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could this be what hit the pentagon?

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posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:52 AM
some people said they saw a small 12 passenger corporate jet hit the pentagon and the small 3 foot fanblade seen in the fema photo of the pentagon now of course this is a speculation because first of all this is a nuclear missile but how hard could it be to refit it with a conventional warhead anyway here is a picture of it you be the judge

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:09 AM
link more info on the missile it has a twelve foot wingspan its 42 feet long and has a top speed of mach 2.1


posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:07 PM
link was one of these.....Alot of people saw it. Ground level and pretty close too.

[edit: fixed image link]

[edit on 16-9-2007 by 12m8keall2c]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:18 PM
reply to post by six was one of these.....

Sorry but your link doesn't exsist anymore. Could you update it.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:32 PM
IMHO that IS what hit the Pentagon. That is probably why they were flying the "doomsday" E4-B jet around the Pentagon when it was hit.


posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:35 PM
reply to post by Sanity Lost

Hmmm....sorry about that... I can not seem to get any external links to work..tried three or four....Anyway it is a pic of a 757

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 06:54 AM

Originally posted by six
..Anyway it is a pic of a 757

It doesn't explain where the 3ft turbine came from though, and I never did see any 757 wreckage...

If a lot of people saw it, then that points to hologram technology IMHO.

[edit on 16/9/07 by NuclearPaul]


posted on Sep, 17 2007 @ 06:35 PM
According to this link....The missle had only a 15 year life span from 1959 to 1974. It was replaced by the SRAM and the ALCM.

Add to edit. I cannot get the link to work ,It is from the book of the Association of the Air Force Missileers: Victors in the Cold War. Sorry for the mess

[edit on 17-9-2007 by six]

[edit on 17-9-2007 by six]

[edit on 17-9-2007 by six]

[edit on 17-9-2007 by six]

posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 01:34 AM

Originally posted by NuclearPaul

Originally posted by six
..Anyway it is a pic of a 757

It doesn't explain where the 3ft turbine came from though, and I never did see any 757 wreckage...

If a lot of people saw it, then that points to hologram technology IMHO.

[edit on 16/9/07 by NuclearPaul]

AA paintjob was the most widely quoted paint style. Of course there are several photos of scraps of this paintjob, to proper scale, at the scene. Holograms and planted parts? Sure, combine the impossible and the improbable...
Evidence it was a 757:
The wheel type found at the Pentagon has been photographed on the very plane said to have hit - tail number N644AA, Boeing 757-200 wheel investigation
The landing gear strut matches a 757. It's harder to plant than a wheel.
Other point as well like the right wingspan marked by clipped polies, etc. damage pattern inside building corresponding to a very massive object, 100-foot initial entry hole (yes, the 16-foot claims are all flat wrong), etc. But these two are the most conclusive IMO indicating a 757 in particular.

There are some questions or whateve, but it's depressing how many people (how many really?) still feel we don't know what happened and it could be anything...

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 06:00 PM
reply to post by six

yes which means we have hundreds just sitting in storage unused alot may have been decomissioned but more than likely not all

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 07:19 PM

originally posted by six

Hmmm....sorry about that... I can not seem to get any external links to work..tried three or four....Anyway it is a pic of a 757

Let me help you out six. This photo is from and it was taken approximately 5 weeks before the crash. Also note that you can see the tail number in the photo. N644AA.

posted on Sep, 19 2007 @ 07:44 PM
The guilt of our military or political/corporate whore leaders can be deduced by a very simple formula. Guilt makes people avoid things, run away from facing guilt, so on that basis its trackable via observance of attitude, action and words. Instead of assuming the government would never hit itself to start a war. Consider this..why is there a thing called northwoods document, which discusion of is all over the net. The pentagon, the trade center, all rebuilt very fast, with very little disclosed to the public, all we see is terrorist bad, bush good paradigm in very dumbed down terms. That in itself is enough to make me pause and question on a very minimal level, the intent of police, military leaders, and corporations and politicians operating with freedom in our free country, working to undermine freedom using freedom as a tool.

