posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 02:21 PM
Lol, this is funny to hear about. I'm sorry you have door knockers so much. I've only had one pair of door knockers. It happened when my Theology
was alot younger and less developed, but I was on the right track.
I live in Virginia, technically in the bible belt, and so .. you'd think I'd get more. But these guys only came once. They were Mormons, younger
guys, two of them on bicycles in the typical black outfits. They came to chat! So i came outside, halfway stoned, and we all sat down together in
chairs on my front area outside the front door, covered by a little roof of sorts. I immediately light up a cigarette, and man did I get the stink eye
from one of those dudes! Lol.
So they ask me, "Have you ever read the Book of Mormon?"
And I said, "Yeah, I read through parts of it, some of it is okay, but there are a few things in there that are inaccurate to history when compared
to all other Christian writings."
They say, "What would that be?"
And I said, "Well .. for one, the Jaredites. This tribe, supposedly Hamitic, or dark skinned "African", was instructed by God to build boats and
sail over the Atlantic Ocean to find America. And this supposedly happened in the thousands B.C., like back in time shortly after the flood, maybe
even before it. Yet in no other Christian or Judeo text will you find a word about this tribe or this event. And in America there is no trace of them.
So I do not believe that happened."
Then they asked me, "Well what do you believe?"
And I told them I was a Judeo-Christian, I follow the Ten Commandments of Moses, and prior to him, the Seven Noahide Commandments, some of which were
the same. I said I was a Monotheist, I believe Jesus was the son of God in the sense that we are all sons of God but that his power was granted to him
via the Holy Spirit as some call it by God, and was not God-incarnate, as many Christians believe. I also said that I believe Jews, Christians, and
Muslims all worship the same God, in different ways, names, and this is because of the different cultures. But the similarities in the Religions are
the same, theyre all Monotheist, they all have something along the lines of a similar moral code, and therefore will all goto heaven, whether or not
they explicitly claim that Jesus was the literal son of God.
At this point they were perplexed! I kind of turned their whole religious world upside on them. So then the other kid takes over and says to me,
"Have you ever prayed over the Book of Mormon and asked God if it was true?"
And I told him that no, I hadn't actually prayed and asked God if this book were true or not, that I didn't bother him with such things.
So he says, "If I give you this Book of Mormon will you read it and then pray to God and ask if it is true?" So I said sure! Oh my, I made a fib.
I never read it, never prayed on it, gave it to a friend who wanted it, lol.
Those guys never came back. They did question my lifestyle, they said, "Do you want to become a fully practicing Christian, but cant give up your
NON-CHRISTIAN LIFESTYLE, such as smoking cigarettes! Oh the nerve!
I replied that God have us all seed bearing plants to use, and referred to the exact Biblical passage, I forgot which one now, this was over a year
Never saw those guys again, and at the end I even said, hey if you're ever in the area and want something to drink, i know its hot out here (summer
time), feel free to stop by. But they never did, as I expected, hehe.
So my advice is, sit down and talk to them and flatly but not rudely explain your beliefs, and go beyond that to explain why you cant accept
Mormonism, or whichever type of Religion they are pushing on you. Then they wont be able to debate you, because they aren't any good at it and have
no real ammo, and they'll go away.