posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 12:13 PM
Watching Cops on tv and reading and seeing videos of the latest days reports of police brutality have got me thinking about how different these shows
look compared to the obvious reality.
Honestly, take a look at the show and study the officers behaviour. Theyre very polite, they are really helpful, they make really big efforts to show
how much they care about the people involved, and every arrest ends with an officers comment that sounds like a bad line from some Steven Segal
It just all seems so... exaggerated, as to brainwash people watching into thinking the police are really as nice as they appear to be in the show.
Think about people that never have gotten into trouble with the police, they sit at home and think theyre being showed the reality.
Now, my opinion about police officers is, there are bad ones aswell as there are good ones, but unfortunately I believe the bad ones represent the
Just cant help feelin that the tv show is so staged, and leads us to being naive. People live by the tv, and they love shows like this. So, what
better way is there to make the police look innocent and protective than to make a show that shows us exactly this?
[edit on 20-9-2007 by darksky]