posted on Sep, 30 2007 @ 02:07 AM
Wow you posted a request and 9hrs later, when you had no response, you deduced that Iran has no freedoms?
Well my friend your experiment is flawed. Iranians, as has been noted, have just as much access to the Internet as most other countries. You asked a
question on a niche board where the vast majority of users are English speakers and American.
Not only would it be highly unlikely that an Iranian citizen would pass upon this thread in an obscure sub-forum, but I would be very surprised if
they would bother to engage in such a loaded question. Your title belays your real intention which is to discredit President Ahmadinejad. Asking them
to "speak out against their leader" is not a neutral question that is asking for all their opinions, as your opening post would have the reader
If you have something to say, say it. Please don't masquerade your opinions in anything other than statements.
[edit on 30/9/07 by subz]