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Autism & MMR related?

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posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 05:23 PM
First I want to say that my son does not have Autism but that I'm deeply involved with researching this disease that seems to just keep getting worse!

From all the research I have done, it all points to the MMR shot that is given at 15months of age. I have heard many stories of parents with children that were talking well before the 15 mo. age and after the MMR, they could no longer speak, or developed AD/HD, ADD or a form of encephalitis. The MMR has anywhere between 12.5 to 25 mg of thimerosal, which is a mercury based preservative.

Also I came across a article about a conference that was held at Simpson Wood Conference Ctr. and 52 health officials met secretly to discuss the possibility that the MMR was directly linked to Autism. A epidemiologist named Thomas Verstraeten gave proof that thimerosal and Autism were directly linked. Now this conference took place in 2000, and I have not heard anything about this. Sounds like a cover up.

I know when my son turned 15 mo. I did not want him to have the shot, I was one that didn't want him to have any shots because of the terrible side effects that may happen, I was told by my Dr. that my son would not be a patient of his any longer if I refused the shots. I did call around to other pediatricians and was told the same thing ( I live in a small town). Also they are not allowed to attend public school or daycare without a shot record. Eventually I allowed the shots to be given to my son as I felt I had no other choice.

I do honestly believe the MMR is directly related to Autism. Your thoughts?

[edit on 26-9-2007 by magycpapyri]

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 05:44 PM
Mercury and mercury-based preservatives in vaccinations and inoculations are a chronic problem in the USA. If you look to the Amish who do not vaccinate, they have no cases of autism. I believe the problem goes beyond MMR to all innoculations (with the possible exception of the older tetanus vaccination but not the current one).

Does anyone really know what is in these shots being given to children? Should one just "trust the government" or "trust the doctors" or "trust the scientists" -- when the Polio vaccine given to most of us also gave us the SV-40 virus which is strongly linked to causing cancers....

The levels of autism are a huge crisis in the USA having been listed at a rate of 1 out of 150 children and possibly today closer to 1 out of 75 children.

[edit on 26/9/07 by Pellevoisin]

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 05:48 PM
reply to post by magycpapyri

The link between mercury and autism has been established. The particular link between mercury-laden preservatives and autism has also been proven. But one is more likely to hear on Fox News in the USA or CNN that "mercury is good for you" or something even more diabolical.

Although the US government has said several times that mercury has been taken out of the vaccinations, those statements are in fact lies to keep the public docile.

[edit on 26/9/07 by Pellevoisin]

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 06:10 PM
There are alleged links to autism and all those other "new" afflictions from these 'vaccines'.
The plan is to get the kids sick, then have them prescribed these patented highly addictive mind job drugs, then they have patients for life. These patients will be branded 'mentally incapable' and have thier basic rights removed. Such as evidenced by other posts on this site relating to the Army de-arming ex-military, and other things to come upon the general population soon.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 06:30 PM
A study by the CDC which claimed Thimerosal was a safe ingredient, has undergone closer scrutiny, and serious flaws in the study have been uncovered.
CDC Study Flawed

The researchers didn't adjust for birth weight -- "which doesn't make sense, given that an 8 pound baby injected with the hepatitis B vaccine at birth was exposed to 35 times the EPA daily safety level for mercury, (calculated by bodyweight) while a 4 pound infant was slammed with 70 times the EPA level." Neither did they control for physical, behavioral, or pharmaceutical therapies: the kids were enrolled in a big California HMO, so they could have received treatments that minimized thimerosal's effects. And finding that thimerosal-exposed boys had higher rates of tics was much creepier than the CDC said, as certain tics are associated with autistic spectrum disorders -- which, incidentally, are also much higher in boys.

When a organization like the Center for Disease Control, can not offer up a professional quality study on Thimerosal, one has to question why? It either is harmless, or it isn't, and every time a flawed study gets released, it only supports the notion that there is something serious being covered up.

I often travel to remote international locations and have had more inoculations than I can count. I have even had " experimental" or rather, newly tested inoculations. I have no desire to contact Malaria, Dengue fever, TB, Hepatitis, and a plethora of other maladies one finds all to common in parts of the world. I am quite healthy and do believe that preventative medicine is a good idea. The difference however, is that in children, their bodies are not as strong, are still forming, and react to outside agents in a very different manner. Caution is therefore, the wiser path.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 07:24 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

It amazes me that there is no way around these inoculations. It should be our right to say if we want our children to have them.

