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The John Lear Hologram Challenge

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posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 07:56 AM
Very interesting discussion. However, I haven't seen an answer to my question from Mr. Lear or the rest of the holograph supporters. Namely, if no planes were used, what happened to the people that were supposedly on those planes?

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 09:41 AM

Best work on a demolition crew I ever seen. Fooled allot of people.
There was another thread on ATS that reporters where reading from a script
and showing on plains hitting the towers .

[edit on [1Sep9]093030p: by slaveearth]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:04 AM
This site has links at the bottom with a FULL overview of the cloaked stealth aircraft on 9-11 in NY, and I believe that these were the craft providing the holographics that day. There are MANY pieces of film that show the robs as well as the masked planes.

The E4B that was circling Dc was also seen in NY and Penn. also, as shown in these links. It makes a good case for stelath craft doing the dirty work that day:

Check it out.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:09 AM
reply to post by eyewitness86

There's an awful lot of information on that site you linked to, eyewitness.

Gonna take some time to get through.


posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:13 AM

Originally posted by Shadowflux
This nonsense about planes not hitting the WTC needs to stop.

No, the nonsense about planes HITTING the WTC’s is what needs to stop!!

And IgnoranceIsntBlisss' constant crybabying about none of us no-planers addressing his ‘what-made-the-holes-in-the-buildings-then?’ challenge is becoming tiring. We’ve addressed this issue a bazillion times. It’s just not what IgnoranceIsntBlisss wants to hear — the ‘imprints-made-with-explosives-explanation’. But that’s the most likely way it happened, like it or not! It shouldn’t require much imagination that 9-11 planners could have mapped out those ‘impact profiles’ on photos or architectural drawings, taking their sweet precious time while sitting comfortably at some desk. These schematics would have then served as demolition blueprints — to place charges to blow up specific column patterns. Mounting explosives on the inside or outside of the buildings would have been within any bozo’s capabilities. I don’t understand why Ignorance keeps bringing this up.

The Wizard In The Woods

[edit on 9/28/2007 by Wizard_In_The_Woods]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:18 AM

Originally posted by Wizard_In_The_Woods
. I don’t understand why Ignorance keeps bringing this up.

Because the No-Planers answers are so totally unrealistic as to be laughable. How do you explain all the airplane debris? Oh Wait......It was planted there. (fist in mouth trying to stop rabid laughter)

Tell me are you one of those who believe in the holograph then?

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:23 AM
Originally posted by Jgruh4e

Very interesting discussion. However, I haven't seen an answer to my question from Mr. Lear or the rest of the holograph supporters. Namely, if no planes were used, what happened to the people that were supposedly on those planes?

Thanks for the post Jgruh4e. I have no information where the passengers are. They could be dead, They could be working for the government under new names. They could be in jail. They could be at Dulce. They could be on the moon. They could be on Mars. They could be living confortably in the south of France on the Riviera. I have no idea.

My primary effort here is to answer IIB's challenge. There were no planes crashing into the World Trade Center. There was no plane crashing onto the Pentagon and there was no plane that crashed at Shanksville.

I'm what you call a "No Planer". Its a tough and thankless job. But somebody has to do it, because its the truth.

Many don't believe its the truth. Some don't believe it because they are simply uninformed. Others simply don't want to believe it. And still others, who are part of the government who planned 911, don't want the public to even consider that the Boeing 767's were holographs simply because they have a few more "911" type scenarios coming down the line which involve similar holographs, and they don't want the public wondering whether its a holograph or not.

Its possible that many of those missing passengers might be alive. My personal belief is that Chick Burlingame (alleged Pentagon crash pilot) is alive and well and continues to work for the Navy under an assumed name.

Thanks for your post.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:31 AM

Originally posted by johnlear

I'm what you call a "No Planer". Its a tough and thankless job. But somebody has to do it, because its the truth.

