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NEW Micheal Lee Hill Videos

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posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 05:02 AM
I know, I know. That Lake Erie UFO Video in "From here to Andromeda" was debunked on here. I believe the explanations was that it was some kind of a plane landing at an airport. Either that or two police cars on a hill (which I even thought was plausible for a min, except how the 2nd police car seemed to float around over the 1st car.) Well i live on Lake Erie, so i gave the video and story alot of thought. But then just started paying attention to the next big sighting. I mean the "official" status here at ATS was debunked. But i didn't just forget about it. Checking around for new UFO videos, i seen more of his video, which was just taped a week or two ago.

Anyways, On his youtube page thier is two new videos of orbs showing 2-3 orbs showing up around the moon. There are 2 videos, both oddly 1:14 seconds, but they are 2 different vids. I believe the 2nd (More plasma orbs..) shows the third orb join and make a triangular pattern.

here are those videos



Currently he has 19 videos on his youtube site. There is also another video reportedly taken during that same night. As usual he sware a bit in the videos, which i would most probably do if i was actually recording the purported footage. Another video that is almost 10 mins shows a rather large pulsating orb floating all over the place. Some show orbs going in and out of the water. A few others others are daytime videos. I believe there is another triangle shaped craft in another.

The thing is this guy has a lot of good footage. And claims that he has been contacted for most of his life. Does this bring any new light to his past claims?

I also read the message below about Ohio being a new hotspot for mass UFO activity. Other people, a sceptical father (and i think his son), Plus at least 2 police officers also reported seeing strange diamond shaped configurations of light. This is all according to the source below of course.

But the TV news station did try to run a report on the wave of sightings in Northeatern Ohio, but mysteriouly the station had problems with the audio. So u couldn't hear what was being said, but could see the video still.
They ran a second peice the day after, stating that they had some strange technical difficulty.

So do yall think this Micheal Lee Hill, is just some tricky guy screwing with us? OR could it be possible that thier is something going on in NE Ohio. I Myself live in Michigan like right on the SE Michigan/ NE Ohio border, and I really would like to know if there is some sort of truth to any of this. Is he a hoaxter? or possibly some contactee? He does put in a lot of time watching the sky, by the water, with a video camera. Maybe he is actually recording these phenomena which could possibly be of ET in origin. Some of the videos look alot like others that have stirred up much controversy (Phoenix Lights??) This clearly isnt on the same level of 'its clearly CGI" as in the drone case. I keep an open mind, of course, but i also sort of always have to make somewhat of a descion whether or not thier deserves any amount of merit to a certain sightings or occurence. And this one is beginning to grow it seems.

Please watch the videos i linked, and his other videos on youtube and lets see if we can get some 2nd thoughts. I know there was a huge thread already, but we should consider this as new evidence right? Especially if there are police officers who have admitted they saw the same thing he had recorded that same night. I dont know though, maybe i missed something in the 500+ (i think) pages of replies and threads. Maybe it has already been proven beyond a reasonable doubt that his footage is %100 fake.

Sorry to stir it up but the new videos, plus the story below got me thinking again. Anyhow thanks for all your (anticiped) input!!

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 05:49 AM
Found the video's here...

[edit on 27-9-2007 by area512012]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:05 AM
Most of thse look just like airline landing lights that planes turn on 50+ miles away from an airport they are landing at. I could make those same videos out on my back porch.

I want to see the same video for 20-minutes rather than 4-5 minutes. When a plane is that far away it will appear to "hover" - but wait long enough and it gets closer and passes by. If MLH could produce a 20-minute long video, it would show the plane.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:29 AM
One would think if these Light Orbs were just airplanes over Lake Erie, if that was the case, Actual Pilots would not misidentify these objects as UFO's as well.

Pilot's saw what sounds like the same Light ORBS over Lake Erie as well.

Here is the link to a Zip file containing a Mp3 of the actual communications between 2 flights over Cleveland Ohio, Air Shuttle 5959 and Masaba 3179 regarding a UFO that was spotted by both planes on February 28, 1996.

