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Would you be satisfied with disclosure?

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posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 03:54 PM
reply to post by thesneakiod offense but did you read below that post?

Originally posted by Lexion

Another one-liner.

Spartan, if you have a problem
with me, please, I beseech you
to U2U me.

I'll be quite happy to discuss it

If you're not able to U2U, due to
points, I'll ask a Mod to afford
you the privilege.

I can offer no promises in that

I can promise that I am fair, harsh
at times, word you
used, does apply, but only when the
truth hurts.

I don't want to see you getting warnings,
much less, banned...but, you must
understand that there are rules here
at ATS.

I welcome you, too.
This is a great site, with incredible people.
I'm totally humbled by some of the
people here, yet I don't hesitate to post
my opinion.



Does that still sound like FLAMING to you?It sounds like denying ignorance to me.How many members would offer that to someone new?Read the entire thread before you post.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 10:56 PM
full disclosure would mean revealing technologies that have long been supressed by the military-industrial complex, shadow govt, elite bankers, or whatever you want to call them.

These technologies would break control away from these people. It would free the world from poverty, oil, and ultimately war.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 11:31 PM
My only reason for wanting 'official disclosure' is to see us all freed from being controlled by very evil people and their oil.

I know aliens exist (opinion, not fact) and I suspect that they do have superior technology (opinion, not fact). But, until their existence is acknowledged to the general public, I'll still have to pay evil people for the energy content that I use, which is derived from their oil.

Even if I had a zero-point energy machine in my yard, I'm sure that evil people will still dream up ways for my council rates to increase by 800% along with a zero-point energy machine license that would cost more money than I ever spent on oil in the first place.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 07:22 AM
reply to post by AccessDenied

Er....what you going on about? I wasn't talking about any of quotes you posted.

I was talking about the way the OP got an extremely sarcastic reply and his very first post torn apart. Thought it was a bit uncalled for that's all.

And if you didn't see that, then maybe YOU should read the entire post before YOU reply?

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 07:30 AM
The hard question behind disclosure is has everything been disclosed. The fact that some information is being disclosured mights that someone at sometime wanted it kept closed.

And you always have to question, why something is being disclosed. What does the discloser gain by offering this information up.

So to answer the OP's question - I could never be satisfied with disclosure

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 09:38 AM
The media is going crazy about Aliens. Are we close to disclosure or what? Everything around us seems to be more and more 'alien' themed. Watch any television or read any current magazine and you'll usually find at least one reference to UFOs and their alien pilots. Many researchers no longer ask: "what are UFOs?" Instead they question, "What planet are they from?" But what do we really know about unidentified flying objects?

Strange sights in our skies is nothing new. For as long as we have had written records, reports of UFOs have been made. Strange entities are also not new to mankind's history. Many such beings in the past have claimed to be from the heavens. Since the earliest times, mankind has felt that there must exist a mind superior to his own. Until now, Man has always thought of supreme beings in a religious context. That is why until the industrial revolution, sightings of UFOs and contacts with strange creatures were thought of as mystical experiences.

With Science as the new religion, the former "Gods" and "Angels" have now turned into the "ET's" and "Grays." In fifty years we have witnessed the birth of a new religion, the church of interplanetary visitors. As with other religions, proof is not needed, only faith. What is it that has converted so many to the extraterrestrial dogma?

It's very obvious to me that many of us around the World have had 'odd experiences' to say the least so believe only with faith. For me though, it takes a fairly closed mind to imagine we are the only intelligent life out there. And let's face it some humans aren't even intelligent!

What is being seen? What has been said? What is the real evidence that is being presented to us? Only through knowledge will we begin to understand the enduring mysteries in our skies.

I for one will be very glad with a full disclosure. Frightening? No. It would only be frightening if you weren't expecting it. For me personally, it would be a breath of fresh air.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 09:59 AM
IF disclosure really did happen, I would be satisfied but still suspicious. But I dont think that disclosure is going to happen as an event if it happens at all.

Meaning that I cant see a global pronouncement that on Feb. 6, 2011 @ 0800 UT, all participating entities will disclose their deepest darkest secrets to the general public. Not going to happen.

