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A 1976 3 Triangle Formation Experience

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posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 01:42 PM
Howdy folks,
I want to relate a true story to you and see if this makes any sense to you and if you have any ideas what really happened.

When I was 4 yrs old, my father, mother, grandmother and I were on our front porch. I recall it was summertime so the evenings were very nice. Our home was located in Pine Grove, CA. I was playing and my family was chit chatting about this and that. All at once we noticed major motion in the sky. Three black triangular craft had arrived above our home. It was the "typical" white light on each tip and red light in the center. the thing that makes this most peculiar is that Ive never heard of a formation of them before and at such an early date as 1976. They hovered for several minutes. While they hovered my grandmother said, "I hope they arent going to hurt us." The craft were no more than 500 ft above us and maybe 500ft across each. In addition, we got dusklight extended looks at the actual craft unblurred or faded by a dark sky. What I recall was amazing. The craft had angular bottoms, in that, they seemed to have extensions maybe 5ft? extended at each white light so it made the white lights hang slightly lower than the actual frame of the craft. The red light actually seemed to swirl with red light in a dome-shaped half-orb instead of being a solid aircraft red light we are accustomed to on ordinary aircraft.
All of a sudden the three craft seem to elongate as they accelerated out of view as if "warping" into the distance. Odd word, but true nonetheless. That night I remember standing in our living room with red, green, blue and white lights pulsing throughout the house. My parents and grand parents were asleep and I remember asking myself why they didnt see this. I dont recall seeing anyone or thing, but the next morning I specifically recall telling my mom about a "silver-robot guy." I have had many other paranormal happenings in my life since then as that was the first experience I can honestly recall vividly. Weird thing is, I am a priest. You dont usually hear of such things happening to clergy. But thats the truth and hopefully someone can shed some light on 1976, the triangles, and "silver-robot guys."

More specifically I am asking if youve heard of a triangle formation of the triangles earlier or around 1976 and if so what may be its significance?

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Karebare]

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Karebare]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 04:07 PM

Welcome to ATS!

It is interesting that you and your family saw these craft long before they were reported in the mainstream. I do not have any insights to share on the craft but I do recall my family "sleeping" through many of my earlier visits just as you mentioned. I even recall running to their bedroom and jumping up in their bed screaming and pounding on them to wake them up. That didn't work. After that when they showed up (I recognized the quietness of the fans, the silence of the cicadias, the silent radio as a signal they were on the way) anyhow, I started hiding under my sister's bed hoping they'd take her instead (she was a real brat).

I don't recall any robot types, mine was a human looking woman in a black jumsuit with a red cape accompanied by two tall thin whitish grey beings.

Also, yes, many paranormal experiences throughout my life and I'm also a devout Christian. When you can receive u2us I'll send you the links to my threads describing the experiences. One covers the visitors, the other is very spiritual in nature involving a very special being. Would love to have your opinion on the spiritual experiences. Were your paranormal events spiritual in nature also?

I've subscribed to this thread hoping that you'll continue to share your experiences, am looking forward to hearing more,



[edit on 9/17/2007 by seentoomuch]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 04:27 PM
Interesting, Karebare. I too have had an experience with a triangular type unidentified craft. It was one of the most amazing and scary experiences of my life. I'm very interested in knowing of your other experiences of the unatural kind because I have QUITE a few myself outside of just 'spotting a UFO'. If you could privately message me or U2U(?) me, i would greatly like to discuss.

my thread about my experience:

Seentoomuch, I would very much like to discuss experiences with you also. I believe I have to post about 18 more times or so before I can recieve messages so Im going to work on that immidiately. I am VERY interested in discussing and learning about your experiences as well as sharing my own also.


[edit on 17-9-2007 by iResearch]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 04:41 PM
it is interesting you said something about the silence. I too remember a total absence of sound except for a "thrumming" like an electric engine or generator.
My other experiences have been related to spiritual matters, but recently I have been made aware that some of my experiences that I thought were spiritual may have actually been abduction orientated. I cannot tell you how many times I would call out to my dad to help me because I awoke frozen in fear at night. This continued until I was about 12 or 13. I would see shadows moving in the room and get the feeling someone was coming close to me. I remember one incident where I was put in a bedroom at my mother's friend's house for a nap. Soon after I was left alone, I saw a shadow that, oddly enough, paced back and forth from left to right in my vision as it got closer and closer to me. Needless to say I almost needed a fresh pair of undies. I screamed for my parents and they came in and just before they got there the shadow vanished.
I am currently a specialist in the field of theology for MUFON and have had a ton of miscellaneous experiences in the field.
As far as my myriad of ghostly experiences are concerned it all started with my great grandmother then to my grandmother, then to my mother, and finally to me. Many folks say it's a "psychic" ability but I refuse to call it that due to the new age/mysticism connotations it births. Instead I call it Discerning of Spirits as St. Paul called one of the Gifts of the Holy Spirit. I can walk into a room and immediately tell if there's an entity and whether it is good/bad/neutral and its location. My g.grandmother was sleeping one night and was awoke when she noticed a dark shadowy entity (for lack of a better description) crawled onto my grandmother's chest and was suffocating her. My g.grandmother grabbed it and threw it into a wall and it let out a violent scream. This wouldve been in the 1910's or so. My mother and I were talking about the alledged alien races and such and as I brought up a reptillian she said she "knew" what a reptillian looked like. I about choked on my food I was eating at the time. I said, "What?!!" She claimed as she was a little girl playing on an old farm they lived on, a creature about her height with scales, a tail, and piercing black eyes spoke to her "without words" and asked if she wanted to play... If any of this interests folks I will be glad to write some more on here until I get U2U ability.