Highlights of Pilot's Testimony....

" Maybe and ah...sort of ah...pulsating light about, I don't know, ten miles out. "

"Yeah, that's where I saw it. A really bright white light, sometimes flickering...ah..."

"That's affirmative and it's a light that goes dim and it gets bright. I don't know if we're getting closer to it or what? But it looks like a rotating light around it like ah..."

"Ah...we have some kind of white light out there at twelve o'clock and the captain ah...says it's pulsating. It looks like oncoming traffic. But it's just sitting about the same place that it's been the about ten or fifteen minutes we've been watching it."

"I don't know. I mean we can see a clear, you know, relatively solid cloud deck...ah...below us and this is definitely ah...distinct whitish ah...well, now it's looking a little red and greenish white, sort of pulsating light and it's constant. It's not a beacon."

"Yeah. Hey, be advised we're descending to four thousand feet right now and as we descend through ten thousand feet, that object is above us right now. It is not on the ground. It's about ten thousand feet."

[edit on 27-9-2007 by area512012]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 09:04 AM
reply to post by area512012

One verifiable instance of an unknown object seen by 2 pilots/planes in 1996 does nothing to make all of these snippets of "orbs" any more real. Where are the comms of pilots over the last 11 years jabbering about all these "orbs"? There should be volumes of transcripts available.

This is called capitalizing on a myth, money is being made from keeping this myth going. Ask Sereda and Hill. $$$$$=make it up, or lie about if you have to to keep the $$$$ coming in. Do whatever to keep the groupies buying your schtick. Real simple. Lots of people like to jump on these kinds of wagons to see if they can get some of the $$$ action or stand next to a pretty face on TV. Some people will DO and SAY anything to get a tinkle of media or any other kind of attention from whoever or whatever to fill their egos little bellies. Anything. If you dont think this you are naive.

This is how myths are started - you have one good sighting that cant be explained or indentified and 10 years later aliens are living in Lake Erie eating all of the perch.....

[edit on 27-9-2007 by Lost_Mind]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 12:19 PM
I just want the guy to do a 20-minute no-cut video that's all. With money coming in, get a tripod and a frickin' box of batteries for the camera.

Now, for my own experience - I did see what I would deem a true UFO on Monday night. My first. I would say that there is no disputing it. All I could do was watch in awe. These airplane lights do not even come close. Reported it to mufon and nuforc and that's about it. For people who have experienced the real thing, these videos are sad.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 12:19 PM
I just want the guy to do a 20-minute no-cut video that's all. With money coming in, get a tripod and a frickin' box of batteries for the camera.

Now, for my own experience - I did see what I would deem a true UFO on Monday night. My first. I would say that there is no disputing it. All I could do was watch in awe. These airplane lights do not even come close. Reported it to mufon and nuforc and that's about it. For people who have experienced the real thing, these videos are sad.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 12:39 PM
reply to post by bonaire

I agree. A 20-30 minute video last year might have swayed and changed a number of opinions but he wouldnt do it. Above and beyond a longer more definable video, I would also like to observe one of these thing do something non-ballistic or anything that cant be easily interpreted as an aircraft.

I would also like to see some of these vids shot from closer to the Cleveland waterfront, not Eastlake and points NE. Timestamp them and GPS mark them. I think some alternative perspectives on the shots could help explain some things with a modicum of certaintyone way or the other. I could be wrong but I dont think it will happen tho, too risky and it would make what I think of as a charade much more difficult to maintain.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 01:56 PM
How do you explain all these other people reporting seeing the same thing including Police, Coast Guard, Pilot's, and hundred's of people around the lake?

This was posted in another thread here, Check out this link for more info...

[edit on 27-9-2007 by area512012]

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 02:19 PM
there is a ten minute video on his youtube page also, which shows a large orb floating all over the place, pulsating and sticking around for quite some time.

Single House Sized Orb/UFO Over Lake Erie - 10mins

The orbs do appear to have a flicker to them. While most planes ive seen usually have a what, red or blue or white, either steady, or blinking light on them?

