I know, I know. That Lake Erie UFO Video in "From here to Andromeda" was debunked on here. I believe the explanations was that it was some kind of a
plane landing at an airport. Either that or two police cars on a hill (which I even thought was plausible for a min, except how the 2nd police car
seemed to float around over the 1st car.) Well i live on Lake Erie, so i gave the video and story alot of thought. But then just started paying
attention to the next big sighting. I mean the "official" status here at ATS was debunked. But i didn't just forget about it. Checking around for
new UFO videos, i seen more of his video, which was just taped a week or two ago.
Anyways, On his youtube page thier is two new videos of orbs showing 2-3 orbs showing up around the moon. There are 2 videos, both oddly 1:14 seconds,
but they are 2 different vids. I believe the 2nd (More plasma orbs..) shows the third orb join and make a triangular pattern.
here are those videos
Currently he has 19 videos on his youtube site. There is also another video reportedly taken during that same night. As usual he sware a bit in the
videos, which i would most probably do if i was actually recording the purported footage. Another video that is almost 10 mins shows a rather large
pulsating orb floating all over the place. Some show orbs going in and out of the water. A few others others are daytime videos. I believe there is
another triangle shaped craft in another.
The thing is this guy has a lot of good footage. And claims that he has been contacted for most of his life. Does this bring any new light to his past
I also read the message below about Ohio being a new hotspot for mass UFO activity. Other people, a sceptical father (and i think his son), Plus at
least 2 police officers also reported seeing strange diamond shaped configurations of light. This is all according to the source below of course.
But the TV news station did try to run a report on the wave of sightings in Northeatern Ohio, but mysteriouly the station had problems with the audio.
So u couldn't hear what was being said, but could see the video still.
They ran a second peice the day after, stating that they had some strange technical difficulty.
So do yall think this Micheal Lee Hill, is just some tricky guy screwing with us? OR could it be possible that thier is something going on in NE Ohio.
I Myself live in Michigan like right on the SE Michigan/ NE Ohio border, and I really would like to know if there is some sort of truth to any of
this. Is he a hoaxter? or possibly some contactee? He does put in a lot of time watching the sky, by the water, with a video camera. Maybe he is
actually recording these phenomena which could possibly be of ET in origin. Some of the videos look alot like others that have stirred up much
controversy (Phoenix Lights??) This clearly isnt on the same level of 'its clearly CGI" as in the drone case. I keep an open mind, of course, but i
also sort of always have to make somewhat of a descion whether or not thier deserves any amount of merit to a certain sightings or occurence. And this
one is beginning to grow it seems.
Please watch the videos i linked, and his other videos on youtube and lets see if we can get some 2nd thoughts. I know there was a huge thread
already, but we should consider this as new evidence right? Especially if there are police officers who have admitted they saw the same thing he had
recorded that same night. I dont know though, maybe i missed something in the 500+ (i think) pages of replies and threads. Maybe it has already been
proven beyond a reasonable doubt that his footage is %100 fake.
Sorry to stir it up but the new videos, plus the story below got me thinking again. Anyhow thanks for all your (anticiped) input!!