No John, its the truth as YOU see it. That, fortunately for the world, doesnt make it THE truth

Many don't believe its the truth. Some don't believe it because they are simply uninformed. Others simply don't want to believe it.

And some dont believe it because common sense, logic and what we saw with our own eyes tells us what is the truth, and not what conspiracy freaks with fertile imaginations tell us.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 10:51 AM
This is a theory Mr. Lear came up with. Even he can not back up most of the facts in his own theory when questioned about it. Or really any of his theories for that matter. I enjoy reading many of his theories. He seems like a nice guy. Although many of his theories, like this one... have no basis in fact at all and are purely wild speculation. People are going to go with it just because it is Mr. Lear's theory. He has devoted fans. Don't bother trying to prove it wrong. You would have better luck convincing a pig to fly. Just take it for what it is, and believe what you choose to believe.

[edit on 28-9-2007 by ATSS32]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 12:57 PM
Hello John and every other user ; I was in Las Vegas on 1/11 and I was attending a software related business meeting .

The subject was " Augmented Reality " and I was trying to sell a product / concept .

Here is the technology in action :

John ; you are a one fascinating individual , I would love to have a beer or two with you .

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 06:05 PM

Originally posted by 23432

Hello John and every other user ; I was in Las Vegas on 1/11 and I was attending a software related business meeting .

The subject was " Augmented Reality " and I was trying to sell a product / concept .

Here is the technology in action :

John ; you are a one fascinating individual , I would love to have a beer or two with you .

Wow I guess one day we will have 3d TV. I guess Ralph Kramden was right all those years ago.
Interesting link thanks for posting it

But if this type oftech is in the publics hands you gotta say to yourself how much more advanced versions the militaty has. They probably have full cloaking abilities as well.

But again it's just a shame that "no planers" whether right, or wrong does not matter, it makes the truth movement to the "average joe" seem like we're a bunch of nutters, because they group us all together.

Again I'll say we should go with the most easily provable case of a crime commited by anyone in our government or media or what have you and go with it, and at least get SOME arrests.

I truely believe that would be the best way to get the ball rolling. But for that to happen "no planers, and "planers", Lihop, and Mihop's all must come together put individual ideas on the side, and run with something, (however small it might be)that we all can agree on, and at least start to get some things done, and some arrests or inditements(sp?) going.

The true criminals of 911 are sitting back loeving that we're infighting and will never get anything accomplished. This is the best outcome for them, and as long as we stay diveded, they will stay safe, and will never have to answer to any of it.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 07:41 PM
Just when did deny ignorance jump the shark here ?

I joined this site so long ago thinking at first it was a bunch of crackpot theories who sometimes peaked my interest. I got drawn in and gradually grew to realise the true nature of the "DENY IGNORANCE" theme. I used my academic background at times to debunk and disprove stuff - and yes lost my temper enough times. But im sorry. This is starting to feel like the poorest executed marketing shillcampaign i have ever ever come across. No planes hit the world towers? this is something I believe my Psychology lecturer would have called deluded.

What i believe i see here is sheer self delusion by an arrogant nation refuting to believe that someone who - god forbid they even knew where their country was on a map - let alone had a passport to travel and discover that there is a world outside its borders (oh I forgot we Europeanss thouht that of the existance of the Americas didnt we - but then again we had 2000 years of culture to draw upon) could rise up and lets face it scare your to death.

Terrorism happens - you have little or no concept of it - and those who pepretrate it have no mercy or compassion - trying to hide behind a myth of "it couldnt be them" washes little with one who has picked the glass and schrapnel from his arm following a bomb attack.

I would dearly love to cry it was all a hoax - but im sorry this is delusion and yes disinfo - I spoke to close friends in NYC that day and I know what they watched - not holograms - but planes hitting that building. It is truly disfunctional that a nation can go to war on one hand yet deny why on spurious claims of conspiracy.

The next claim has to be that the Japanease didnt sink the fleet in Pearl Harbour they were American jets sent back in time.