The Triangle by the moon just makes me think a bit more becuase it looks like alot of other UFO videos. So either alot of UFOs have that triangular shape to them, or alot of UFO video hoaxers use the same techniques to replicate that effect.

Plus the news story quoted above, and in the thread below. With the officers reportig seeing them, and the Father and Son.

I just dont see how saying they are planes puts an end to alll the speculation.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 03:00 PM
reply to post by Esotericist

I say that considering where and how these vids are shot, they are most probably planes but that doesnt end the specualtion for me. Only an idiot would close their mind that much. Nothing will end the speculation, besides speculation is good. Unbridled or ignorant speculation is bad. The overt willingness to ignore fact and trade it even par for wild speculation is bad. The unbelievable ability to refuse the most probable for the most ridiculous and unfounded amazes me sometimes here. As long as there are humans breathing there will be speculation - its in our nature.

In this situation, for me, planes are the most probable explanation, until we get that 30 minute vid or nonballistic behavior needed to change my mind about it. Its all about more info and we arent getting it.....

Edit for not having crisp control of my fingers....

[edit on 27-9-2007 by Lost_Mind]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 02:06 AM
Notice anything familiar with these most recent/latest UFO reports from MUFON?

Orb related

1. The object then dimmed this took about twenty seconds,I thought That I was seeing a supernova until it stated to move in three clockwise circles stopped for about two - three seconds and sped off to the south south west at a very high rate of speed . I stood out there for five or six minutes smoked a ciggerett and then came in to file this report.
I watch the stars queit often ,I have three telescope and use them alot. I have never seen anything like this before????" -IL, US

2. 11-12 "sphere" ships day trip in NY, US

3. "Two large bright lights appeared out of nowhere and began moving around in the sky in very strange patterns while randomly changing colors" AZ, US

4. Erratic movement from yellow orange sphere with 4 witnesses TN, US

5. Flashed all kinds of colors and it was very bright, VA, US

6. Today I noticed a bright orange/red light that was sitting still. Airplanes always move, they do not sit in one place for a long time, this one did not move at all. So I paid it little attention, and then looked back at it after counting all of the other airplanes. It still had not moved. Now I am paying more attention to it, I see that another orange/red light has appeared near it. They sat in the sky for about 5 minutes before one of the lights moved south while the main one sat still in the same position

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 06:19 AM
The Mufon reports are pretty much indicative of erratic movement. The MLH videos are slow moving lights that don't move erratically. So, what I'd like to see are lake erie videos that show similarities to the Mufon reports and that don't look like airplane landing lights from a good distance (of 50+ miles) on the horizon.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:06 AM
Why do they only come out at night....and then leave their lights on? Seems to me if they just wanted to float around and accomplish nothing then they might as well do it during the day, lol.

That being said, I live 3 hrs or so from this "hotspot" I would love to take the time to go up there and take video from multiple locations, gps mark them, and such. But didn't this guy get some money form this scheme yet? You would think that would allow him to be able to investigate it better than he is doing now? I mean, they pretty much cost nothing to make except for time, right? And dough nuts. Can't film blurry lights at night without dough nuts. And when the blurry lights don't do what you want them to do then there is always Adobe after effects, lol.

It just seems to me, that with as much regularity of these sightings, and this guy's ability to take videos of them at will, if there was ANY merit to this whatsoever there would be big names jumping all over this to get it documented and put their name on it. I am always amazed at those wannabe youtube celebrities that post tons of their own homemade ufo videos not attracting the attention of real ufo investigators. You would think? Ah, never mind.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 02:56 AM
if u look on his youtube page, there is daytime footage of the orbs. there is also videos of orbs entering and coming out of lake erie. maybe take the time to look at the links and then comment.

i just thought the new triangle videos were worth watching since they appear to show similar phenemena to other triangle ufos. and the 3rd light in the triangle just appears out of nowhere, like other videos i've seen of this kind.

ive always been interested in submergable ufos since it seems to me that alot of underwater crafts could go virtually undetected for long periods of time. and they could have alot going on underwater there.

i guess ill stick to the experts here at ATS hypothesis that these are just planes, and that MLH is just a fame seeker. although i would like to believe that there is something to the story.especially since the recent developments with the police reporting seeing these orbs, and other civilians being left freaked out about it. so its not just MLH experiencing these phenomena now.

