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Reality Has Been Torn

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posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 04:21 PM
Over on the UM board people were discussing changed realities. People remember one thing happening very specifically only to find out it never happened. One person recalled their zipper having a certain tassel on it only to find out the next day it was something completely different. Things like this, altered reality(s). Maybe a building in under construction one day and the next it is completely built with people living inside.
It's a very tricky subject talking about events of this nature. But I have had one, alteration that is very vivid which I cant seem to explain even though I thoroughly try to debunk all "paranormal activity". I will share it if anyone wants to hear it. But the main point of this post is has anything like this happened to you, and could it be possible?

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 04:33 PM
I remember once when I was young (about 10 I think) we were at my grans flat. I put my cup down and then I couldnt find it. We looked everywhere and then found it again, where it had been put down, even though all of us were looking for it. It seemed to have disappeared while we were looking and returned later.

Is this the sort of thing you mean?

A bit like watching a movie with bad continuity.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 04:44 PM
events like this happen to me constantly.
I have always brushed them off thinking I must be going nuts, forgetful, or have a fanciful imagination.
Half the time I just don't even mention it, or I blame it on myself even though I have always had a photographic memory.
but I wonder of something else is actually going on??

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 06:51 PM
I once read an article that outlines how it is possible for realities that are similar to eachother can sometimes overlap. Each reality has a distinct vibratory energy signature that identifies it. for instance if you have a pattern of numbers "2 4 2 8 2 12 2 16" and a reality with a number pattern of "1 3 1 6 1 9 1 12 1 15", if it just so happens that that 12 on each universe converges, then the two will overlap and bleed into eahother.

This once happened to me when I was in my teens. My grandmother came home from work one day and made dinner. I sat down and ate and went to my room to listen to music. I came back out about an hour later to get a drink and she was just walking in. Asked where she had gone and she said she had just gotten off work and was working overtime that week. Puzzled the hell out of me for a long time until I gave up on it

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:32 PM
reply to post by deadangel23

This kinda happened to me... but who knows. My Grandma died in 1996 and I was having problems with school so they had a tutor brought in... I swore and still do to this day that my Grandma was there in the room with us, talking to the tutor. We all had a conversation on what I'd be learning, times she'd come, and then my Grandma and the tutor had a nice chat. I clearly remember her tutor did too... but the year I had the tutor was 1998. But, I always had the feeling that my Grandma was around after she died.

Ok, here's one for you... we moved out of the house I grew up in... but before we moved I went to the bathroom and it was diffrent... it was bigger, and elegant... had a huge tub etc. It felt like no big deal... I went into the bathroom later that day to find it back to the way it always was... few months go by and I hear my Aunt talking about the changes they made to the house... my Aunt described the bathroom excatly the way it was that day. Freaked me out a bit....

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:33 PM
weird! me and my friend noticed the other day that it seemed that a wire had just appeared outside the window of the living room in my flat. Its like a telephone wire or something, looks like its been there for ages but I'm certain that it wasn't there before. We've looked out that window countless times and all of a sudden it was just there! very odd but we just put it down to us not noticing it before i guess. I think this may happen more than we realise and people just shrug it off.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 07:53 PM
I was thinking I was going mad for awhile because when I would put something down it would be gone when I went back to retrieve it. If I stopped and relaxed it would be where I last remembered it to be upon looking again. I, another time almost pulled out in front of a motorcycle that I swear was not there but was there when I looked again as I pulled out of the driveway.

Today I take my dog to the quarry where there is a foot path through the woods that I had been on many times before. I hadn't been on it for a year and when I walked it today it was nothing like I remembered it. I was totally dumbfounded as if I were somewhere else. Maybe I was having a stroke, I dunno.