Mr Lear you do your legacy no service perpatrating what you truly know is a lie - either that or you should truly consider your value to those who value honest in the search for the truth.

If you dont then I am truly surprised that a nation who brought its children up to believe in truth and honor can set such an example to those of us elsewhere in the world.

(edited cos i was so incensed i forgot spelling)

[edit on 28-9-2007 by Silk]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 07:53 PM

Originally posted by johnlear

Because I believe that the government used holographs to fabricate Boeing 767's flying into the World Trade Center to incite hatred against Muslim/Arabs to fabricate a reason to attack and control Afghanistan to grow, cultivate, transport and market illegal drugs the profits of which are used for black projects.

Pretty far out, but O' so close to the truth I can almost taste it! Don't forget Iraq and that vast suppy of oil!

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 08:13 PM

Originally posted by IgnoranceIsntBlisss
I love how after I issue a solid rebuttal to Mr. Lear's answer, he responds to others while skipping over me, and then all the No Planers arrive to talk it up as if there's no doubt.

Yeah, there's plenty of doubt in my mind and since "the no planers" refuse to take up the challenge of researching know holograph tecnology I'm going to try and dig up what I can with my limited time, being a father of two.

Edit for stupidity.

[edit on 9/28/2007 by infinityoreilly]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 08:50 PM
So the best evidence we have for the Hologram theory is a 1990's pamphlet projecting guessed technology in 18 years.

The best evidence for real physical planes is several hundred photographs and videos. Several thousand eye witnesses, a bloody great big plane shaped hole in a building, lots of dead airplane passengers and airplane wreckage and 2 missing planes.

Forgive my scepticism but what on earth drew any of you to the conclusion there weren't any planes?

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 09:08 PM
reply to post by myowncrusade

Yeah, if there's an afterlife, I really hope one of the victims who watched one of those planes come right into their office (and you gotta know some unfortunate soul did), meets one of the "no planers" in the great beyond........and chokes the living daylights out of their miserable soul.

[edit on 28-9-2007 by MrPenny]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 09:28 PM
Reply to Response To The John Lear Hologram Challenge

The Challenge: What made the 'cartoon cutouts' in the steel side of the buildings?

The response: Was Wile E. Coyote here?

Thanks IIB for your interesting but totally ludicrous response. I’ll bet you were sweating bullets trying to get that Boeing 767 to fit into that little crack allegedly made by a 150 ton airliner. Some of us had a good laugh over that one.

But to review a few things before I begin my Reply to your Response I would like to point out the following:

The cartoon cutouts in the side of the World Trade Center towers were probably made by demolition experts to simulate an airplane crashing into it.

Several posters, including yourself, have posted photo shopped lines or images of a Boeing 767 fitting neatly into the area carefully demolished by controlled demolition experts to simulate a Boeing 767 crashing into the World Trade Center.

The fact is that it is totally impossible for an airplane the size of a Boeing 767 to crash into a building ‘like gliding through butter’. From the moment the nose contacts the building until the time the tails disappears is from between .20 and .25 seconds, having not been restricted or even slowed by an initial contact with exterior steel box columns each column a hollow 14-inch square box-shaped length of steel, its center 39 inches from the center of the next column then, less than 60 feet later, contacting a 47 column core within an overall rectangular core floor area of approximately 87 feet x 137 feet (26.5 m x 41.8 m), each column of which had a rectangular cross section of approximately 36" x 14" at the base with steel 4" thick all around (100 mm), tapering to ¼" (6 mm) thickness at the top.

This gliding through butter illusion/hoax is worthy only of a Wile E. Coyote cartoon but is nothing more than a sick joke and believed only by the truly uninformed.