In regards to the Amish, I am very good friends with a lot of Mennonite
families in my area, actually after my son was not allowed to attend daycare because I refused to have his inoculations. I started taking him to the Mennonites. I have the utmost respect for them and their way of life. You are correct in saying that they do not give their children inoculations. In fact I have discussed this subject with my close friend that is Mennonite, she stated that she has not heard of anyone in the area we live in that has Autism. She also wanted a explanation of the disease because she had not heard of it. So I think that goes to show that the MMR is directly related to Autism.

So What do we DO?

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 07:34 PM

Originally posted by magycpapyri
reply to post by Pellevoisin

It amazes me that there is no way around these inoculations. It should be our right to say if we want our children to have them.

Keeping your child disease free then depends on the rest of us vaccinating our children. Having see the effects of children dying first hand from diseases that COULD have been prevented, I can say its sad and horrifing at the same time. So you are in essence by your own worries condeming our children at the expence of your own?

If you do not want your child immunized, then you have a few options: You can home school them. However for myself I also think that you should also have to sign a waiver making you financialy responsable for medical treatment if those cases occur.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 07:56 PM
reply to post by FredT

I do understand what you're saying regarding not having the shots, by not having them, we may be putting other children at risk, but then you have to ask yourself. Which is the worse of two evils?

The gov't needs to stop poisoning our children and take responsibility for the mistake that was made. Especially since they have known about this for so long.

Its a very difficult decision for a mother to make, when your thinking of the fate of your child, is in that one decision that you make. What a very scary moment it is!

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 08:15 PM
I am not certain what you are worried about as Thimerosal has not been used in childhood vaccines since 2001. It is still in some flu shots, but they are not required immunizations.

I do wonder why the CDC study was so flawed, but it was about past issues. Inoculations save thousands of lives every year, and prevent the spread of disease.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 08:41 PM
reply to post by Terapin

To the contrary Thimerosal continues to be used in the process of making various vaccines but is then said to be extracted before the vaccines are sent out for use. It is highly debatable whether or not the "extraction" process works as claimed. In fact it smells like another dodge to keep using Thimerosal but hiding it from plain view.

I am astounded by the faith and trust US Americans have in their CDC and FDA.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 09:05 PM
If Thimerosal has not been in childhood vaccines since 2001, why even study if it is safe?
Is it becasue the medical community so wants to put it back into use as a preservative so they can keep vaccines longer and thus make more profit? What is more important--the possibility of damaging young children or a fatter bottom line?

If vaccines are so darn important, why not make them as safe a possible, with as few additives as possible?

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 09:18 PM
reply to post by Pellevoisin

Thankyou Pelle!

I was going to say the same thing of thimerosal. There is a huge reason to worry, the Autism rates have sky rocketed in the past years. Our childrens health is of utter importance, there should not be any type of discrepancies, concerns or mistakes when it comes to having a child vaccinated.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 09:27 PM

Originally posted by FredT
Keeping your child disease free then depends on the rest of us vaccinating our children. Having see the effects of children dying first hand from diseases that COULD have been prevented, I can say its sad and horrifing at the same time. So you are in essence by your own worries condeming our children at the expence of your own?

If you do not want your child immunized, then you have a few options: You can home school them. However for myself I also think that you should also have to sign a waiver making you financialy responsable for medical treatment if those cases occur.

There are a lot of people admitting that their non-vaccinated children don't come down with the illnesses that vaccinated children get. According to a lot of the grassroots health organizations, there is evidence to suggest that:

1. There are natural foods, herbs and supplements to cure just about any natural disease or sickness.

2. Children who are on healthy organic vegetarian (and/or vegan) diets are healthier and smarter than those who are not.

So children who are non-vaccinated and are on a healthy diet will not get sick. and spread diseases.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 09:30 PM
I believe the study was conducted to determine if certain neurological issues could have been the result of a specific environmental component, namely Thimerosol. They did determine that boys seem to have a greater occurrence of neurological tics, than girls, when both are exposed to the substance. That's bad.

I agree that all medical products should be mandated to be as safe as possible and free from additional substances. I also believe that preventative medicine is very important and people who refuse to get imunizations based on fear of a product currently not in use, is silly.

As for the possible future use of Thimerosol, inform your representatives of your position on the subject and keep yourself informed. An informed decision is far better than one based on fear and ignorance.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 09:39 PM
Here is another article about autism and thimerosal that's worth a look.

Personally, I don't feel there is anything safe about synthetic chemicals. The FDA and pharma companies have long histories of lies and deceit. There is no reason to believe anything they say.