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 03:55 PM

Originally posted by Esotericist
if u look on his youtube page, there is daytime footage of the orbs. there is also videos of orbs entering and coming out of lake erie. maybe take the time to look at the links and then comment.

The two daytime videos that he has don't exactly add much. The first one is taken at dusk, after the sun has gone below the horizon, giving credence to the airplane theory since the planes lights would have been on by then.

The other day video is of a black "orb", which doesn't really help him all that much either. Why would the craft(s) be using lights at night, and not during the day? Do they need to see where they are going during the night or what?

Not to mention all the other issues raised by other members..

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 04:19 PM

Originally posted by Esotericist
i guess ill stick to the experts here at ATS hypothesis that these are just planes, and that MLH is just a fame seeker. although i would like to believe that there is something to the story.especially since the recent developments with the police reporting seeing these orbs, and other civilians being left freaked out about it. so its not just MLH experiencing these phenomena now.

So why believe what the skeptics at ATS say about it? I have never seen any plane with just one huge pulsating light? Don't all planes have to have blinking lights, FAA rules?

Wouldn't a pilot know what a plane at night looks like better than anybody here at ATS? Why have Pilots reported seeing the same orbs over Lake Erie?

And as was said, A father & son seen the light orbs too, and Police Officers, and all the people at the Cleveland Peace Rally last March who seen one of these ORBS fly off the lake and hover above the Key Bank Building for 20 minutes?

I don't know, Just saying they are just air planes seems like a huge cop out from people who really don't believe at this point.

[edit on 29-9-2007 by area512012]

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 11:00 PM

Originally posted by area512012
I don't know, Just saying they are just air planes seems like a huge cop out from people who really don't believe at this point.

So, basing a conclusion on the best facts available rather than faith is a cop out? Sorry, this isnt a matter of belief for me. I have said many times that this is not a religion and in my personal investigation of this phenomena I absolutely refuse to substitute the most probable for fantasy and the unverifiable. I do not want to believe anything, I want to KNOW, and knowing requires facts not belief, intuition, gut feelings or unbridled speculation.

I could believe anything I want to as can you but it means nothing when seeking truth because truth requires proof whereas belief needs nothing but faith. Big difference......a cop out for you, a valid process for me.

[edit on 29-9-2007 by Lost_Mind]

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 06:16 AM
to me it sounds like what is being said is that since these supposed orbs cannot be proven to be orbs rather than airplanes, that they must not be orbs.

i would love to know 100% if they are planes or orbs myself, but we dont know that they are planes for sure, nor do we know they are orbs. so it isnt fair to assume they are planes, when they could just as well be some other unknown phenonema, some sort of ET orb, or a government or military project, or even just some hoax.

but if you simply want to be reasonable then you must admit that they are unidentified, whatever they are. becuase if the reasoning is that they are planes, becuase they cant be proven to be orbs or whatever else, well the same logic applies in reverse. has it been proven that these are planes? i dont think it has been. in fact it seems as if the situation seems to be becoming more confusing as time goes on.

i dont know what they are either. but i aint gonna just beleive that they are planes, just because they havent been proven otherwise. the planes theory is just a hyposthesis, right?

so if it is the truth you are seeking, then you must consider all theories, and rule them out one by one. not just revert to the most plausible in your own mind becuase you think it is the most plausible.

there really are unidentifiable objects. so if you can identify all those object in the videos as planes, well then that puts the other theories to rest. but i dont think that anyone has proven all the objects as planes, therefore classifying them as unidentified would be the much more valid process.

not having all the facts simply does not make it a fact that they must be planes, just becuase in your reasoning process it seems the most plausible. not having all the facts leaves them unidentified, which does require speculation, reasoning, logic, and evidence.

posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 06:17 AM
EDIT : double post somehow... whooops

[edit on 30-9-2007 by Esotericist]

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