Your avatar is really good, but my personal preference would be without the spam. Just my thought anyways, the image itself is great and the work to
add the spam was well done.
8/10, xeroxed, for the animation, and reminding me of Kim Jong Iil's depiction in Team America
: I'm so Ronery / So ronery / So ronery and sadry arone / There's no one / Just me onry / Sitting on my rittle throne / I work very hard to be
number one guy / but, stiwr there's no one to right up my rife / Seems rike no one takes me serirousry / And so, I'm ronery / A rittle ronery / Poor
rittle me / There's no one I can rerate to / Feewr rike a biwd in a cage / It's kinda siwry / but, not reawry / because, it's fiwring my body with
rage / I'm the smartest, most crever, most physicawry fit / but, none of the women seem to give a # / Maybe someday, they'wr awr notice me / And
untiwr then, I'wr be ronery / Yeah, a rittle ronery / Poor rittle me...