posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 09:18 AM
One of those moments when ya just not sure..
I met a young girl at work the other day, we catch the same train home and after being used to seeing her at the same stop every day, I decided to
talk to her. gorgeous mocha skin, intellegent, likes reading etc etc.. has a great laugh..
But, she's only 18.. and im 24.
But, I also met someone else in the building, they are persian, and have the most gorgeous, big hazel eyes.. short petite with such a beautiful
but she's 31..... and im 24.
One one hand I asked the persian lady to lunch, to talk about her life and what it was like moving from persia, to aust... and she said it would be
her pleasure.
On the other, I see the other girl every day, and we chat every time we catch the train, having positive/happy meaningful convo's..
Its a conundrum, I need to decide which one im going to focus my efforts on, and there both in different extremes
So, younger or older?