Each of the following listed companies are the defendants in the Qui Tam Complaint filed in United States District Court for the Southern District of New York Docket No. May 31, 2007 by Plaintiff/Relator Dr. Morgan Reynolds on behalf of the United States of America who brings this action to:

recover treble damages and civil penalties under the False Claims Act, 31 U.S.C. P. 3729-33 and to recover all available damages and other monetary relief under the common law or equitable theories of unjust enrichment, payment under mistake of fact, recoupment of overpayments and common law fraud, based on defendant’s false claims and false statements made in and pursuant to certain reports, meetings, decision-making procedures, documentation, analyses of various types that resulted in the accumulation of thousands of pages of text, reports, illustration and graphic displays for which the defendants received significant monetary compensation, all the while having overt and direct knowledge, that all such documentation was either false, fraudulent, a sham and/or designed to obfuscate the true and correct state of affairs that existed and that was hidden and hereinafter articulated in detail including:

(13)… defendants and each and every one of them especially those among them who are developers of PsyOps, including by way of non-exhaustive example, SAIC and ARA, committed fraud in seeking to have NCSTAR 1 deceive the public into not recognizing that WTC1,2 could not reasonably or possibly have been hit by jetliners in the manner depicted in some (but not other TV feeds) absent the use of PsyOps. Some of the defendants knew as much; other defendants either knew or if they did not, they should have known as it is all but obvious that hollow aluminum cannot glide through reinforced steel. To the extent they did not know this, such ignorance was willful, intentional and actionable under the False Claims Act.



Below I have posted 3 images. The image you posted of the lady standing at the edge of the building, your photo shopped image placing a Boeing 767 neatly fitting into what appears to be a crack made by controlled demolition to simulate an airliner crashing into a building and the image with the girl in which I placed your Boeing 767 outline.

Here is the first photo, the one containing the lady standing near the edge:

The second is your photo with the Boeing 767 neatly fitting into the controlled demolition crack in the building:

The third is the first picture, of the woman standing in the building but I have added an outline of the Boeing 767 exactly as you placed it in the photo above:

You can see that I have drawn the shape of the wing exactly where you placed it, along with the horizontal stabilizer. After checking out some line drawings and photos of the front view of the Boeing 767 I believe that it was mistakenly placed too far to the inboard and the overall diameter was too small so I changed it and moved it slightly outboard and enlarged it slightly. aa represents the tip of the left hand horizontal stabilizer the very tip of which very nearly coincides with the centerline of the engine on drawings I have seen of the Boeing 767. The placement or the size of the engine has no relevance in my Reply.

I have numbered the box columns in the photo, from left to right, one through 15.

First I would like you to notice that A, B, C, D, and E, which point to areas on or near where the wings should have breached the columns of 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, steel boxes. A close look will reveal that none of these steel columns was breached, or broken, or split in any manner such that the outer wing panel of a Boeing 767 could have passed through it. A yellow line, labeled ff, drawn vertically down represents the portion of the left hand outer wing panel to the left of which could not have passed into the building.

The span or length of a Boeing 767 wing is approximately 156 feet. Since each column is 39 inches on center we have approximately 11.5 ft of the left outer wing panel that did not fall to the ground or penetrate the building. We will refer to the missing outer wing panel as the Stealth Left Outer Wing Panel (SLOWP, pronounced slo-wop).

Proceeding further to the right of the Stealth Left Outer Wing Panel we see that the wing intersects the box columns 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12. So that would be another 19.5 feet that could not have made it into the building. So that’s about 31 feet of wing that was not found on the ground and could not have penetrated the building. We will refer to that 31 feet as the Stealth Left Wing Cumulative Total or (SLWCT pronounced slow-cut).

There is another section of the wing that intersects box columns 14 and 15. Even if the wing would have missed them by being several feet lower the left horizontal stabilizer could not possibly have missed them.

And if by some miracle the wing would have missed box column 13 and 14 it would still not affect the intersection of the wing with box columns 7, 8, 9, 10 11, and 12.

