its packaged in such a way that most mainstream americans can dismiss it all as wild theories from some crackpot coke addict.

It's kinda like the Bush Natl Guard memo. Everything in the memo was true! But the memo itself was a fake. It's a great way to discredit valid information. The Bush administration had to be behind it.

As soon as that whole memo fiasco broke out, nobody mentioned Bush being AWOL during the election campaign again. They effectively silenced valid issues that they didn't want to address!

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 03:41 PM
What are his priors? Meaning, what has Charlie Sheen done up to this point to make one think he was compromised by the elite? Secondly, has his life changed after he went public? It hasn't, it's basically status quo. There are a number of compromised people in Hollywood, especially older Hollywood, Sheen isn't one of them. Many of these compromised actors have highly publicized incidents, like being against the Vietnam war and such... All one has to do is follow the entire career and life decisions of these people to see who they are working for and what they are about.

Sheen is not that influential.

[edit on 28-9-2007 by Amelie]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 03:48 PM
reply to post by Amelie

No, Sheen is not that influential and that's the point. IF he were a puppet being used to discredit the movement, they wouldn't want him to be influential. It's just that the powers that be would want him to be the face, the spokesperson, of "the movement" when people think about 911 truth. What they dont want mainstream america to think about in regards to conspiracies is Steven Jones, Paul Craig Roberts, Pilots for 911 truth, Engineers and Architects for 911 truth.

The fact that Sheen is just some dumb putz fits the bill perfectly for a spokesperson that is meant to cast dispersion on the movement.

If he were a disinfo agent being paid to act, he would get a few mill just like he would if he did a movie. I don't have much respect for the guy, and i dont think he has ever demonstrated having integrity.

He does not seem like the type of person that would selflessly risk his career to expose 911 conspiracies. He does seem like a pawn that would willingly play any role he is paid to.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 03:56 PM

Originally posted by Conundrum04
reply to post by Redge777

Sheen has no credibility because of his past, and since he's not the most articulate proponent to the 911 truth movement, he is a liability.

No one who causes light to shine on the darkness is a liability.

Charlie Sheen has taken his celebrity and attempted to use it for something significant whilst at the same time insisting that people not believe or disbelieve him because of what he has done or who he is but rather search out the Truth themselves, do their own homework and see. He invites us all to shine our lights on the darkness surrounding 9/11, and that is an amazing accomplishment.

Christine Ebersole is amazingly articulate and talented and she also has stepped forward to join the 'call up' for 9/11 Truth. Having actors and actresses do this is so important because on 9/11 we were all treated to theatre on a world scale which most saw via the same tube that broadcasts actors like Charlie Sheen. It is like a dose of truth serum in the midst of the glittering lies.

[edit on 28/9/07 by Pellevoisin]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 04:27 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

Having famous people raise awareness is fantastic. However, i am very skeptical of their motives.

I would much rather that Sheen draw attention to the 911 wargames than to the pentagon. I wish he mentioned the fact that al-Qaeda has a long history of working for the CIA instead of going into crazy sounding controlled demo theories (albeit im a controlled demo looney too). I wish he had gone into detail on all of the previous state-sponsored terror events that we know were carried out by the US or Isreal, instead of spouting off on a tangent about this and that.

But he didnt.

It was important for him to "play the role" that a real truther would. That includes repetitiously repeating catch phrases used by genuine 'truthers' such as, "Dont trust me, do your own research!" I think by now we all know most americans cant even find their own phone number in the phonebook, but somehow their supposed to be able to research the greatest crime in the history of mankind?!?! Most of them cant even find america on a #ing map!!

It's important that he be accepted into the movement, he had to play that role.

And if you look at the aftermath, i don't know anybody that was converted to seeking the truth by Sheens actions. I do, however, know a lot of people that think Sheen is a total loon and would never even consider researching the issues he raised.

[edit on 9/28/2007 by sp00n1]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 04:42 PM

Originally posted by sp00n1
reply to post by Pellevoisin

And if you look at the aftermath, i don't know anybody that was converted to seeking the truth by Sheens actions. I do, however, know a lot of people that think Sheen is a total loon and would never even consider researching the issues he raised.

Anecdotal personal observations don't always tell us everything we need to know. I actually know a number of US Americans who began to look into 9/11 because they heard about Charlie Sheen and his statements. Sheen's words seemed to trigger in some US citizens a recognition or an awareness of a gnawing feeling they themselves had been carrying that not everything was right with the USA on 9/11 or since then.

