posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 03:35 PM
I posted this in the UFO board but someone told me to also post it here. I dont wanna retype it so Ill copy and paste the other discussion.
Hi guys, Im sort of new here but been a lurker for a long time.
So I was driving down the street near my grandmas house and my mom was behind me. (both going to grandmas) I looked up and noticed the awesome clouds
which had this weird stacked 'pancake' look. So I called my mom and told her to look up as well. We were both just going "Oooh and Ahhh" so I got
off the phone and decided to try to catch a pic of them. (Yea I know. Im a real safe driver. )
So this is the picture i got. I made it my phone wallpaper cause I think its really pretty but I first noticed the silver thing on the far left and
then when I just now loaded it up I noticed the darker thing on the top which could easily be a bird or whatever.
Anyway, Im not saying its a 5 tentacled beast ship from the outer reaches of space, but just trying to make a fun analysis thread.
I didnt notice these at all when I took the pic, but keep in mind, I was also driving.