To the suggestion that box columns 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 may have sagged we have this from “Why did the Trade Center Skyscrapers Collapse” by Morgan Reynolds:

None of the upper sections (the 45 exterior columns that were fractured in the North Tower between floors 94 and 98) visibly sags or buckles towards its counterpart column below. We can infer this because of the aluminum covers on the columns: each seam uniformly aligns properly across the tower, forming a horizontal ‘dashed line’ in the facade from beveled end to end. Despite (what is allegedly) an impact hole, gaps in perimeter columns, and missing parts of floors 95-98 at the opening, the aluminum façade shows no evidence of vertical displacement in the columns, suggestive of little or no wider floor buckling at the perimeter.

The aluminum covers attached to the columns also aligned vertically after (alleged) impact, that is, separated columns continued to visually remain, ‘plumb’ (true vertical), lining up top to bottom around the aperture, implying no perceptible horizontal displacement of the columns. Photographic evidence for the northeast side of the north tower showed no wider secondary structural impact beyond the opening itself.

If the wing were lowered enough to fit into the openings of those box columns (box columns 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12) the right outer wing panel hole will not line up, not to mention it would also lower the left outer wing panel to still squarely contact box columns 1, 2, 3, 4 and, 5, to now also include box column 8, not to mention that now the lower fuselage will be contacting the box columns below it and probably the floor itself.

Now I would like to direct your attention the the left hand horizontal stabilizer (bb). You will see that it squarely would contact box columns 12, 13, 14, and 15.

Lets see how far down we would have to lower the left hand horizontal stabilizer to make it clear 13, 14, 15 box columns. Just right of center, on the lower half of the picture, is a girl standing on the edge of the building. We will call her Wonder Woman because presumably she has just survived an explosion and fire that virtually burned up an entire airplane including two 6 ton engines, a massive wing, a massive horizontal and vertical tail assembly with an associated empennage, hydraulic cylinders and hydraulic struts along with huge aluminum forgings and oxygen tanks; and her pants appear to be spotless.

Wonder Woman’s height is probably between 5 and 6 feet and we’ll call that height cc. Now look just above her and slightly to the left below the left hand horizontal stabilizer. That yellow line, with an arrow on both ends represents the height of the girl and is probably about 5 to 6 feet. So you can see that the left hand horizontal stabilizer would have to be lowered approximately 5 or 6 feet to clear the box columns 13, 14, 15 and twice that distance (about 12 feet) to clear box column 12. But if you lower the horizontal stabilizer 5 to 6 feet you have to lower the fuselage 5 to 6 feet and then nothing else fits.

And as long as we are looking at this part of the picture please notice the three lines marked as ee. They point to 3 perfectly and squarely cut box columns. Probably cut by thermite.

Since no part of the left hand horizontal stabilizer was found on the ground and since it could not possibly have entered the building we will refer to it as the Stealth Left Hand Horizontal Stabilizer (SLRHHS, pronounced slersh).

Please keep in mind that although I have not brought the engine into the presentation and that the exact placement may be a little different, that no matter whether its slightly more to the right or slightly smaller that it would contact box columns 12 and 13, which, if it did, then those column were made of rubber and not steel because they bounced back up almost vertical after the plane allegedly passed by. Unlike box column 14 which is missing. It was probably made of steel.

And under no circumstance of airplane and/or engine placement would it be possible for the CF-6 engine to be far enough to the right to take out box columns 14 and 15 but not 13.

Now under the wing is a dashed green line labeled dd. That dashed green line represents the lowest angle that the wing could have had above the sheared box columns. If that were the case then the left wing tip would still contact box column 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 and the horizontal stabilizer would still have contacted box column 12, and the engine would have contacted box column 12, 13, and 14, the right wing would not match the demolition cut on the right side and the right engine would have contacted the box columns below it.

