posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 06:06 PM
So the other day, my significant other came home. I was told while they were at work that they spotted an unusual flight formation, lead by unusual
planes. They saw 2 planes and 4 helicopters, split up into two triangles. One triangle was lead by a white plane, followed by 2 of the helicopters,
the other was the same setup, but led by a black plane. I was told that the planes looked like a helicopter/plane hybrid, and these "heliplanes"
dwarfed the helicopters.
I personally didnt think it was too big of a deal, cause if it was, why would they fly them over a highly populated area in broad daylight, right? So
I asked one of the MPs that stop by my place of work regularly about the situation. All I got was the sudden solem look from him and the whole "you
didn't see anything" chat.
note:above, i used "they" to try and keep some anonyminity instead of he/she. sorry if that confused anyone.
note 2: I'm near WPAFB.
Does anyone know what the deal is here? I don't nessicarily care where the planes were going, im just wondering why the strange flight formation, and
what kind of planes they were. I'm sorry I don't have any photos