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Does knowing the "Truth" = "Death"?

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posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 03:07 PM
thank you for the input theneo and lilblam.

so basically it is our need for knowledge that allows us to break ties with family, loved ones and the physical world when we die.

are most people that selfish that when they learn the "truth" they chose to leave this reality and their mortal ties? Why don't stay and inform the rest of us?

(i'm not saying that isn't possible and we are just not hearing what they are saying, I am saying Why don't more of them make a bigger effort to get the message to us?)

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 03:11 PM

Originally posted by earthtone
That could well be the case, but you aint gunna find that answer here my friend! The truth is never simple. . .

I know a few things that would be of huge public interest and conspiracies around with it. Though the story behind it is simple as hell.
That's with all stuff I have been into.
And no, its nothing with just some celebs or so.

I will give you a simple hypothetic example:
Some backward history: the US announces that they are on the track of Saddam Hussein. People become happy: yea, soon we will have him. But there is a delay, it takes week till he is finally busted. They knew he was one time located at XY and knew this from a local Iraqi source. A pitty there are 2 towns in Iraq named the same, mistakenly they dont know and raid the wrong town and miss him.
People who awaited his bust much sooner as there were also many hints that people told the US were Saddam is hiding now think of some kind of conspiracy.
Tho�gh all this was caused by a simple mistake of two same town names, of really little towns.

Sounds unbelieveable simple? Sorry to tell you, the source of all world politics is simple mistakes by humans like you and me. It's just big and special because it's on the level of world politics.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 03:14 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher
thank you for the input theneo and lilblam.

so basically it is our need for knowledge that allows us to break ties with family, loved ones and the physical world when we die.

are most people that selfish that when they learn the "truth" they chose to leave this reality and their mortal ties? Why don't stay and inform the rest of us?

(i'm not saying that isn't possible and we are just not hearing what they are saying, I am saying Why don't more of them make a bigger effort to get the message to us?)

But when you know something do you not desire to share it with others that might want to know? Of course you do. What you discuss is masonry and secret societies that hid their knowledge for their own benefit from others. That is not you way is it?

In regards ascension, you cannot ascend unless you are willing to serve others, period! It is not about selfishness in the main principle.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 04:07 PM
Interesting Post Shoo..

I think you are right about the town name mix-up. I actually heard he was captured by Kurdish forces, however apon the US's request, given a healthy dosage of Scopalmine and placed back where they found him for the US to come and 'capture' some 4 hours later.

I sometimes look at people on the street and admire their ability to appreciate life in a more simpler form and do not wish to bother anyone with the knowledge that I posess.

I am saddened sometimes by what I learn, but remind myself that it is through my own desire to learn of the truth that places me in this state of being.

One must remember, that life is to be enjoyed.. Look at all the others that are doing so!

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 04:39 PM

Originally posted by worldwatcher

are most people that selfish that when they learn the "truth" they chose to leave this reality and their mortal ties? Why don't stay and inform the rest of us?

(i'm not saying that isn't possible and we are just not hearing what they are saying, I am saying Why don't more of them make a bigger effort to get the message to us?)

It may only be in hindsight, once we know the truth in death that we realise why we don't need to have any real answers while in our physical bodies. perhaps it's like parents with their children. They have to let them make their own mistakes and find their own way in life. If we really are here to learn lessons then our dearly departed won't be doing us any favours if they let us know what wonders are to follow. I'm sure that a lot of people would simply give up on life if they could be 100% sure that there was a better place to go and that this lifespan didn't really matter anyway.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 04:41 PM
Some might see it as, If you know the truth, they will kill you. They being the unnames athorities

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 07:52 PM
good point pantha

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 09:27 AM
Well if we are speaking of things such as Plato's Cave then the enlightened person may chose suicide. I could understand this because living in the false reality (which is impossible to avoid if said person wishes to remain in his old society and interact with that it in a comprehendable way) and knowing that one is living in a lie must be extreamly depressing and fustrating when others just don't seem to understand. Why would the enlightened person do this? Well we do have a past of being social creatures. Perhaps it would also drive one over the edge or make one seem bonkers as to become institutionalized. So it seems that the top is not always the best place to be.

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