posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 09:03 AM
Hello all, I have been around ATS for a while but this is my first thread.
I have searched and couldn't find anything about what I am going to request here.
There is quite a lot of discussion here about disinfo and whether or not government agencies may or may not have agents trying to influence the
direction of ATS.
Recently there something came out where you were able to track changes to Wikipedia by certain organisations via their IP addresses.
ATS could have something similar.
I think it would be interesting to see if anyone at langley or wherever actually comes to ATS! I like the idea of ATS possiby being an unknown think
tank for some of these agencies, I think it could be quite possible as the majority of users have something decent to say.
I am not asking for a list of spook affiliated members or anything, although it would be quite interesting to see
So guys, is there any chance of seeing this kind of info?
Sorry if I have put this in the wrong place or if it has already been covered, please direct me to where.
All the best.