posted on Dec, 19 2002 @ 07:41 AM
Whatever the number of advanced species in the universe is, what are the chances that it is exactly 1? Isn't it much more logical to think it is
either several orders of magnitude higher (1000, 10E6, 10E9..), or lower (10E-3, 10E-6..). The fact that we are here, in itself, is a very strong
argument that there are a lot of intelligent species out there.
This argument just says that there are very probably many species, but there is no way to evaluate with any level of accuracy the number. Intelligent
life may spread in the universe. For instance, it can be argued that those who survive are the less agressive, so tend to help the others more. If
species help each other, it can change everything.
One of the common arguments of sceptics is: why would they put so much energy coming here, so many times, why wouldn't they just send a few drones.
It makes no sense for them. I think they come here physically and so many times, because they need to, in order to fulfill a purpose. They are not
here for a scientific study of our planet or our civilization. There is little evidence for that. Instead, they come here for a goal that is
work-intensive and needs their direct intervention, that is the abduction phenomenon.
About a possible cover-up done by the SETI program, I don't know. We have to be carefull not to see conspiracies everywhere. Nevertheless, the US
gevernment knows very probably that UFOs are real, so why would they put money in SETI? Concerning Philip Klass, I read at several places that he
receives money from the government. Since there is very probably a cover-up about UFOs in the US at least, it is a legitimate question to wonder if
SETI is not part of it. Whether the scientists who work for SETI know they are part of the cover-up or not, that is another thing. In France, there
was a study group called SEPRA. If you wanted to enter it, you had to certify that you didn't beleive in UFOs.
You say that there are 4 species involved in the UFO phenomenon, and that one is much more advanced. I'm not sure what you're referring to. From
what we know about the abduction phenomenon, there are 4 times of aliens: small grey, tall grey, reptilian, and insectoid (prying mantis). These
species all take part in the abductions, each given a very specific task. There is a strict hierarchy among these species. There is no "all species
are equal" nice thing. If they come here in the future, will we be part of that hierarchy, at the lowest level probably? All of these 4 species
appear to be much more advanced than we are. The so-called "blond" or "nordics" are most probably adult hybrids.