posted on Oct, 13 2007 @ 11:18 AM
Originally posted by The Walking Fox
Luckily, your opinion has no bearings an these things called "facts". Perpetrators of hate crimes - those defined in this bill - are proven threats
to entire communities. They are, in fact, a type of terrorist. I've read your posts, and I'm prtty sure that you're of the "opinion" that the
terrorists we currently have locked up shouldn't be looking at probation after five years, correct?
The problem with the "terrorists" at Gitmo is that they have been charged with no crime. Most have been there at least 5 years already, not even
knowing what they did that was against the law. They've had no charges, no trial to prove their guilt or innocence. This is so much against our
Constitution and against the way that America has always done things. Innocent until proven guilty, right?
Of course, those who are full of hate, loudly proclaim that hate crimes are no different than any other crime or murder. But think about this: if the
person hadn't been full of hate, they might not have killed the person who they discriminated against. The serial killer wouldn't have cared less,
and would have killed someone, anyone, that they could find. To the family who has lost a child, parent, etc. they will always know that their loved
one was killed solely because they were Jewish, Black, homosexual or whatever. That's different than losing someone to a killer who chooses their
victims randomly.