I can see, IF it happens, it being a very slow methodical almost imperceptible event, so much so that 95% of the planet wont even be aware its happening until its done.

I'd be satisfied either way.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 02:51 PM

Originally posted by tezzajw
'My only reason for wanting 'official disclosure' is to see us all freed from being controlled by very evil people and their oil.'

This is not the only reason why I would welcome disclosure, though if disclosure accomplished this it would be a great achievement.

'Even if I had a zero-point energy machine in my yard, I'm sure that evil people will still dream up ways for my council rates to increase by 800% along with a zero-point energy machine license that would cost more money than I ever spent on oil in the first place.'

However, though this is not my only fear, I hope disclosure is not used to assist such selfish actions, whilst appearing to provide us with the truth. Though we would advance as a species through the knowledge we gain, the general population would be leading lives built on even more lies and false information. If this was to occur it would be... lets say... 'a small step backwards' for a world that supposedly promotes equal rights. Rather a step towards dictatorship where a select few view the many as nothing more than gullible followers. This would not be freedom.

[edit on 28-9-2007 by scepticbeliever]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 03:08 PM

Originally posted by Meatclown
I think the whole Alien thing is a massive psyop and will play a key role in end times deception. It all has to do with discrediting jesus and the bible through these new age religions that center around our "alien friends." These "aliens" show no compassion and are deceitful by nature. They harvest human fetuses without permission, how sick can you get? I believe they are the fallen angles of genesis. They are satanic.

So yes, disclosure will happen, but, coming from the government, it will most surely be a lie.

I absolutely agree with this position. If you look at the various disclosure projects e.g. Greer or Richard Doty etc., it appears that the aliens are all promoting an anti-christian new age agenda. They are pathological liars.

Just why are the aliens so interested in discrediting Christ? If it's just a local cult to them I find this odd. They even created a phony artifact with a fake Bible inside a 'crashed' UFO. Talk about disinformation. It's all geared to 'discredit' christianity. What is most telling however is how people have thwarted abductions by calling on Jesus Christ.

What does that tell you?

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 03:12 PM
reply to post by SevenThunders

What discredits Christianity are people, not aliens. In my experiences, I've been totally turned off from Christianity by religious zealots who like to burn books and scream that everything outside their church is a demon, evil, etc, not by beings from other worlds.

My 2 cents

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 03:28 PM
Disclosures not happening. Disclosure negates the purpose of our very being. Government disclosure would not be truth.

We are not an independantly evolved species. ET is not another independantly evolved species "visiting".

Biology is technology. We belong to them, we are their purpose. ET are gardeners. teachers, doctors, wardens, supervisors.

Even most of the believers would need to have a rethink on what they believe if the truth be told. Everything physical is created and manipulated by intelligences on a continuous and ongoing basis. People think that it's just a question of gubments admitting their existence, that's not even a micromillimetre of the tip of the iceberg. We (humans) really have no clue at all on what it's all about and what's going on, not an inkling, and it's meant to be that way.. that's the whole point.

Don't ask for proof, you know it ain't happening, this is just one of 6.5 billion unverifiable opinions.

I say no to disclosure. Don't want it, don't need it.


posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 03:30 PM
They (gov't) might know maybe a little more than the rest of the population, but surely not the whole picture. I have to agree a little with above poster. we may just be here as a 'pet project' of some higher up. lol.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 03:35 PM
Seeking Inter-Universal Communication
With Spiritually, Highly Evolved
Humanoid Beings
Deep Down Within
I Perceive to Be

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 04:24 PM
reply to post by thesneakiod

I did.. that is my point...
Try again

I said read BELOW that post you were speaking of.
Always read the entire thread before you reply.Good practice.

[edit on 28-9-2007 by AccessDenied]

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 04:25 PM
reply to post by scepticbeliever

Disclosure would be the first step, yes I would like this to happen. But, that would need to be more than a statement. Next would be the program for diseminating the information. That would be more difficult. There would need to be funding allocated and an office of management for gathering and making available 60-100 years of data to the public. Imagine the intense and frantic demand there would be for documents, film, video, live disclosure from officials and more.

