Dare I say it? An ideal way to steal an election.Personally,I much prefer just putting a cross next to a name.This can't be an improvement on
Chads.............Can it?
The Pentagon has defended its internet voting system after a critical report recommended it should be scrapped.
Four computer experts who reviewed the pilot project said the risks of online voting could not be eliminated.
"It has numerous other fundamental security problems that leave it vulnerable to a variety of well-known cyber attacks," said the report.
The Pentagon is standing by the system, which could be used in November's presidential elections.
Of course they are defending their f#####g system. What were you expecting from them ?
When everything on Earth ( money, votes... ) will be " electronically correct " ( hey, I like this term ) , we will be all screwed. DEEPLY &
While it is to be booed in any country, election tampering, it is of global concern when perpatrated by the US.
We can't get the goose step out of our elected Republican officials quick enough to avoid an obvious theft attempt, so it seems. Hopefully you can
keep us honest here in the states.