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Karebare]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 05:13 PM
reply to post by Karebare

Do you recall any other details of you visitor experiences? Was anything communicated to you?

Also, MUFON, great!


posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 05:29 PM
reply to post by iResearch


Sure, would love to discuss our experiences, keep posting to reach the u2u status, might try BTS. It's more lighthearted and it's not difficult to find many threads that you'd have an interest in. For example: What's your favorite song? or What's your favorite meal?


posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 05:31 PM
The only thing I can recall from my visitations is the fact that it has always seemed to me that even though they wanted to do something with or to me, they were not allowed to. Not sure if that makes sense and if it does what it means. In Genesis 6, 2 Peter, and in Jude, we see that the Bene ha Elohim (sons of God) created "hybrids" of men/angels. These were known as the Nephilim, Anakim, Rephaim, plus others. When Moses sent the spies into Canaan their report contained first hand accounts of the offspring of this hybridization. They said there are "giants" in the land. Many believe that the story of Titans, hercules, etc. from all the ancient civilizations actually had their roots in these hybrid offspring of angels and women. Scripture called them "men of old, men of renown." In Psalm 82 we also see that there is an echelon of authority above angels yet below Yahweh God. It is known as the "Divine Council" in the Hebrew. This council is condemned for its misaction towards mankind and God declares that one of their punishments is that they "shall die like men." This is most probably the echelon to which Lucifer belonged before his treason. Most modern translations miss the proper translation but one that hits it spot on is the English Standard Version. If you get a chance read it. It is highly intriguing. May actually be relevant to the whole "alien" agenda and reason for being.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 05:34 PM
I thought I was the only one who had these experiences. I am f*cking excited right now reading about your experience.

My visits always came directly after paralysis. I couldnt move a muscle, only think and slightly move my eyes. I always prayed like there was no tomorrow when this experience would occur. And I know of sleep paralysis, but I have had that before. But nothing happened short of the feeling of sleep paralysis. When I am visited, it is slightly different. I have been visited before when I was one the telephone with my girlfriend in mid-sentence. i was instantly paralyzed and realized i was not alone in the room. Once it was over, I asked my girlfriend if wtf happened when I became silent. She just told me that I stopped talking for about 3 seconds. Though, I was visited for what seems like 5 minutes.

I remember when I was younger I was sitting on my couch just relaxing and thinking. My mother was not more than 10 feet away from me cleaning something across the room. I suddenly fell into paralysis. 3 figures of shadow appeared instantaneously to me becoming paralyzed. They were moving rapidly in a circle around the room. They seemed to soar and float through the air like feathers in the wind. From time to time one of them would come so close to me that I could literally 'feel' its presence. But they never harmed me. I prayed like there was no tomorrow for this to end, and when it did I ran to my mother and told her. She knows of these types of beings but she is always afraid to tell me what she REALLY knows about them. Strangely though, I have NEVER been harmed during any of these experiences. They just SCARE THE HELL OUT OF ME!

I ALWAYS thought these beings were demons, as I was young. But now I'm starting to think they are just beings from different ... dimensions, worlds, realities that are crossing into ours and choosing who they want to contact.
I have a great deal of many other experiences as well. I am just overwhelmed with relief that I am not the only one. And I know I'm not crazy, these experiences were as real as day.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 05:36 PM
Seentoomuch... What is BTS?

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 05:46 PM
Ive never had paralysis that I can recall. Though Ive been scared stiff lol. Not sure if they were demons per se but they were definitely not friendly.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by iResearch

BTS stands for Below Top Secret, it is another section of the board. Look at the top right of your screen and you will see it listed. Click on it. You'll probably have to log on for it. When you want to come back to ATS, Above Top Secret, once again look at the top right of your screen and click on AboveTopSecret and you'll be back over here.

