posted on Sep, 27 2007 @ 11:38 AM
Originally posted by djohnsto77
Chavez chickened-out -- he's not coming.
I guess he figured he couldn't top Ahmadinejad's performance this year.
LMAO, you mean he didn't come and call our President the Saten of the world again?
Bruhal, i cannot belive that you are in the majority of brits, i find it highly unlikly that the 'majority' of brits want to see the leader of any
allied nation be assisnated.
I will not challenge your assertion that the magority of the world would like to see bush dead, considering that the US population is about 300
million, and there are over a billion Chiniese, over a billion Muslems, and over a billion Indians, it is no suprise that the majority would like to
knock of the top dog.
And Chris, if we aare counting on bush on making a big decision, and quick thinking, we are in some trouble, bush clealys demonstrated on 9/11 that he
is incapible of command, waiting the 15 mins he did is unforgiveable, i mean, even in comedy movies where the evil leaders base is about to be
destroyed, they only are in shock for about 15 secs, and the leader of the free world couln't think of you thing to do in 15 min. If we are to rely
on Bush to make a descicion, we are already screwed.
And on the topic at hand, unfortunatly Achmendiminthehead came, spewwed his reteric, and left at a healthy body tempature of 98.6 degree, rather then
room tempature.
I just can't belive that these are our enimies, can these two guys be the biggest threats to the US, the little hitler and Castro 2.0, they are not
even original.