posted on Sep, 25 2007 @ 07:03 AM
If there is one thing I can deduce from all these UFO sightings/ that there are aliens and they are very involved in our
Bleak Future~
If there is one thing I can deduce from all the reasons why aliens are here, is that they are not here for our benefit. At least for the
most part...
If there is one thing I can deduce from evidence of reincarnation and a true spirit is that there is. Also other planes of existence.
Basically just more to "life"...
This through a lot of reading and watching video, interviews on radio, all kinds of fun stuff. And I'm not done yet. I hope to do more research.
It funny how research goes you start with no info and you end up with a lot. You start out watching the odd video on u-tube or Google, then another,
another, another, another and then bamm your off reading a # load of books listing to radio interview and before you know it you have a load of info
and have to organize it. Basically this is what I've come up far that is. But IMO, basically....EEEEEAK