I'm posting the vids, the when I check on my post (making sure the vid turns out ok), all I'm seeing is a black screen. The youtube link is there
(below a black screen) and I don't see a 'pic' associated (where the black screen is)
AD. Opened up my mind, I saw the sign... jaune fleur rose! Bonne! Elle est trop, trop en clarite'. Dit le moi en Anglais? Clear as lab-pyrex.
So we're at breaky, Dad's all happy inhaling meat, pancakes, preserves and the wind is spinning the lazy susan unfurling paper towel from the roll,
dust bunnies from under the fridge, making the furnace switch on and off, usual stuff right?.
So I say,"Daddy is it just me or did they stop making as much good music since the turn of the Century?" He stops, blinks, blinks again, looks at
Mom, looks at me... and in Man-ape Tool-Time-ese says," Whaa? Arroomph? Oh, hoh, hoh, yes... yessss, Daughter, Oh - hoh - hoh - hoh - hoh. But I
thought was the 70's when they stopped". LOL.
If it wasn't for Mommy and Daddy's vinyl and this thread AD I'd be all Britney and Jessica'd and Lilly'ed-out and with a similar vocab and IQ.
Mommy said it happened, right after Dark Side and maybe this...
They are going to an actual "Sock-Hop" for New Year's. No socks for me.
I need to take a man to school. It's all "Jake", Jakey-Baby.
Oh, oh, AD, Flicks wants you to have her picture AD!! I know it might not sound like much but for her this is HUGE! I'll send back-channel.
(She's... well, you'll see!!!!) If she can convince her Dad to ante-up for a PC and phat-band (and like likely even if she can't) she wants to join
ATS because...... of you and your Dance party!!! A long journey begins with but a step. Biologist? MD? Um, Flick how about the runway?
Now as the turbo slows across the borderline and I'm huntin' for a filling station with the good stuff to slake Annie's thirst. She's a binge
drinker on both spools, can't let Annie suck wind in anger or she'll squeak... and I'll be back in the...
New Year's is a bit like the...
or maybe... my fav?
On the net we can some of the old Sipirit?
Really though I want Jake "N' Bake... carpenters are "Sawyers" right?
Don't forget the Parks and Rec Department! Or the Transit Authority!
Waitng... another day in the park! Play on! Help me change the world! Slow motion riders, bronze man... maybe Viktor Hedman. No. Jake. But a
park or something for sure!
I hope this embeds... there's almost no video on the net. Lot of vinyl here.
Sorry Daddy. Next time I'll pull for the Leafs instead. Jake might like the tickets, I do. Happy going to work for Attila day dad! Two days and
buh-bye. Atty's more fun anyway! It ain't 7 to 3 partner!
After 11PM. Headphone time. I want Bluetooth or something wireless that won't give me a brain tumour. It is almost possible to dance sitting down.
Only 6 feet of cord... LOL.