posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 02:06 PM
The recent ATS Debate Tournament attracted more than twice as many interested members as could be allowed to debate, and I have a list of about 20
members who were interested but didn't get to debate. Virtually all of those members have never debated on ATS before.
So, let's have a tournament for those who have never participated in ATS debates before.
A U2U is being sent to everyone who expressed interest in the last tournament, and they have first call at spots in this tournament for the first 72
Anyone who has never debated can throw their hat into the ring immediately by posting their desire to participate in this thread- if you didn't speak
up last time, you still don't have to wait. Members who were interested last time WILL GET A SPOT if they chime in within the first 72 hours.
Everyone else is first come, first served.
There are 16 openings, but this can be expanded to 24 if needed.
This isn't exactly like a normal tournament.
First and foremost, the hardened veterans won't be involved, so it's anyone's game.
Second, the ATS Debate Championship will NOT change hands. The rewards for success in this tournament are stars, applause, and ranking points
for the debate forum. (Ranking points determine seeding of championship tournaments- the higher your ranking is, the less likely you are to face a
high-powered opponent in the early rounds).
This tournament will be worth half the usual amount of ranking points. You get 1 point for each round you participate in, instead of 2, which are
awarded in championship tournaments. You get 1 point if you lose in the first round, 2 points if you lose in the second, 3 if you lose in the third, 4
if you lose in the final round, and 5 if you win the tournament.
Judging will also be different. Tournaments are usually judged by carefully selected pannels of 3-7 experienced members.
This tournament will be democratically judged for the most part. Each star that readers award you is worth 1 point. There will be one judge for each
match. The judge can award an extra 5 points to the member he believes has won. Whoever has the most points wins the match.
So lets hear it: who wants to compete?