I have been having this feeling there is something wrong with reality for the last couple of years. There is this foreboding feeling the concept we learned and hold as our reality, as we know it, is failing. I suspect the force empowering our minds and bodies is weakening from over projecting 6.8 million sentient beings into existence. In other words the power has reached its sustainable limit for this reality.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 06:03 AM

Originally posted by MacSen191
reply to post by deadangel23

This kinda happened to me... but who knows. My Grandma died in 1996 and I was having problems with school so they had a tutor brought in... I swore and still do to this day that my Grandma was there in the room with us, talking to the tutor. We all had a conversation on what I'd be learning, times she'd come, and then my Grandma and the tutor had a nice chat. I clearly remember her tutor did too... but the year I had the tutor was 1998. But, I always had the feeling that my Grandma was around after she died.

Ok, here's one for you... we moved out of the house I grew up in... but before we moved I went to the bathroom and it was diffrent... it was bigger, and elegant... had a huge tub etc. It felt like no big deal... I went into the bathroom later that day to find it back to the way it always was... few months go by and I hear my Aunt talking about the changes they made to the house... my Aunt described the bathroom excatly the way it was that day. Freaked me out a bit....

Don't sound like a reality overlap. Sounds more like a Temporal distortion. Does her house have alot of electronics that would produce large amounts of EM fields? I believe it possible to distort time/space with large EM fields...though I highly doubt electronics can do it...but you never know

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 06:06 AM
Remember that black cat deja vu scene in the Matrix? "It happens when they change something."

They could be more right than we will ever know. I dont have any personal experiences of things being out of place or happening in strange ways, but I probably would not notice if they were. Im kind of disorganized and used to having to look for things, not remembering where I put them.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 06:19 AM

Originally posted by WorldShadow
I have been having this feeling there is something wrong with reality

I concur. Since the Indigo children started birthing onto this world, reality has been changing. As the aura of the planet changes so does our perception of it. Reality is nothing more than our brains interpretting electical signals sent to it by specially designed bodily organs which have no value or function in the lower or higher dimensions of existence. You would be a fool to think otherwise

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 06:21 AM
reply to post by deadangel23

Well, lets just hope it happens quickly. I would like nothing more than escaping this incredibly hostile reality we live in. A lot of people lack hope completely.

[edit on 28-9-2007 by Copernicus]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 09:42 AM
I think people are beginning to wake up, I was shocked when I was privately to a couple of friends, each on separate occasions, through the course of this week.

My friends, told me that they felt they were sick of living this life style, that they know something is about to happen, and they feel they are meant for something bigger that just the mundane set of routines they go through each day.

One friend told me in particular: "Hey, K, I've been wondering, have you ever had the feeling that you were meant for something so much more. I've been thinking, once we become engineers and graduate from college, then what? I just feel there more to life than what we see. I don't know, but I'm going to play a part in it, I just don't know how yet."

I never knew why I didn't say anything that day, maybe because I felt it was necessary for him to break the cycle on his own, or maybe I'm struggling to find the role I'm going to play in "The Divine Play."

Whatever it is, people are waking up....I just hope enough can wake up soon...

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 09:44 AM
reply to post by Shifter2012

I found a newspaper clipping of my friends car wreck that she nearly died in. I distinctly remember her Neon being white, however according to her and the photo, the car is bronze. The car didnt even look like hers. wtf

[edit on 28-9-2007 by Chiiru]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:06 AM
Mmmm I am in my fifties and I can always remember stuff like this going on. A guy I worked with once is convinced there is some kind of fun aspect to it, like a Candid Camera show from the future. He said that pan-dimensional beings were freezing time, then doing insignificant changes to observe the effect on the victim. A kind of video show or perhaps some careful time effect experiments.

I think humans are just fail-able at observing and remembering stuff...we all know eyewitnesses suck...look at the different descriptions they give of the same perpetrator. I know from my experiences that all you need is the element of doubt and someone telling you what really occured.

But who really knows?