I would like to see an Amnesty program for those in government who under threat of death have had to lie to us and their families. For those who have broken law, either constitutional or common/fed/state/local there would need to be a special court committee or board. Like Nurumbourg, but that is an inappropriate reference.

Than we need people to explain this, and we have good people to do this, but demand for someone to explain to uneducated, children and such will come out of the woodwork. There would also be a massive need to manage mis-information and very scared and desperate characters wanting to take advantage with scams and other unspeakable abuses. Panic for some too would heighten the overall anxiety. The so called terrorist would become more desperate, social problems would increase.

It is a complex and earth shattering subject for all. The ontological impact to society and institutional entities, while not insurmountable, would surely count some casualties.

The information we would begin getting would undermine current infrastructure and demand global change in our way of living for every individual. Even us informed folks would be changing our pants.

Has to happen. Need to pull out that 2000 year old festering sliver of ignorance from our foot. Gonna hurt, but not as much as the ignorance of reality. With that, we all die a slow and painful death on a beautiful planet who will fortunately survive us.

So, yes,, but know the implications and be ready for wholly new horrors and tragedy for the human populations.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 04:49 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders

Originally posted by Meatclown
I think the whole Alien thing is a massive psyop and will play a key role in end times deception. It all has to do with discrediting jesus and the bible through these new age religions that center around our "alien friends." These "aliens" show no compassion and are deceitful by nature. They harvest human fetuses without permission, how sick can you get? I believe they are the fallen angles of genesis. They are satanic.

So yes, disclosure will happen, but, coming from the government, it will most surely be a lie.

I absolutely agree with this position. If you look at the various disclosure projects e.g. Greer or Richard Doty etc., it appears that the aliens are all promoting an anti-christian new age agenda. They are pathological liars.

Just why are the aliens so interested in discrediting Christ? If it's just a local cult to them I find this odd. They even created a phony artifact with a fake Bible inside a 'crashed' UFO. Talk about disinformation. It's all geared to 'discredit' christianity. What is most telling however is how people have thwarted abductions by calling on Jesus Christ.

What does that tell you?

Oh come on.

Actually deep Christian knowledge and the true word is written on the heart, not the anti-flack jacket of pedantic fear-based defense. If you hear the WORD, it says nothing so fear based. If you are truly in Christ's light, you have no such polarity.

A drunk thinks he is under attack when you talk about alcoholism? Really, what comes out about religion is that it is not as great as the messages given. Jesus, (the Christ) would have not had so much indignation and fearful pointing. Spirituality has little to do with religion in reality. It is the limiting crust of dogma and organized sepratism designed by dark ages control by waring and greedy people in power who "claimed" to know the Christ, when the exact opposite was true.

That is the proprietary consciousness of unevolved organisms that got us in the mess we are. What about the hundreds of other religions? Christian are outnumbered by eastern religious doctrine. So are you discrediting Buddha or Mohammad or the many other illumined teachers? Please put down your weapons of mass stupidity and turn the other cheek. Fear not.

In truth we all know nothing except that God is LOVE. So what where you thinking? Love of yourself? Ye of little faith, lower your weapons and love thine enemies, either written or perceived. You can't be wrong in this.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 05:00 PM
Its interesting to see so many different views and feelings towards disclosure. Throughout history great progressions have been accomplished where individuals have come together to work as a team and utilize their individual thoughts/feelings/beliefs/strengths, whilst brushing aside their differences, to energize a movement far more than any individual could hope to achieve. If used to divide, I think disclosure would be a very powerful weapon to yield indeed.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 05:17 PM
reply to post by ZeroGhost

I'm not entirely sure what you are saying. My particular viewpoint on this is based on a certain amount of eyewitness testimony. Normally we form our beliefs based on the available information. Now I am in favor of disclosure, even if it's to get a 'sanitized' version of what the government has been doing. However I am very leery of the alien's supposed message. Of course none of this is directly verifiable but according to various disclosures and eyewitness accounts we obtain the following:

1) Aliens claim they created mankind through genetic experiments.
2) Aliens claim they created Jesus.
3) Aliens claim the universe is God.
4) Aliens have in their possession an pre-Moses version of the Bible
5) Aliens believe in reincarnation
6) Aliens have psychic powers.
7) Aliens abduct humans for genetic experiments and for possibly feeding on human blood.
8) Some human testimony suggests that the aliens are pathological liars
9) Government forces lost a pitched battle at an alien underground base.
10) Human abductions have been thwarted by calling on the name of Jesus.
11) Various UFO cults have resulted in the deaths of their adherents.

