posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 01:51 PM
This is just sickening. I don’t even know what to think about Police forces
around the globe anymore. So many cases of excessive force and brutality.
It just doesn’t make any sense, they’re are there to protect the public, not
make the situations around the public more dangerous.
What really slams the nail on the coffin for me is that the Police force
involved in this incident would not comment on the identity of the three
people that were arrested. Why not tell us who they are so that there are
no questions as to who they are affiliated with? Wouldn’t that be in their best interest?
Oh and the boots, while I concede that these said boots can probably be bought
by the public, it still doesn’t add up, especially since we know at least two of
the perpetrators were wearing the same kind of boots. Ugh, society can not
function like this too much longer... something has to give...