posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 12:39 AM
These are by far not the only people thinking they are getting more than 100% efficiency at heating water... and I for one think they are probably
right. There are too many people out there right now that have built something and are as mystified as everyone else as to why they are getting better
than 100% efficiency.
And as a side note makeitso posted articles relating to a product that IN NO WAY has been proven to be the same thing being discussed now!! Yes it may
bear similarities but that could just be because the first group of people had it down too, or GASP two disparate groups could have ran across the
same method! I mean it's not like it's been known to happen or anything (sarcasm intented)
Now I know ATS is about EVERYONE being able to post their opinions but it strikes me that CERTAIN people jump in and post misleading and incomplete
information every time an Overunity thread comes up. THAT IS NOT OK!! You have a right to your opinions but if you insist on disparaging every OU
thread that comes up please do so with EVEN A SHRED OF INTEGRITY rather than using the same misdirecting and evasion tactics you always ACCUSE the
Inventors and markettors of such devices of stooping to.(Yes accuse!! I know some of you get offended because we won't bow to your supposed superior
knowledge but that is our right!)
Ok Rant finished... I for one am seeing way too many of Overunity related items that center around heating water to write it all off as bad science...
Especially considering some of these cases the companies/people involved have delayed bringing products to market until they figured out what was
wrong with their readings to make them get the results they had only to figure out that the results are right and verifiable in a couple of cases.
Bottom Line: Just because as far as we know the laws of physics don't have loopholes doesn't mean jack!! THese discoveries are getting more and more
common and eventually they won't be able to be held back anymore. Too many good people have been jailed harassed and driven to financial and mental
ruin all for the crime of discovering something Those in the Ivory Towers are mad they didn't figure out first!!
And the real irony is we can, with a straight face, talk about the barbaric times during the inquisition where scholars like galileo were killed
because their discoveries didn't fit the DOGMA of the time. Yet we allow the same persecution and ridicule to go on everyday even now.
[edit on 22-9-2007 by roguetechie]