That a Boeing 767, essentially a large aluminum tube, could have penetrated the World Trade Center tower in the manner and fashion as you suggest is impossible. It is not consistent with the facts and was a PsyOp by persons within the U.S. Government as a prelude or set-up to totally destroy both World Trade Center Towers with a combination of a Directed Energy Weapon and controlled demolition murdering over 3000 Americans in the process.

In the Qui Tam Complaint filed with the United States District Court for the Southern District of New York Plaintiff/Relator Morgan Reynolds states in allegation 51;

Several of the defendants with whom NIST contracted for services in the preparation of NCSTAR 1 are, themselves, primarily engaged as defense contractors in a variety of disciplines, including, without limitation, very specific involvement in the use, development, manufacture, testing and or assessment of usability of directe d energy weapons. In other words, NIST contracted with those who have the greatest familiarity with directed energy weapons in order to produce a report that sought to go to any length necessary to avoid, disguise, omit and otherwise divert attention away from the actual, real and intended destruction of the WTC complex by use of one device, namely directed energy weaponry, while pretending that the cause was the result of conditions that would be impossible based on the extent to which the NIST report, NCSTAR 1 violated both the laws of physics and common sense. By way of one example, NIST’s NCSTAR 1 report found no piece of steel that had been subjected to a temperature higher than 600 degrees C, and most had not encountered a temperature of higher than 250 degrees C; yet, NIST offered no explanation whatever for the visual confirmation that most of the steel of the WTC complex was turned to dust and otherwise visibly subjected to a destructive process that could not conceivably have been caused by the effects, combined or otherwise, of jet fuel, gravity and/or damage from jetliner impacts.

No Boeing 767’s crashed into the World Trade Center on 911. End of story.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 09:32 PM
reply to post by johnlear

John, I am of the belief that holograms are being used on the Earth's Moon and Mars to diguise areas that the Powers that be do not want us humans on Earth to see. It has been evident to me that there are shifting floating holagraphic craters on the Moon that I think are covering or blanketing sensitive areas for we humans can not see from Earth with telescopes.

You of all people understand how the black budget programs work and how they are being funded on Earth, Space, Planets and Moons in our Solar System.

Here are some questions you may be able to answer or shine some light on for us on ATS.

1. Is this a contrived and pretend War in Afghanistan even though many good men have lost their lives?

2. Is Ben Laden or his stand in working for the C.I.A. and releasing the videos at strategic times when needed to propagate the war in Afghanistan?

3. Is the reason that Ben Laden has not been captured is to give our military a reason to stay in the area to protect the poppy fields at all costs?

4. How long do you think Project 911 was in the works before being implemeted?

5. Do you think there is a time table after 911 being implemented in steps for the loss of our freedoms in the United States Of America?

6. If in fact these were holographic projections of planes hitting the twin towers. Were these projections being made from inside the towers, outside the towers by stealth fighters, invisible UFOs, digital Lazer 3-D program or some other way that you may be aware of that the holograms were being projected?

I would appreciate a response. Rik Riley

[edit on 28-9-2007 by rikriley]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 09:41 PM
reply to post by johnlear

OK, Thanks for that post John.

In your measurments and diagrams you are making the assumption that a "hollow aluminium tube" would maintain its rigid form upon impact, but given the forces involved that would almost certainly not be the case.

Let's just go a little crazy here and imagine a 767 crashed into one of the Towers.

What would you expect to see?

Would the plane bounce off? Or would it rip the tower in two? Or would it make a plane shaped hole? Or something else?

What do you think would happen if a 767 hit a large building like one of the WTC towers?

*Columbo style* Just one more thing Mr Lear.

What blew the girders, windows and structure inwards if it wasn't a plane? Directed energy beam in the shape of a plane? Thermite and some cleverly placed ropes?

[edit on 28-9-2007 by myowncrusade]

Edit for tiredness and my own stupidity (twice, I'm really tired and stupid)

[edit on 28-9-2007 by myowncrusade]

[edit on 28-9-2007 by myowncrusade]

posted on Sep, 29 2007 @ 02:41 AM
Originally posted by rikriley

Here are some questions you may be able to answer or shine some light on for us on ATS.