[edit on 19-9-2007 by mastermind77]

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 01:41 AM

Originally posted by Caustic Logic
AA paintjob was the most widely quoted paint style. Of course there are several photos of scraps of this paintjob, to proper scale, at the scene. Holograms and planted parts? Sure, combine the impossible and the improbable...
Evidence it was a 757:
The wheel type found at the Pentagon has been photographed on the very plane said to have hit - tail number N644AA, Boeing 757-200 wheel investigation
The landing gear strut matches a 757. It's harder to plant than a wheel.
Other point as well like the right wingspan marked by clipped polies, etc. damage pattern inside building corresponding to a very massive object, 100-foot initial entry hole (yes, the 16-foot claims are all flat wrong), etc. But these two are the most conclusive IMO indicating a 757 in particular.

There are some questions or whateve, but it's depressing how many people (how many really?) still feel we don't know what happened and it could be anything...

Its just too bad you have no official FBI or NTSB reports that match the parts found at the Pentagon to Flight 77.

You also have no reports of where the parts found were taken.

As far as the clipped poles, according to the NTSB the flight path from the Flight Data Recorder from Flight 77 shows a different flight path then the official story and it could not have hit the poles.

[edit on 20-9-2007 by ULTIMA1]

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 10:52 PM
There's a pic floating around that shows around 6 men carrying a large wooden crate covered with a blue tarp. They say that all the remaining parts of the plane found at the Pentagon were in that crate.

They said the plane pretty much disintegrated on impact because of the speed it was traveling and the fire. Sorry, I don't buy that at all. Most of that fuel would have completely burned up within seconds of the impact. You see that when you watch the second plane hit the WTC. That huge fireball was most of the fuel that was in the plane. Don't forget the images of people standing within the hole where the plane crashed. After that section of the Pentagon collapsed, you can see into some of the offices that had absolutely no fire damage to them. one famous photo shows an open book sitting on a chair and it's right on the edge of where the section had collapsed. That book, along with wooden chairs and wooden bookcases, would have been burnt to a crisp if the fires inside were anywhere near as huge and hot as they said it was.

Keep in mind the area of the Pentagon that got hit just happened to have some work being done to it at the time. They easily could have hidden some plane parts within that area being worked on that would have been found later on in the wreckage. Look at the bigegst piece that was found that is said to be the skin of the plane. It's too thin for one thing and the paint on it didn't even match.

Then you have all the Pentagon officials who were very quick to start combing the lawn to pick up anything they found which is a little too weird to me. Why were a bunch of guys in clean suits walking around picking up debris and trying to keep people from seeing that debris?

Don't forget the FBI agents who were going around and getting all the security camera footage from all the businesses that had cameras pointing that direction within 15 minutes of the incident. Remember the employees of one hotel that said they saw the camera footage before it was taken away and couldn't believe what they had saw and that it wasn't a plane? You can't ignore things like that. Why would random hotel employees make up something like that?

Oh and don't forget that most of the official witnesses just happened to be employees of the government or the media.

Something hit the Pentagon that day, but it wasn't a 757 that was being flown around 500 mph, 3 feet above the ground while managing not to hit multiple poles and cars in it's path. Leaving a hole in the building that's nowhere near the size a 757 would have left before the collapse. Don't give me "the wings folded in" argument either. Even if they had the hole was still too small to accommodate a 757 making it.

Skeptics argue over all these 9-11 inside job theories because they can't believe that a government would do something like this to it's people. For them, it's just something too amazing to believe. The people behind 9-11 know this very well and take complete advantage of it. The same goes for all other "conspiracy" theories.



posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 05:00 PM
reply to post by justanothergangster

The artical also stated they were intended to have a life span of just 3 years. I dont think any would be in a usable condition after 40+ years when they were intended to fill a gap until more advanced missles came online.

posted on Sep, 21 2007 @ 06:03 PM

Originally posted by six was one of these.....Alot of people saw it. Ground level and pretty close too.

I agree with you 100%, I guess you don't own a tin hat either????

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