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SARS is secret code for--Serpent And Reptilian Syndrome

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posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 03:30 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
Oh please, the reptoids aren't real aliens. They're the fake threat the real aliens are using to keep us distracted. The real aliens when here on earth appear as hampsters and raccoons.

Jeeze people, see through the lies!

Quick! Call the CIA, OSI, NSA!


posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 03:32 PM

sorry but I disagree with you.

seen two ufo's myself and 5 out of 6 people in my immediate family have also seen ufo's.

my brother had a contact with an alien when young.

there are people out there that believe because they have REASON to.

I can understand if you do not agree, it is wired into humans for them to not believe what they have not experienced. This is understood, but it serves one poorly to not have an open mind to things they do not know about, that is all I can say.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 03:32 PM
The raccoon aliens have been digging through my trash looking for DNA samples to use to clone me and steal my harley

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 03:36 PM

seen two ufo's myself and 5 out of 6 people in my immediate family have also seen ufo's.

I have no problem with UFOs its this whole shapeshifting reptile world wide coverup that I have a problem with.

I myself have seen UFOs twice but I have never seen an alien. But I am sure somebodys driving them its just who is the question.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 03:36 PM

so all you believe in is your harley then?

that's okay but it ain't gonna save you if they do come looking for ya.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 03:37 PM

Originally posted by intelgurl

Originally posted by junglejake
Oh please, the reptoids aren't real aliens. They're the fake threat the real aliens are using to keep us distracted. The real aliens when here on earth appear as hampsters and raccoons.

Jeeze people, see through the lies!

Quick! Call the CIA, OSI, NSA!


AND they wear MASKS! Ever see the way they handle things with their "so called" paws?
Daniel Boone knew the TRUTH! He wore a coon-skin cap to confuse the aliens. Until the engineered a little thing called that Alamo.

Want to know how deep the racoon hole goes?

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 03:39 PM

that's okay but it ain't gonna save you if they do come looking for ya.

THAT is what I dont understand is if you people really believe this why are you not doing anything about it?

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 04:10 PM

Originally posted by Amuk

that's okay but it ain't gonna save you if they do come looking for ya.

THAT is what I dont understand is if you people really believe this why are you not doing anything about it?


posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 04:22 PM

Originally posted by THENEO
Well now that everyone has had a laugh and not a bad idea at that,

what do we know about viruses and their ability to affect DNA?

frankly we should start from here but I doubt there is very much info out there on this obscure topic.

Neo, ol' buddy, you may not know much about DNA, viruses, and the ability of viruses to affect DNA, but there are a whole whopping crateload of people who do (the answer is "we know lots, and we know lots and lots, and they actually can't... you need something else (prophages)."

Check out the SCIRUS ( science database search and type in 'gene' and 'modification' or genetic modification and you'll get around 100,000 papers on the subject.

Get a bottle of your favorite beverage and start reading.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 04:33 PM
I dopnjt know if anyone has already said ( to be honest, im not going to waste my time reading this thread, even though I have # all to do with myself and that is more because of the replies than the original post) but that baby does NOT have SARS at all, in fact I am positive that picture was taken a few years before the SARS outbreak.

The baby has another conjdition which is not too uncommen, unfortunately, the baby would have died, as do all babies in teh same situation.

NOthing to do with SARSW, nothing to do with lizards, aliens, or any other form of baddy, just a very horrible disease for the poor little thing.

I know that there are a couple of people on this site who know a little about the disease, they at least know its name. A similar picture came up a while back, a baby with the same disease and some awful website using her to spread their own silly story of hybrid alien/human babes.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 06:06 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
The real aliens here on earth appear as raccoons.

Hope they don't live in Wisconsin... we gots 'em varmit guns all over the place... burning barrels make get traps!

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 06:14 PM
I have reptile eyes every morning after I lay into the Guiness a little too hard.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 06:14 PM
The real cause of SARS is described at Starry-galactic biotechnologies/Articles for forum/Paramedic/SARS . The treatment is given (by the way, for mad cow disease as well - needs translation)

Brief extract:
In the future atypical pneumonia can go over into more severe form with corresponding signs. Unhealthy and broadening pustular infectious wounds may start appearing on the face and the body. That may urge medical practitioners to treat informatory data received from the satellite systems more seriously. The treatment of atypical pneumonia on this stage does not require gigantic economic spendings. For example, to successfully fight this illness the following methodology can be used.

"Earth - the planet of biorobots"

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 06:57 PM

Originally posted by junglejake
Oh please, the reptoids aren't real aliens. They're the fake threat the real aliens are using to keep us distracted. The real aliens when here on earth appear as hampsters and raccoons.

Jeeze people, see through the lies!

Or lab rats

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 08:27 PM
this is one of the funniest threads I've ever seen on here
Thaks for lightening up the mood everyone.

Did anybody see what they saw in that Julie Holl, with the eyes and all. I didn't. They don't look reptilian.

But if you look at the picture the right way, she kinda looks like Hillary Clinton...

...oh, wait. Maybe she is a lizard-man then...

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 10:52 AM

Originally posted by THENEO
The genetic re-engineering of humanity is going on despite what people here believe.

Didn't know that SARS was related? Possible but not sure. Some useful information here and thanks for posting it.
It's possible with all these new mass diseases.

Yeah, there was some good information to get the mental juices flowing.

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 09:03 PM
The picture of that baby shows a newborn who was affected in the womb by depleted uranium. I believe he is a victim of the first Gulf War. I don't know if he survived - I doubt it.

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 09:15 AM
This post is right up there with the "crap circles" post!

posted on Jan, 24 2004 @ 11:00 AM
that baby is one sad critter. c'mon people, 'scales, buldged out eyes(all black?), lips turned inside out'. supercalifragilisticicthyologosis indeed. looks like a lizard to me.
cats have reptillian eyes. revered by the egyptians, they are the ONLY mammal with this type of eye.
SARS is a name of a non-existant disease being currently used as a blanket excuse to quarantine people and mentally condition the masses to the idea of quarantine.

posted on Jan, 27 2004 @ 07:50 PM

Originally posted by billybob

SARS is a name of a non-existant disease being currently used as a blanket excuse to quarantine people and mentally condition the masses to the idea of quarantine.
This is one possibility because at a public hospital that I am familiar with in my area, everybody had to be screened before going into the hospital.

Those who were suspected of contracting the SARS virus were placed into quarintine and given a mask to wear, so as not to spread the disease.

Before SARS outbreaks, there was never anybody at this hospital who had to wear masks to cover their mouths and noses. After the SARS protocols for mask wearing, the hospital has decided to stick with and adopt the facial masks for patients without the SARS virus--adopted for people who have regular flu symptoms.

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