1. Is this a contrived and pretend War in Afghanistan even though many good men have lost their lives?

The war in Afghanistan was contrived to give us an excuse to go in and control the cultivation, distribution and sale of the opium. Afghanistan’s opium production prior to 911 was about 14% of the worlds supply. In a New York Times article on August 28, 2007 it was reported that

Afghanistan was now producing 93% of the worlds supply.
The control of the worlds illegal drug supply is very important to those who need ‘black budget’ money for projects they don’t want to account for in terms of money and scope such as the secret space program.

2. Is Ben Laden or his stand in working for the C.I.A. and releasing the videos at strategic times when needed to propagate the war in Afghanistan?

I believe that Bin Ladin dies several years ago from an illness. The person that pretends to be Bin Ladin is an actor reading a script.

3. Is the reason that Ben Laden has not been captured is to give our military a reason to stay in the area to protect the poppy fields at all costs?

As I mentioned before Bin Ladin is dead. We will fabricate any excuse to stay in Afghanistan to insure our control of the illegal supply of drugs to the world. And when you think about it, isn’t that more logical that we should control the supply and profit from the cultivation, distribution and sale of illegal drugs than say, some nut?

4. How long do you think Project 911 was in the works before being implemented?

At least 45 years in some form or another. In 1960, or there about, the government commission a study on the economic possibilities open to them. The summary was called "The Report From Iron Mountain." In other words, what would generate a sustaining, long term economy: Medical research? Space exploration? Technology? And it was decided that the only self sustaining, long term economic piston was that based on war.

Since that time the government has fabricated wars in Viet Nam, Panama, Grenada and many other places. But they found themselves running out of enemies to fight. So they invented one. One that would last many, many years: the Muslim Terrorist. Of course it was a total fabrication but from the governments point of view a war against Muslims could last a very long time, particularly because there were so many of them. They twisted Muslim history and religious beliefs and passed them out to their dutiful shills: Limbaugh, Hannity,Savich (or Weiner or or whatever he calls himself). It was and is discouraging to see so many outright total lies being told and printed about Muslims.

5. Do you think there is a time table after 911 being implemented in steps for the loss of our freedoms in the United States Of America?

There is always a timetable and always an agenda. We are like the frog in the water that is only luke warm.
There was a recent thread posted here on ATS that had the new NPRM (Notice of Proposed rule Making) from the Department of Homeland Security regarding airline reporting.

Next year, if the NPRM is made law, each airline in the United States will have to submit 30 items of personal information for of the passengers it intends to carry, 72 hours in advance for approval to depart on the flight:

Full name
Date of birth
Redress number or known traveler number
Passport information:
Passport number
Country of issuance
Expiration date
Full name
Itinerary information
Departure airport code
Airport operator
Departure date
Departure time
Arrival date
Scheduled arrival time
Arrival airport code
Flight number
Operating carrier(if available) For non- traveling individuals the itinerary information is the airport code for the sterile area to which the non-traveling individual seeks access.
Reservation Control Number
Record Sequence Number
Record Type
Passenger Update Indicator
Traveler Reference Number

The alleged purpose of the secure flight program is to assume the watch list matching function from aircraft operators and to more effectively and consistently prevent certain known or suspected terrorists from boarding aircraft where they may jeopardize the lives and passengers and others. (Presumably this exempts those in our government who conceived, planned and executed the 911 attack itself). Brought to you by the Department of Homeland Security: Keeping you safe from Democracy.

6. If in fact these were holographic projections of planes hitting the twin towers. Were these projections being made from inside the towers, outside the towers by stealth fighters, invisible UFOs, digital Lazer 3-D program or some other way that you may be aware of that the holograms were being projected?

My opinion is that the holographic projector was in the E-4 Boeing 747 that was flying over the White House.

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