posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 08:00 PM
"If you harbor terrorists, you're a terrorist; if you aid and abet terrorists, you're a terrorist - and you will be treated like one." - George W.
Keep this in mind as we unravel an unheard story...
The official motive for bombing Afghanistan was to force the Taliban to hand over people that the US suspected of involvement in the crimes of 9-11;
the US refused, however, to provide any evidence. At the same time Haiti RENEWED its request for extraditition of Emmanuel Constant, leader of the
paramilitary forces that had primary responsibility for the brutal murder of thousands of Haitians during the early 1990's, when the military junta
was supported, not so tacitly, by the first Bush and Clinton administrations. The request didn't even merit a response, or more than the barest
report. Constant had been tried and sentenced in absentia in Haiti; it is widely assumed that the US is concerned that if he testifies, he may reveal
contracts between the state terrorists and Washington.
Now the dilema...
Does Haiti then have the right to set off bombs in Washington? Or to try and to kidnap or kill Constant in New York, where he lives, killing
bystanders in APPROVED Isreali style? Does Haiti have the right to force regime change in Washington DC and then build a OIL and Gas pipeline
benifiting Haitian corporations???
If not, why not?
Why does America get the double standard??? Is it because we're the big beacon of freedom and justice to the world, or is it merely because God
continues to bless America???