Also, here's a link for BTS:

Have fun,


[edit on 9/17/2007 by seentoomuch]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:02 PM
I had a lot of very SCARY things happening to me while sleep paralysis. One day (or better night) I found a way to get out of these nightmares.

Just remember to shake your head (in the dream) has strong as you can... then you will wake up and everything is fine!

Never had any "visitations" or anything like that thereafter, because I always get out of it with shaking my head in the dream. Good luck.

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Terrapop]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:17 PM
reply to post by Karebare

I tend to agree that many of the visitors are demonic in nature, I also believe that there are some visitors who are not. IResearch and I tend to agree on the validity of many dimensions/realities each with their own occupants, each with a different agenda. So I do believe discernment is called for when dealing with any being.

KB, could you tell me of the Council of Elders? My visitors once told me that they are the authority our planet is under. No details at all, just the name was given.


posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:44 PM
Its known as the Divine Council (psalm 82). Many times in the New Testament we see the names of the demonic hordes. Eph. 6 - Powers, Principalities, Rulders of Darkness in "high" places. Other places Satan is called the "god of this age." We know that lucifer is still in authority over the first (atmosphere) and second (space) heavens. Only its not until Revelation do we finally see the final "war in the heavens" (galactic shoot-out?) and the final expulsion of these demonic hordes by Michael from the heavenlies onto an unsuspecting earth. At which point, the "mark" (which controls all the purchasing power on the planet) has total enslavement of the populace in economic chains to a global government. At this time there will be a global dictator overseeing a one world government. Also, he controls the populace with social, religious and economic chains. One world govt. One world religion. Cashless society inaccessible except for a "mark" on the right hand or forehead with his "divine" name upon it. Sound like some of the recent whistleblowers of late? It should. Its all found in Revelation and the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. This authority structure under God is still in place but has judged for its evil acts towards mankind. One of the prime reasons the earth was flooded in eons past is found in Gen. 6 as well. It says "Noah was perfect in his generations." The word for perfect there does not mean morally perfect. It means physically perfect. In other words, the genetic lineage of mankind itself had become so polluted by the Bene ha Elohim (sons of God) (Divine Council) et al., that God was actually sorry for making this world. So he destroyed it. Yet scripture then states that there were "giants" (the hybrids) in those days and afterwards. This implies somehow the hybrids were able to withstand a global flood. (USO'S? - UFO'S?) Who knows. Its speculation. This Divine Council is made in the "image of God" too. Which is interesting. They have creative ability like us (mankind) in that they can craft objects and other things (ufo's?) and have authority over space/time for the time being. Of course they cannot do anything God will not allow them to do. Which leads me to think as I am writing this, that it may be the very reason why they cannot harm you if you do not wish it on some level. Again, its speculation but a valid theory nonetheless.
Flag this thread too if you want. Maybe we can get some good discussion going as well from other viewpoints.

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Karebare]

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Karebare]

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Karebare]

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:46 PM
reply to post by Terrapop

I wish sometimes a good headshake wouldve worked for me lol.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:11 PM
reply to post by Karebare

So the 24 Elders surrounding God's throne are the bad guys? Did I miss something? How could the Divine council be also the 24 Elders?


posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:29 PM
The 24 elders have no connection to the Divine Council. Remember, the elders are saints, hence their "victor's crowns" that they lay before the throne and before the Lamb of God. The Divine Council has its origins in the times before recorded history. Before the fall of Lucifer and before his treasonous acts. The elders in Revelation before the throne of God are Old Testament and New Testament saints. Also, recall that St. Paul said "Dont you know that you shall judge angels one day?" Elsewhere we are told "You shall be kings and priests forever." It implies that the Old echelon of power, the Divine Council, will be demolished and replaced with humanity which were loyal to God and to His Christ. I think this may be the very reason why ol' luci gets so upset...the new kids are going to replace him after his and the council's fall. Thus, enter the serpent into the Garden of Eden...tempt mankind (Gen 2), ruin his lineage(Gen.6), thwart the Messiah(Christ's temptation), and lucifer wins. The Council knows its days are very short, therefore they must pull out the stops. They figure if they cant stop God's plan, lets control His creation (mankind) and bottleneck them into a one world govt, one world religion (that is inherently pagan), and control cashflow ("mark" without which you cant buy or sell).
Now we get to the true "Endgame" analysis...
Revelation 19:11-21

" 11 I saw heaven standing open and there before me was a white horse, whose rider is called Faithful and True. With justice he judges and makes war. 12 His eyes are like blazing fire, and on his head are many crowns. He has a name written on him that no one knows but he himself. 13 He is dressed in a robe dipped in blood, and his name is the Word of God. 14 The armies of heaven were following him, riding on white horses and dressed in fine linen, white and clean. 15 Out of his mouth comes a sharp sword with which to strike down the nations. "He will rule them with an iron scepter."He treads the winepress of the fury of the wrath of God Almighty. 16 On his robe and on his thigh he has this name written:

17 And I saw an angel standing in the sun, who cried in a loud voice to all the birds flying in midair, "Come, gather together for the great supper of God, 18 so that you may eat the flesh of kings, generals, and mighty men, of horses and their riders, and the flesh of all people, free and slave, small and great."

