posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 01:58 AM
According to the Bible, the time of the end will begin after the Rapture of the church. Once this happens, after an unknown period of time, the
Anti-Christ will rise to power and confirm a treaty with Israel which guarantees its protection. Once this happens, the Tribulation starts which is a
period of 7 years, which starts with unprecedented peace for six months (its during this time that Israel rebuilds the Temple) in the Middle East.
After six months, Syria, by the command of Magog (modern day Russia) attacks Israel. This forces the AC to defend Israel and this basically destroys
the Muslim world (except Jordan). The AC will create a false religion which is proclaimed by a false prophet.
While this is going on there will be two unnamed witnesses who proclaim God's gospel in Jerusalem and the whole world hears is. Half way through the
Tribulation these two witnesses die and the AC walks into the Jewish Temple and goes into the Most Holy Place and sits on the Ark of the Covenant and
declares himself to be God and he forces everyone to worship him. At the same time, due to the teachings of the two witnesses, 144,000 Jewish male
virgins go into the world and proclaim God's gospel. Things get pretty chaotic the next 3 1/2 years and it culminates with Christ's second coming
which destroys the AC and all the armies of the world.
God then judges everyone and after this judgment, the 1000 year kingdom of Christ starts. During this time, there is no sin and the world is
virtually perfect as it's ruled by Christ--as Satan is bound. Near the end of this time, Satan is released and the final rebellion occurs and Satan
loses. Then the New heaven, earth, and Jerusalem are made. The Bible doesn't say what else happens after that.
That's the Bible's view on the endtimes in a nutshell.
When you say that we seem to be stumbling into the endtimes happening without knowing it, you're correct. That's because God has set a plan into
motion and God will do what he wants when he wants. We can't change that because, he's God.
While I'm thinking about it. As you look at the Bible's teachings on the endtimes, be aware that you have to pull together MANY of the books.
Basically all the prophets (Isaiah through Malachi) and Revelation. PArts of Matthew and 1 Thessalonians are important as well. But, if you don't
want to look at all that material, you can glean alot from Ezekial, Daniel, and Revelation.