But by what I have written above, I have only shown that I have anecdotal evidence that you haven't experienced. So in a broader sense it would be interesting to do a study of Truthers and see how many if any of them were drawn to the subject by Charlie Sheen.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 07:00 PM
lol had to reply to this one..

All i know is that he crashed a 15 million dollar plane, but hes paying it back at 2 dollars per week.. ( hot shots )..

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 07:09 PM
Once you have a complete understanding of the history of Mind Control, you will recognise this program formula.
The real secret is, these celebritys who go out for 911, are aclamation agents meant to get America used to knowing there leaders are the super bad guys, and you better like it. Michael Moore is the same, he just gives you a taste of 911 by design to get you into to evil rulers.

Its a SuperMind Control program something on the lines of Hitler's program "The Big Lie".

[edit on 28-9-2007 by dntwastetime]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 07:15 PM
reply to post by dntwastetime

That is an interesting take on it. Conditioning people to get used to horribly corrupt leaders, instead of the current paradigm that George Bush is somehow the greatest man on earth just because he's the president.

That makes me really sick, by the way. If you want to talk trash about mother teresa, most people wouldnt pay any attention to you... But immediately after 9-11, if you questioned George Bush you were declared un-American for failing to show proper respect. What the hell makes him so infallible?

I never understood the whole, "Respect the President thing." Because if you think about it these guys lie cheat and steal to attain office, then once they get there you supposed to treat them like the kindest, honest, and most honorable person on earth.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 07:41 PM
Why so many people believe the TV.

Does anyone stop think this is a smear or spin campaign.

I do not believe the media I believe him because he is true.

If he was disinfo agent they wouldn't smear him.

I'm sure you hate Rosie to.

They are Hereos.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 08:59 PM
Well, if Charlie is reading this (ha ha haz),

All i ask is that he turn down the Alex Jone's style blowhard extremism and focus more on the topics that will actually get people's attention.

911 wargames

Able Danger

Bush - bin Laden ties

And how could i forget about the american made anthrax attacks and bush being on cipro before they began?

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 09:35 PM

Originally posted by sp00n1
reply to post by Redge777

The media isn't going to support him, that would be counter productive.

By support, I mean they would support the 'disinfo campaign' That would mean showing it and turning it somehow to match some end gain his suppose campaign would achieve. I just can't see any of this. If it is true the linking and pattern matching is beyond me. Just my thoughts.

And you got to know the history of his Dad. The teacher that I believe help Charlie think about other possibilities.

I think this is one to many, or one to few reversals on his motives.

reading your post I see you consistently call him a dumb putz, yet you claim he is in this big disinfo machine. I think you do not like what he said so are flipping it around to have a reason to bash him. Your opinion of him says more of your motives then his.

[edit on 28-9-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 12:24 AM
I believe more would come forward but fear holds them back.
Maybe they fear being black balled or an audit, or maybe they just realize that if the Government can kill over 3000 human beings without a second thought, imagine what they could do to their family/themselves if pushed.
I have a feeling that Sheen and Rosie have been subtly threatened at some point since they have become mute on 911,
However, The History Channels biased and feeble attempt to bury any conspiracy backfired, for 3 days after the 1st airing, "911 Conspiracy" fluctuated in the top 7 searchs on Yahoo.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 01:22 AM
reply to post by SEEWHATUDO

If they can kill a president, they can kill anybody.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 01:25 AM
reply to post by Redge777

Just to make something extremely clear, the title of this topic is, "Is Charlie Sheen a Disinfo Agent?"

It's a question, not a statement. I have my suspicions...

i've seen some decent arguments that somewhat allay my suspicions, but not really... I dont trust the manner in which he did what he did, and i dont know why he did it either.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 03:23 AM

Originally posted by sp00n1
All i ask is that he turn down the Alex Jone's style blowhard extremism and focus more on the topics that will actually get people's attention.

911 wargames

Able Danger

Bush - bin Laden ties

And how could i forget about the american made anthrax attacks and bush being on cipro before they began?

I could just add "Ditto" to what you have written above. The planes flying out the bin Laden family and Saudi royals after 9/11 are another matter of extraordinary suspicion in my book, especially since George H.W. Bush was meeting with a bin Laden in Washington, D.C. on the very day of 9/11.

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