posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 03:29 AM
Congrats! You have all been duped and distracted.
Now allow me to explain......
First off this St George cop was obviously a problem and he did deserve to be fired. However, St. George was not the only problem. This cop being
fired is nothing more than an attempt to get the eyes of the nation OFF of this area and once that happens it will go right back to business as usual.
Remember the roadblocks that started this issue? The first video? To my knowledge they have yet to even begin that investigation as promised. The ONLY
reason this particular cop was fired is due to all the main stream media coverage, as well as coverage on the internet. This cop became KNOWN, he
could no longer keep a low profile. If he would have been able to lay low for a bit, he would still be a cop in this area and this incident does not
begin to scratch the surface of the real issues in this area. It was not JUST the St. George department, it is St. Louis county as well. What really
needs to be done is to find how many complaints have been filed, which departments, and IF it was actually investigated. Not every incident is caught
on video and not every cop who should be fired has been. We must remember, what we saw on the St. George video was one incident out of how many?. This
young man (Darrow was it?) had enough issues with enough police that he eventually put a camera in his car. So how many other officers acted this way?
It had to be a fair number for someone to go to the extreme of installing a video camera in your car that uploads to a secure location. His
interactions were not with just this one officer which easily brings you to the conclusion that what we all saw on this video is the norm. This is how
they go about business in this area. In other words, they are sacrificing this ONE cop to save the MANY.
Just look at all the other threads we have had this week is not just St. Louis county or the state of Missouri, it is EVERYWHERE.
70 year old women in a wheelchair tazed 10 times to death.
Ohio women tazed 5 times.
The kid who was at the Kerry event in Florida
The old women slammed to the pavement in California cause her lawn was brown.
and the list goes on and on. Those are just off the top of my head from this week alone and it is great this clown cop got fired, but it is just the
start. DO NOT BE PLEASED BECAUSE YOU GOT ONE BAD APPLE OUT OF THE BARREL. There are still many many more near the bottom. We must finish the job.