Wow, out of every story I have ver read here on ATS, Ranbo has been the most cooperative author. Except maybe for Sleeper or John Lear (even then) and
Sleeper .. well.. you know.
Anyways, I've read every post on all 17 pages, i am tired, and fed up with reading. I have to say, Ranbo, if this is fake, you have absolutely no
life. But if this is real, which i hope it is because most of the time they end up drowing in the bottomless sea of threads, than you earn my respect,
first you have to prove it with real evidence, not jsut answers, I know were pushing you, but I think you know (since you stated that you have browsed
this site for a while now).. Now that i think of it, it's funny how everytime a story gets posted here, the author always browss the site before
something extreme happens to him.. I think we have a curse!
But in all seriousness, Ranbo, out of dignity, respect, and manners, if this is fake, and you have no life, don,t drag down poeple who do with you.
That's one of humanity's main problems. And somehow I doN,t believe you, I don't know why, maybe caused I've been screwed so many times on this
site I've given up hope..
But please, if this is fake, stop the train now, its been going on long enough, you,ve had your thrill.
If this is real, film the guy or something PLEASE for the world of ATS' sake!
Awaiting evidence, hopefully soon...