Links between autism and thimerosal
Autism affects 500,000 to 1.5 million Americans and has grown at an annual rate of 10 to 17 percent since the late 1980s. California found a 273 percent increase in autism between 1987 and 1998. Maryland reported a 513 percent increase in autism between 1993 and 1998 and several dozen other states reported similar findings. Some scientists say the estimated number of cases of autism has increased 15-fold –1,500 percent – since 1991, when the number of childhood vaccinations doubled. Whereas one in every 2,500 children was diagnosed with autism before 1991, one in 166 children now have the disease.
This increase in reported autism cases eerily parallels the increase in the number and frequency of thimerosal-containing vaccinations administered to infants. As of today, children are given as many as 21 immunizations in the first 15 months of life. After a number of scientists and concerned activists noticed the correlation, an investigation was launched to get to the heart of the matter.

Source: The great thimerosal cover-up: Mercury, vaccines, autism and your child's health

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 09:49 PM
reply to post by Terapin

As for the possible future use of Thimerosol, inform your representatives of your position on the subject and keep yourself informed. An informed decision is far better than one based on fear and ignorance.

Maybe you have never been around a child with Autism and as harsh as that post was, maybe you have never been around children at all.

There is a bond between a mother and her child, unlike anything in this world. Of course a mother wants the best for her child, but like I said earlier what is the worse of two evils?

For you to say this whole situation is ignorant, honestly throws me for a loop. Its ok though, of course there will be criticism and people that don't agree. From a mother's point of view, none of that matters. You can criticise and call me ignorant all you want. It will not stop me from seeking the truth regarding the shots.

posted on Sep, 26 2007 @ 10:01 PM
reply to post by annestacey

Thankyou Anne for the information,most of this I have seen, but one thing stood out in this article.

In the past five years, Congress has also aided vaccine manufacturers, supposedly for "security" reasons. In 2002, a mysterious piggyback on the 2002 Homeland Security bill freed drug companies of liability in lawsuits regarding thimerosal. Called the "Eli Lilly Protection Act" by outraged parents and activists, the then-House Majority Leader Dick Armey told CBS News he snuck the amendment in to keep vaccine-makers from going out of business. Armey claimed it was a matter of national security. "We need their vaccines if the country is attacked with germ weapons."

Hmmm, Kinda makes one wonder

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 08:37 AM

Originally posted by Terapin
I believe the study was conducted to determine if certain neurological issues could have been the result of a specific environmental component, namely Thimerosol. They did determine that boys seem to have a greater occurrence of neurological tics, than girls, when both are exposed to the substance. That's bad.

I agree that all medical products should be mandated to be as safe as possible and free from additional substances. I also believe that preventative medicine is very important and people who refuse to get imunizations based on fear of a product currently not in use, is silly.

As for the possible future use of Thimerosol, inform your representatives of your position on the subject and keep yourself informed. An informed decision is far better than one based on fear and ignorance.

Oh geez...I can't believe I'm hearing this.

We've been through hell and back with my son with docs looking at all sorts of worst-case scenarios on him, including mitrochondrial disorder. So far, they've found nothing conclusive. And he seems fine overall. Except this occasional tic -- which the docs still raise concern on.

While he hasn't been given the MMR -- we're refusing and going to a physician who gives the three components in the MMR separately and over the course of a year -- his tics began after the first major round of shots at 3 months.

This will become a major groundswell of awareness -- and if I can prove that vaccines were the cause of our anguish and heartache, then damned if I won't be one to start a class action against Merck or whoever was the maker of the vaccine and the FDA for gross negligence.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 12:02 PM
This topic has already been discussed on ATS. You can see my thoughts in the original thread here:

When you really look at how vaccines are produced and regulated, and compare that to the rates of Autism in the US you can clearly see that there is little to no connection between the two. The surge in autism can be directly related to things I previously covered in the other thread. Something that can be added to my previous post would be that there are essentially two types of mercury used in the production of various vaccines and in clinical research: Ethylmercury and Methylmercury. The MMR vaccine was in the past and only has been manufactured using Ethylmercury, which cannot Bioaccumulate as its Methyl counterpart can. Because this type of mercury cannot absorb toxic substances at a rate any faster than which it is lost, it virtually guarantees that toxicity levels remain very low with the administration of vaccines and that it clears the body and leaves non-existant levels of Ethylmercury in the body.

Here is a list of products currently on the market that contain Ethylmercury: Products containing Ethylmercury

Most anti-vaccine, anti-FDA, anti-CDC, etc. websites rarely go into the scientific details and include rather little information beyond what the layman can understand. Once a person truely understands how vaccines and medications are manufactured beyond the most basic level they can gain a greater understanding of how products like the MMR vaccine do not contribute to the rise in Autism.

posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 12:06 PM
There has also been a massive debate in the UK over the past few years about the MMR vaccine but after prolonged tests in the UK and EU there had been no proven link between the two.

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