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Sick and Tired and Fed Up with being Strung Along

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posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 10:08 PM
What is it with online women - women from online personals, Lavalife etc?

Over and over and over it's the same damn thing, they show me these great, hot, sexy pictures, they fill my head with all these incredible romantic ideas - skiing together in the mountains, long walks along the beach, bathing together in the sea, nurturing children together etc etc - and then right at the point where I'm like "Wow! Yes! It's on! Let's talk on the phone, let's meet up!", what do they do?

NOTHING but cause endless logistical problems, so that nothing ever happens!

WHY do women do this? Is there some secret school where they teach girls to lure in men with all these wonderful promises and then NOT deliver? What is the payoff here, how could women possibly benefit from such a stupid and fruitless pattern of behavior.....?

I am FED UP with online crap, I am FED UP with being strung along endlessly!

Screw it, I'm going back to my old policy: NO online crap, I will ONLY deal with women who are willing to leave the nightclub with me and who are 100% agreeable and submissive and cooperative!


posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 08:49 AM
indeed,i once goed out with a girl a met online,we maked out,then the other day she sayd it wont work out.WTF
i feel like a prostitute...
so stop the online thing find girls in cafes or sometin

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 02:50 PM
Dude, sounds like they are trying to scam you.

Many profiles of women are either completely or partially fake. They talk it up for as long as it takes to get something out of you even if it takes months because you are one of several marks they are working at once.

On the other end of things they often stay on the dating site even while you assume that they are only talking to you. Once they hook into someone else that looks more promising they then proceed to move to the next guy. The grass is always greener syndrome.

If I were you I would go to a specifically targeted site that does screening and checks. These sites cater to seriously driven individuals and are very thorough.

Plus (and I will get flamed here), more and more American women have this overblown sense of entitlement these days. Their honesty and integrity run about as deep as their Jimmy Choo boots. Check out Latin America for good old fashioned devotion and truth.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 03:13 PM
reply to post by Unisol

LMFAO! Your post made me laugh.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 03:41 PM

Originally posted by jbondo
If I were you I would go to a specifically targeted site that does screening and checks. These sites cater to seriously driven individuals and are very thorough.

Thanks for your advice, but I think I will just stick to dance clubs - they are way more entertaining anyway

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 04:02 AM
hahahahahah i know isnt it hularious,we flirt on the net,then one day i come to her town,sleep in her house,she gives me to make out with her,and after a week,dumped me,im a very cheap prostitute dude XD

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 05:41 AM

Originally posted by Unisol
hahahahahah i know isnt it hularious,we flirt on the net,then one day i come to her town,sleep in her house,she gives me to make out with her,and after a week,dumped me,im a very cheap prostitute dude XD

Hmm maybe she was seeing other guys too, as internet sluts are prone to doing.....

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 10:38 AM

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
I think I will just stick to dance clubs - they are way more entertaining anyway

Sincere and trustworthy people who are actually looking for something, do not frequent places like bars or clubs. They may go once or twice, but realize practically instantly what a waste of time it is.

Typically only players and outgoing fun-lovers who are addicted to social settings go to clubs... the kind with personalities not more than half a centimeter deep.

If you just want to have a good time out, then indulge in all the club hopping your little heart can stand. Drink, dance, flirt... But don't go expecting to find anything more than just the moment.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 11:02 AM
Dating is scary and a pain in the arse in my opinion. I dont think its just the woman stringing men along when it comes to computer romances. Men are just as prone to appear much more loving, romantic and well like the perfect guy when on-line then turn out to be completely different when meeting in person.

Some rules of thumb imho to follow, since meeting in the bar is probably not going to lead anywhere but to a ackward goodbye on the morning after.

1) Find a club, church, hobby, political organization or anything that reflects what you truly enjoy or believe in and be aware and interested in everyone involved. You may be surprised who you find attractive and will know they have a common interest or goal in their life.

2) Learn to distinguish what you lust after and what you love in a partner. Easy to find a person to have a physical encounter with, but to find something meaningful it takes time and truly being aware of yourself and your desires.

3) If you must be on-line, watch for woman who appear sexual, over confident and who tease. These are woman who are playing games. They want attention, have low self-esteems and are not in it for a real relationship.

4) Take the time to get to know someone. Don't be afraid for it to take 6 months for that first blush of true love, knowing someone takes time. Find a fun outlet for the two of you and do some good old fashioned dating before committing in any way. Find out about their habits, their moral standings, their views and most of all about their dreams and how they deal with the bad things in life.

5) Accept that you will make a mistake or two. A woman isnt black and white. You will make a mistake or two when trying to meet someone. Take those experiences and learn from them. Find a way to make it positive and remember that all the chisling it does to your heart makes it the perfect fit for whomever you truly fall in love with and have a long-lasting meaningful relationship with.

In the end woman and men can be harsh and cruel and love to play with your emotions at times. Its a power trip to them. Dont let those people deter you from finding the right one.

I suggest you avoid dating sites, but that doesnt mean you avoid on-line altogether. Just be careful and good luck !

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 11:40 AM
dating is a pain in the....for me too^^,i always feel bored to the bone,i just wanna kiss and enjoy my self,not to think of what to say and how to look good

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 03:42 PM

Originally posted by fweshcawfee

Originally posted by MrdDstrbr
I think I will just stick to dance clubs - they are way more entertaining anyway

Sincere and trustworthy people who are actually looking for something, do not frequent places like bars or clubs. They may go once or twice, but realize practically instantly what a waste of time it is.

Well, I think that is sort of a myth.

I for example am an extremely sincere, dependable and trustworthy person and live by a pretty strict code of honor where I never Lie, rip people off, break promises etc. And I love going out on the town dancing and drinking.

So I think it's too much of a generalization to say "well it's only the sleazy people looking for one night stands that go to the bars.....".

Typically only players and outgoing fun-lovers who are addicted to social settings go to clubs...

Hey, nothing wrong with being a playa!

Better that than waiting years to find "true love" or romance that never comes.......

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 07:26 PM
Generally speaking it does tend to be true that bars and clubs are not the place to find real romance. Obviously there are exceptions, for example I used to frequent clubs and bars about 4 nights a week but would never do one night stands as I found them to be demeaning to both parties. I turned down many opportunities and I can still remember waking up in the morning and seeing a girl come out of my roommates bedroom. They seldom looked like they were pleased with themselves but then again I lived in what I kind of consider the back end of a more morally sensitive time. Don't get me wrong, I did try it twice. The first time this girl's little 3 yr old was laying on the sofa watching as his mother pushed me to the living room floor and attempted to mount me. I put an end to that quite quickly and left. The second time was at my apt and we actually did the deed after which she passed out and I just sat in a rocking chair all night staring out the window just feeling like crap.

I think Ellipsis gave some great advice and I have followed much of those tips in years past myself.

Wow, this is a great thread for remembering stuff! Sorry I got into my own little world there but I think it's important that women know that not all men are just looking for sex.

MrdDstrbr, you seem like a stand up guy and I would give you this advice: Just do what you do and it will happen naturally when you least expect it.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 10:34 AM
Why????......the words unaccountable, selfish, greedy and deluded all come to mind.

I'm sure there are plenty of nice ladies out there but I don't think you'll find them on the internet.

Good luck hunting.

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