A couple of years back I was driving through the so called mountains Wales in broad daylight. I looked through the windscreen of the car and saw in front, above and to the right a black shape. It looked like a tear in the sky, it was black and it's apparent size was would be like an inch at arms length. I thought it was a mark on the windscreen but as I moved my head it was obvious it was outside the car. It was just hanging there in the open sky. I was on a narrow bit of winding road and had to concentrate on driving and look at the object.

I always carry a camera in the car and was looking for somewhere to photograph it. As I was going uphill and turning left, the object was just behind and to my right. When I next turned right and looked for the object it was gone. I eventually stopped and looked but it was no-more.

I carried on with my journey and kept asking myself did it really happen? What was it? etc A few times, I thought perhaps I had dreamt it the night before and felt that it just happened..during the day.

Later that day, when I returned down the same road, l looked where I thought it was. Still puzzled!!

I still have no idea whether it was a dream, a rip in the sky or whatever.

I still think about it now. Very puzzling

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:12 AM
Nice thread OP and very interesting post by the members.

I think a lot of these experiences can be accounted for with the parallel universe theory.

Parallel universes really do exist, according to a mathematical discovery by Oxford scientists described by one expert as "one of the most important developments in the history of science".

In Everett's "many worlds" universe, every time a new physical possibility is explored, the universe splits. Given a number of possible alternative outcomes, each one is played out - in its own universe.

A motorist who has a near miss, for instance, might feel relieved at his lucky escape. But in a parallel universe, another version of the same driver will have been killed. Yet another universe will see the motorist recover after treatment in hospital. The number of alternative scenarios is endless.


These events happen when our awareness somehow bleeds over into another parallel universe in which we are part of.

Max Tegmark a physicist at MIT states in his blog.

Q: When describing "Level III Multiverses", you state that on a quantum scale, all of the possible outcomes of a specific event actually happen, though each possibility occurs in a different parallel universe. We percieve that only one of the possibilities really occured, as we are observers in only one universe. In this way, there is no randomness to the outcome of an event, as all possible outcomes happen. But is it randomness that determines in which multiverse I, as a concious observer, will perceive the event in?

A: That's a good question with a good answer: no, a different "you" will perceive (different outcomes of) the event in each of the parallel universes. Suppose a quantum measurement can produce outcomes 0 or 1. Then after the measurement, there's two parallel universes, each with a "you" with all memories you had before the measurement, one with the added memory of measuring "0" and one with the added memory of measuring "1". There's nothing random about this. Don't ask "how do I know which of the two guys is me?" - they both are.
emphases added.


[edit on 28-9-2007 by etshrtslr]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 03:08 PM
Thanks for the posts thus far. It seems alot of people have had these experiences....or who knows maybe it just comes down to memory lapses and such

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 03:35 PM
Heres a possible theory for whatg may be happening.

I saw a programme about the human brian and how we see. What actually happens is that what we "see" is not actually what is really there. The brain remembers and "fills in" the rest. So in our room, we may be looking around but only actually seeing say 20% because our brain is filling in the rest.

Hope this makes sense. I will try to find more stuff on this.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 03:37 PM
reply to post by YarlanZey

Stuff like what you are referring to has happened to me on several occasion. It is one of those "If it had been a snake" scenarios.

It's pretty weird though.

[edit on 4-10-2007 by SpeakerofTruth]

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 03:39 PM

Originally posted by skyblueff0
I think people are beginning to wake up, I was shocked when I was privately to a couple of friends, each on separate occasions, through the course of this week.

My friends, told me that they felt they were sick of living this life style, that they know something is about to happen, and they feel they are meant for something bigger that just the mundane set of routines they go through each day.

I have had this feeling about myself since I was about 15 years old. It's not necessarily a feeling of "grandiosity," it's just a feeling that you are supposed to do something that is "important," that you haven't yet accomplished.

posted on Oct, 4 2007 @ 03:42 PM
It seems to be many of us have had these occurences. I wonder if time travel is alive and well changing temporal reality.

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