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Bloodied 70-year-old woman cuffed for having a brown lawn

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posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 07:29 AM

Originally posted by uberarcanist
reply to post by resistancia

Nah, not scary at all...some communities are stricter than others, but 90 percent of the time as long as you are not causing some serious crap you can go about your business with no hassle from the authorities whatsoever.

... serious crap like having a brown lawn?

... or arguing with neighbors, or speeding to the hospital whilst in labor, or holding onto a microphone, or heaven forbid saying 'no' to a law enforcement officer

It's the 10% you should be worrying about. If you don't worry about that, soon it will be 20%, then 30% ....

[edit on 20-9-2007 by RogerT]

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 07:54 AM
reply to post by Blaine91555

whats your problem with that?
don't be trying to make it sound like i order my wife around and i have TWO cameras for the record, k?
what exactly is your problem?

just cause i am paranid don't mean i don't have a reason to be. you worry about your fam/house, i'll worry about mine.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 08:44 AM
reply to post by uberarcanist

Well gee if she had no water to water to lawn what could she do? This zoning laws should be illeagal.

Uber you seem to be always to the police state side whats the deal here?

Its time to face facts America is no longer the Land of the free. And you should respect your elders. Those cops should have treated her like their mother.

And why are they going out and having lawn patrols? If I see a cop inspecting my lawn he will face the wrath of my water hose. I would say what are you doing here? Go and protect the city not my lawn you nut.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 10:13 AM
Comrads, America has too many laws and they are making more and more laws all the time; pretty soon it will be too complicated for your descendants.

Your children need your help now, to keep all levels of governments from making too many laws; especially laws that are stupid. Your governments need to go in and eliminate stupid laws with a law, and protect people from such stupid laws.

Your kids and other descendents may end up the same way in the future, going to jail for an absurd law because people didn't stand up for other people. The judge should throw that case out.

This woman needs help, she is 70 years old and your people are putting her in jail for not watering her lawn? That is ridiculous. The line needs to be drawn now for what is a rediculous law and what is not a rediculous law; before it is to late.

How many people are in jail or prison now in the USA? It is millions of people; that is sad.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 11:42 PM
You're right, there are too many laws being created. This has the potential of becoming a police state if something doesn't stop it.

If this continues, you will not like the outcome.


posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 12:01 AM

Originally posted by cybertroy
You're right, there are too many laws being created. This has the potential of becoming a police state if something doesn't stop it.

If this continues, you will not like the outcome.


One of the keys to tryanny is lots of laws that are not enforced. This way at anytime a person in authority can find a way to harrass or take a person down.

For instance illegal immigration laws are not on the books to keep illegals out, corporate america wants illegals and allows them to enter unhindered. However the laws keep the imigrants from standing up for any supposed rights, since if they complain about let say harrasment or injury they get deported.

Drunk driving being .08 is not enforced, if it was bars would not have parking lots, but a police officer who picks an individual as too drunk, or maybe just the guy who did not comply and cited rights in a conversation can get pulled over.

Laws that are not uniformly and consistently enforced move justice from the law to the discretion of the person in power.

[edit on 21-9-2007 by Redge777]

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 10:28 PM
reply to post by xmotex

In law school, lawyers are taught how to mislead, prevaricate, and dissemble, without directly 'lying'. One recently told me he was not taught that, but I think he WAS lying. And it is not taught directly, but thru example and social custom. The best, or actually worst, prevaricators go on to become judges, or worse-politicians. So now we have an old boys club of; police, attorneys, judges, and politicians. They are all above the law. They really are. They make the law, they enforce the law, they ignore the law for their own. And who is going to do anything about it? They ARE above the law. I have witnessed this in court, and on television news. Now this woman just didn't water. All over the country, people are having their land seized by the local government to use 'for the common good', like a mall. Not a freeway, a mall. Or an industrial park. And if they don't wish to pay a low price for the property, they 'plant' some drugs like maybe marijuana plants, and then 'discover' it, so they can seize that property with no trial, and no recourse. Happens all the time. This is the reason that Alexander Hamilton added the Right to Arm Bears, uh, the Right to Bear Arms. Not to shoot turkeys, to shoot sanctimonious TURKEYS, like these aforementioned gangsters. However, there is actually a trade-off. If I spent a lot of time and money to buy the house next door, and the homeowners and local government passed a law to maintain yards, I would want that woman to WATER. And not all areas are in a drought. Then the government would restrict watering. That's the way it works. So I understand the problem. They just have no idea of correct behavior, and I would not expect that out of a non-human pig. I must admit I have reason to be a bit prejudiced against these tyrants. Last year I was walking home from an auto store. I had just went to get a wrench so I could replace my alternator belt. I am on disability from a head injury, and can not balance very well, or run. So I am walking by this apartment building full of mexican gang-bangers. One had parked his car in the middle of the street, to talk to another perp. They were incensed that I 'dissed' them by not walking far away. One attacked me, and then walked away in disgust. Bloody, I called the police on my cell phone, laying in the street. When he got there an hour later, he threatened to arrest ME because all the gang-bangers said I was drunk, and attacked THEM. I called the station to send out a supervisor. He had the audacity to tell me that he KNEW this mexican jerk/pig was well trained. My response is then why didn't he do what he was trained to do? And sided with his mexican co-horts? I just moved out of that city. Another time I was pulling into a left turn lane on Santa Monica Blvd. in L.A. when some chump zoomed around me and cut me off. I had the audacity to honk. So he got out of the car, walked back, my window was down so he punched me in the face. I got out of the car, and some black fella sitting on the bus bench ran over and grabbed me from behind, holding my arms. I ran my shoe down the side of his shin, stomping him on the foot. He howled, and lifted me up. I promptly shoved my feet into the attacking driver coming at me. Next thing I know, the cops were threatening to arrest me for MY causing mayhem! After I called them! They are not there for me, or any citizen. They are there to bully, bs, and collect huge paychecks at our expense. Oh, I have had several other eye openers. They are not public servants, au contrar mon ami. These 50 caliber S&W pistols are interesting. 50 caliber goes thru flac jackets, and demolishes auto engines. What the public needs.

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