So aliens just happen to believe in some recent popular new age philosophies and they just happen to have a particular desire to attack the basic tenets of the christian faith and they seem to foster dangerous cult and occultic activity. The evidence suggest to me that the aliens are not exactly aliens as much as demons or their allies.

From a christian perspective, mankind was placed on earth behind enemy lines. Earth is the throne of Lucifer. That may well mean that many nearby star systems are also under demonic influence or control, we don't know. If this planet is behind enemy lines it is likely that there is a quarantine on travel here. All the more reason to be suspect with regards to alien visitations.

posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 05:51 PM

Originally posted by SevenThunders
reply to post by ZeroGhost

I'm not entirely sure what you are saying. ...Of course none of this is directly verifiable but according to various disclosures and eyewitness accounts we obtain the following:

1) Aliens claim they created mankind through genetic experiments.
2) Aliens claim they created Jesus.
3) Aliens claim the universe is God.
4) Aliens have in their possession an pre-Moses version of the Bible
5) Aliens believe in reincarnation
6) Aliens have psychic powers.
7) Aliens abduct humans for genetic experiments and for possibly feeding on human blood.
8) Some human testimony suggests that the aliens are pathological liars
9) Government forces lost a pitched battle at an alien underground base.
10) Human abductions have been thwarted by calling on the name of Jesus.
11) Various UFO cults have resulted in the deaths of their adherents.

So aliens just happen to believe in some recent popular new age philosophies and they just happen to have a particular desire to attack the basic tenets of the christian faith and they seem to foster dangerous cult and occultic activity. The evidence suggest to me that the aliens are not exactly aliens as much as demons or their allies.

From a christian perspective, mankind was placed on earth behind enemy lines. Earth is the throne of Lucifer. That may well mean that many nearby star systems are also under demonic influence or control, we don't know. If this planet is behind enemy lines it is likely that there is a quarantine on travel here. All the more reason to be suspect with regards to alien visitations.

What I mean is that we, with all our recorded knowledge know almost NOTHING about the universe. It's a blow to the ego (ego is antichrist?)

In order to learn something so fundamentally different than the stereo instructions we got from human authored secod hand knowledge, we need drop ALL preconceptions. ALL!

When you experience the world outside our bubble of fear and ignorance, you see that everything we know is but a blemish on an infinite universe of wonder, love and being. From this understanding we find that most of our so called civilization is folly. Those that have first hand experience with the infinitely larger universe (makes what we are experiencing now to look like a badly done cartoon), you see that most our motivations are still locked in the past of a unrealized organism. We have great potential, but a way to go before the greater civilization we are in can allow us out for fear of trashing local space.

We are stupid, dirty, selfish, fearful, greedy (to name but a few our flaws) and undeserving of inclusion in true awakened society. Our petty squabbles about our little "Spiritual Social Groups" persists even in conversation here. All that is mute in the face of what we are going to find in the next moment of the world we hide in. We need nothing but open hearts (Christ can be there too) and open minds, because reality is so different than the painted walls of the cocoon we have been in, that to make any distinctions whatsoever is profoundly dangerous.

I will finish and answer your points in additional reply.


posted on Sep, 28 2007 @ 06:25 PM
If it's impossible for us to know what's REALLY going on, then how the heck is it possible to know, without a doubt, that something beyond our understanding is actually going on in the first place? If I ask you to prove this and you come back with "it's impossible to prove but aliens are involved." This makes absolutely no sense. You might as well say, "it's impossible to prove but I know Baby Wets 'N Wiggles Girl Dolls are involved."

Who on earth has allowed all of us to be nothing but an intergalactic reality show and why? Again - we somehow know this, but it just can't be proven, understood or revealed to us?

South Park dealt with this concept better than what I've been reading here.

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