reply to post by SevenThunders
Actually if your argument for the dangerous dissolution of our Religious institutions, than yea that might be a good point. We don’t need religion
to have Christ. In fact, aliens can’t touch your spirit any more than so called Satan. If you are in Christ, you do not fear.
1) Aliens claim they created mankind through genetic experiments.
The claim is they are doing two things. One, they are repairing millions of years damage to their own DNA, and two they are also creating more
advanced (intelligence) beings for the Earth once we trash it.
2) Aliens claim they created Jesus.
Might have genetically ‘doped” the genome with traits for expanded awareness then God took over. Their capabilities are well beyond our
3) Aliens claim the universe is God.
So does the old and New Testament and most ancient religious text, aboriginal and primitive spirituality.
4) Aliens have in their possession a pre-Moses version of the Bible
Probably because they have been here for several previous Human civilizations and have the “Unabridged” version.
5) Aliens believe in reincarnation
So do a major % of Humans. Even early Christians. Is Heaven an afterlife or what?
6) Aliens have psychic powers.
We do to. Just undeveloped, like Coco the chimp is now with human language.
7) Aliens abduct humans for genetic experiments and for possibly feeding on human blood.
Yea, they need to for the previous statements here. They may call creative discovery though. Witnesses sat the Reptoid aliens are carnivorous.
Cattle parts make good milkshakes. But I doubt Humans as fatty pork like cusine is at the top of the menu. We eat meat, but not your cat. Eww!
8) Some human testimony suggests that the aliens are pathological liars
Don’t we lie to our children sometimes when we are trying to explain something we know they cannot understand? Their (aliens) agenda is beyond our
understanding because their whole experience is a much larger bandwidth that we cannot access. I mean we can have no chance of seeing their million
year old ontological picture.
9) Government forces lost a pitched battle at an alien underground base.
Yea, I heard the late Phil Schniders account. Others too have seen these battles and the undergrounds they are waged in. How can we expect an ant to
win a battle with a Apache attack helicopter. (get in the eye of the pilot and cause a crash?)
10) Human abductions have been thwarted by calling on the name of Jesus.
Our spirit is very strong when we call on it. The Christ is in us. We invoke names of spirit to “tune” to the energy and awareness it affords.
I don’t doubt it, but if a Muslim cried out “Jesus!” Would that work?
11) Various UFO cults have resulted in the deaths of their adherents.
Many religious cults have claimed more lives than that by orders of magnitude. Military cults have more deaths. The history of wars fought in Gods
name is the longest list of violence, loss of life and atrocities in history. Junk food kills more too. The point?
These many species that are observing, helping, interacting for mutual benefit or even agenda set forth by an even higher counsel of races. There are
those who we would see as friendly, and those we would not from our simple-minded evaluations. Truth is we cannot know, at least intellectually.
This discussion might be better served in an appropriate thread. It curves off too much here from the original, that is a simple answer..
How about a new thread?
Implications of extraterrestrial intelligence on religious and cultural institutions.