Originally posted by arpgme
I can't lucid dream. If feels like the most illogical stuff is logical in my dream!
It's a point of how much awarness/conciousness from 'here' you can bring over to 'there'. You need a certain level of wake-awarness that you can
start to question your surroundings and compare it with the wake reality. What the people with reality check technic are doing I see as as a step to
increase the awarness in dreams.
I never used that technic. I do reality checks after I become lucid to ensure I am in a dream sourrounding. Certain things for example jumping out
through a window could be dangerous if you do that in wake reality.
What I however did to become lucid was focusing on my dreams. PAying attention on them in the morning and try to remember as much as possible best by
writing them down. You increase dream vividity and awarness a lot. Then two things are helpfull: First is to have a target..become lucid because you
want to experience the flying for example. Second selfsuggestion before you go to sleep. Say you want to become aware of that it is a dream and and
you want to flying in this dream tonight whereas this is a very tricky thing because the suggestion especially if you connect it with a too strong
desire can lead you to awake full instead into the dream.
Also, Why is it that I run as slow as a astronaut in space in my dreams and the person I am running from run at normal speeds?
I hesitate to interpred dreams of others because certain circumstances can only be known by you and any interpretation from outside can be very wrong
because of missing information.
If this happens to me I usually take this as sign that I try to run away from a situation (can have real world roots but can also be a pure dream
situation as well with no connection to your real world situation) that is not possible to avoid by running away and requires a search and action for
a different 'solution'.
Dreams can come with a lession to learn. Changeing the action to change the outcome is then the target of that lession Whereas changeing an action can
also mean change the action in a previous situation that lead to that situation in case of a recuring dream situation.
An example:
I read a book of one lucid dreamer (I can't remember the book title of the author) where he was in a recuring dream loop and in that he was in a
small plane an had an emergency and he tried his best to bring the plane down in one piece but everything he tried lead to the same result: complete
destruction. The solution then, and that's how he 'solved' it at the end: was not even to start in that condition. Sounds simple but often is not
because you have to recognice how it came to that first.
*Yawn* I'll try to lucid dream tonight and by tomorrow I'll test for reality and tell you if I consider it an alternate reality or not.
How can you be sure that the dream is not reality and being awake isn't the illusion?
Within a dream it can be very difficult. You can awake within a dream and think you are really awoken and indeed are still dreaming. This is called
false awakening. You can have even multiple false awakening. That's not always a pleasure experience. I mean you awake discover you are still
dreaming awake again and you discover you are still dreaming.. :/
In a (false) awakening I usually compare almost automatical what I see with what I know is likely in wake reality. (a certain awarness pre condition).
As soon as I have a sand of doubt I check for more anomalies and very fast discover than that I am dreaming and become full lucid.
So the difference is that things are different looking (the sourrounding isnt 100% equal) and working (for example a light switch doesnt always work
or you can summon something in your hand you can fly you can walk through walls..you get it)
So you can differ the 2 world. Which one is real?
The dream world is rather open can be directly formed / influenced....the real world is hard unflexible. Also there is no false awakeing after the
awakening in this reality. I guess thats what makes the difference in this 'realities'. But which is a 'dream' reality and which is a 'real'
I believe there is a common shared reality in both and this are the astral planes because this is a source of light/homeness/love and energy you feel
and sense and experience as real if you meet it and you will find in everything that 'exists' again. But that's just how far I came to see it based
of my own experiences.