19 Then I saw the beast and the kings of the earth and their armies gathered together to make war against the rider on the horse and his army. 20 But the beast was captured, and with him the false prophet who had performed the miraculous signs on his behalf. With these signs he had deluded those who had received the mark of the beast and worshiped his image. The two of them were thrown alive into the fiery lake of burning sulfur. 21 The rest of them were killed with the sword that came out of the mouth of the rider on the horse, and all the birds gorged themselves on their flesh."

The world dictator (Anti-Christ) will gather armies upon the earth to fight this "ET invasion" force, yet the people will be so duped they will see the very entity who gave them life as the enemy due to the traps the Divine Council had laid down in the one world govt, religion, cashless society.
Later on, we read that God's City will descend from the heavens. This is a physical reality and the size of it is massive 1500x1500x1500 miles. Two shapes fit this description...a square and a pyramid. Interesting how things begin to fit in place. I saw a post today of super-massive "ships" in space...could those be the preliminary forces of the shootout thats about to take place? Food for thought.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 07:58 PM
Fascinating insights!

I think we're using different timelines for events, I'll try to explain my beliefs on this. Here goes, didn't we receive the gift of salvation at the cross? At that moment Christ defeated the bad guys. It's already happened. And here's what I found on the Elders, they are our leaders and representatives for all the people of Earth. So you can see why I thought that perhaps the Elders referred to by the visitors (human looking visitors) were the 24 Elders mentioned in the Bible.


Elders are representatives and leaders of the people nu1116f. White represents purity or being forgiven is0118. And white robes? See is6110. The 24 elders had white robes and also golden crowns. The Greek word for crown here is stephanos which is a garland wreath as awarded to winners in the Greek games. I believe the elders are humans � the overcomers. These crowns of victory would be golden olive wreaths.

I better step back from this discussion now as it's derailing your thread and I really do want to hear more of your experiences. When you have 20 posts perhaps we can continue our discussions via u2u? I look forward to it, great insights,


posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 08:05 PM
reply to post by seentoomuch

Absolutely our Lord defeated them upon the cross. It says he put them to open shame. But, yet, due to something we dont understand, Satan still stands before the throne to accuse us. So he still has access to the heavenlies. And more importantly the very Throne itself. I cant say I understand why it is either, but we know the final outcome anyway. lol. But yep, I shall relate some of my other experiences as well.

posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 08:24 PM
This year has been very active for me. I havent seen a UFO for years until early january. I saw 2 triangles in a formation in which one was in front of the other. Kind of like a triangle formation minus one triangular craft. Then my wife, mother, and I all saw a craft that literally changed shape and colors and "flew wrong" as I reported to MUFON investigators. Then a month or two later, think late June early July, I was taking my dog out to do her business and witnessed a brilliant white object in the sky. It started with a linear course from NW to SE and so I figured it was a satellite until it zig zagged in its flight and returned to the previous linear path. I gets better though. After the first sighting I had an ominous feeling I was being watched. An unmarked white SUV pulled into our driveway and two men got out in suits and trenchcoats. My mother-in-law, who was staying with us at the time, brought them to my attention. I thought, aww another mormon or JW coming to the door. I told her not to answer. But, they knocked and knocked and knocked. then when I didnt answer they watched the blinds and the house for about 15 minutes before they finally left. Then I saw them later slowly driveby the house. (Im thinking MIB now or something govt connected.) I figured I saw something I wasnt supposed to see and they were gloing to remind me I didnt see it. lol. Anyway, about two nights later, my wife and I hear this very loud thrumming like an electric generator or something. It was the exact sound the night I saw the 3 triangular craft at 4 yrs old. I almost froze with nervousness. On my word as a priest, I then briefly saw in my frontal, not sideview, vision a "grey" briefly at the foot of my bed. I felt as if it was asking permission to take me somewhere to which I firmly said "Not in this lifetime." lol. My wife was freaking out, I was nervous as a cat on a hot tin roof, and even my dog and cat were anxious. The dog tried to hide in between us. I bet we were a comical sight. in the ensuing months we have heard people walking in the house, voices, my wife has seen a little bald head run under the window sill outside, shadows in the house, and much more. And this is just this year alone.

[edit on 17-9-2007 by Karebare]

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