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New Cell Phone Technology puts the Sound in your head

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posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 12:48 PM
Well Sanyo has come up with an invention that allows you to hear your cell phone calls through vibrations of the bones in your skull. Anyone familar with the Metal Gear Solid Game Series for the playstation will think "CODEC" right off the bat.

The TS41 handset, manufactured by electronics firm Sanyo, was put on sale by the Tu-Ka cellphone group this month, drawing healthy demand from customers who want to hear calls better in busy streets and other noisy places.

The new phone is equipped with a "Sonic Speaker" which transmits sounds through vibrations that move from the skull to the cochlea in the inner ear, instead of relying on the usual method of sound hitting the outer eardrum.

With the new handset, the key to better hearing in a noisy situation is to plug your ears to prevent outside noise from drowning out bone-conducted sounds.

If the user holds the handset to the top of the head, the back of the head, cheekbone or jaw and plugs his or her left ear, the call will be heard internally on the left side.

Article Hear

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 12:54 PM
So then when someone tells you about the voices in their head, they might not be crazy?

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 12:56 PM
Seems like a good idea and reading your pot i was thinking "gotta get me one of them!" but then i saw the article......wouldn't you feel like a bit of a tool holding the phone to any other part of your head other than your ear? no i don't want one anymore...but we all know with this new tech that it will just get better and soon we will have an implant in the ear like, as you said, in Metal Gear Solid

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 12:45 AM
Yeah, I bet it's not long before the CODEC idea, with the phone actually inside your head. Kinda scary though, I mean, imagine a phone insideyour head - they'd have to implant it first! And then there's the radiation...

Intersting idea, though. It's kinda like those toothbrushes you can get which play the radio to you by sending vibrations through your jawbone bia your teeth.


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