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* the ancient unnamed civilization somehow got the plan for the design into the hands of Imhotep.
* the Egyptians somehow recognized this as an important and sacred design.
* the ancient Egyptians built pyramids until they could build a "perfect" one, and then put up Giza and followed the design without knowing why and then quit building pyramids.
Byrd: There's no time reference to 25,772 years and no way to derive it from your design.
SC: I beg to differ. A pyramid is a star, expressed by the AE as having 5 points.
Byrd: How can you come to that conclusion? There are many references to pyramids throughout the thousand or so years of pyramid construction. None of them are related in the texts to stars. Nor are there stars associated with the pictures of pyramids.
SC: The slope of the GP is 51.84. Expressed as 5184 we find the sqr root is 72. This is a value that is very close to our present precessional rate of 71.6 years per 1º shift.
Byrd: That doesn't qualify as "highly accurate". There's no reference that indicates "use the GP, Luke" instead of "use the one with 4 pyramids outside it" or "use the little one that's off centered" or "average all the slopes and use that."
72 x 5 = 360.
5184 x 5 = 25,920.
25,920/72 = 360.
Byrd:That's off by about 200 years -- not "highly accurate." To reach that, you had to fudge things and multiply by 100.
Byrd: Furthermore, you're using the current structure. It was faced with limestone blocks that were thicker at the bottom and got thinner as you went toward the top.
Byrd: This changes the angle of the slope. You don't cite why they would use the angles of the core stones rather than the angles of the completed structure.
SC: But again you miss the point. The PURPOSE of marking the start and end points is NOT to enable us to plot the movement of the belt stars. The PURPOSE of marking the start and end points like this is to enable us to KNOW WHICH 3 STARS the Designers were indicating with the 3 main pyramids.
Byrd: You talk about purpose and knowing as though you had access to the records that prove this. You ignore the data that the pyramids are in the wrong position to indicate Orion's belt….
Byrd: …there's no art or text linking the complex to Orion…
Byrd:… no indication of a circular trench…
Byrd: … and the explaination of "why start when the belt stars are on the horizon" is "to mark a date the ancient civlization... " and then don't specify the date
SC: And this would present us with a problem since we simply have to know the 3 stars the main pyramids represent since it is one of these 3 pyramdis that represents the star the ancients measured to set the start date of their clock.
Byrd: The mysterious "ancients." You haven't explained why they felt the belt stars were so important or why they'd use stars to set the start date of their clock or why their calculations are imprecise.
SC: The ancients realised this problem and ensured that they provided within their design a mechanism whereby we simply could not fail to select the correct triad of stars. They did this by marking the start and end points of the precessional motion of their chosen triad of stars. ONLY the Orion Belt stars precess across the sky in this manner and because of this we can be certain which stars the ancients are indicating to us in the main design i.e. the 3 main pyramids - Orion’s Belt.
ALL stars precess across the sky in that manner.
The reason you picked Orion is because of Hancock... not because of a knowledge of what this mysterious lost ancient civilization did. If Hancock had said "Aquarius" or "Big dipper" I submit that you'd be hammering and tweaking your idea to fit his (wrong) ideas.
SC: Now that we know the correct triad of stars, what we have to then do is determine which of the 3 stars was used to set the clock’s start date. By ensuring Menkaure was significantly different (and indeed quite unique) from the other main pyramids it is logical to conclude that it is Menkaure’s alignment that was placed according to its celestial counterpart, Mintaka.
Byrd: Unique? How? Each pyramid is unique in its shape, its volume, and the number of satellite pyramids and temples.
Byrd: And how is it "placed according to its celestial counterpart"?
Hans: Anything in your idea that matches up is proof positive of an advance civilization but anything that doesn't match up is dismissed as unimportant?
Hans: Scott, you do know about cherry picking and the pitfalls of falling in love with your idea don't you?
Hans: Make an exhaustive and complete list of all possible math and dimensional comparisions between Orion and the Pyramids. How many equal the accuracy of the "212" and how many do not? Which of these do you accept and which do you dismiss, state your criteria for doing either action.
Secondly in lieu of no evidence for an advance civilization does your idea have any real legs to stand on?
Hans: *If Plato was correct then 'Atlantis' was destroyed around 9500 BC, 1-2 thousand years before the event you are theorizing about. That is a large margin of error.
Originally posted by Scott Creighton
SC: A civilisation that understood higher math (i.e. the Pi constant expressed as a decimal fraction), astronomy (precession) and geodesy – yes. I don’t think they had iPods, or drove 4x4s or had flying machines or nuclear bombs though.
SC: This civilisation had awareness of a cataclysmic cycle which the Earth passes through every 13,000 years or thereabouts; knowledge that is presently lost to our civilisation.
When this civilisation was destroyed c10,500BC (possibly as a result of a meteor impacting upon the Earth causing a shft of the Earths axis),
the enlightened survivors (The Designers) encoded this knowledge into a design – possibly a scaled-down model crafted in granite or some other durable material of the Giza monuments. This was done because they possibly (for good reason) believed their own civilisation would very quickly descend into a stoneage existence and lose most, if not all, of the knowledge it possessed. They wished to pass down the knowledge of this ‘cycle of cataclysms’ to future civilisations as a forewarning. They crafted a very specific design that encoded this information in the hope that at some future date, a civilsiation would arise that would look at their design and see their ‘message’.
Naturally such a design would have to be built at a future date when mankind had sufficiently recovered from the cataclysm.
And when it was finally built it was to be built so large that it would last as a ‘message for all time, through each and every cycle of cataclysm’.
Originally posted by Scott Creighton
reply to post by Byrd
* the ancient unnamed civilization somehow got the plan for the design into the hands of Imhotep.
SC: This is what the AEs themselves tell us.
The temples of Philae, now rebuilt on the adjacent island of Agilkia, are first of a series of magnificent stone buildings that arose on ancient foundations at Kom Ombos, Edfu and Esna in Ptolemaic and Roman times as far as Dendera 115 miles to the north. These vast edifices in their huge proportios, their unstinted use of sandstone and granite, their elaborate floriated capitals, their astronomical ceilings, their scrupulous detail and technical triumphs, have a solemn grandeur. They were built according to an architectural plan which was supposed to have been revealed in a codex that fell from heaven at Saqqara in the days of Imhotep. The most complete of them is the temple of the falcon god Horus at Edfu, built between 237 and 57 BC, the most perfectly preserved monument of the ancient world. It's many inscriptions have bequeathed a wealth of information about the founding of such temples, their construction and use. the daily ritual, the festivals and their dates, the duties of various priests, even the dimentions of each chamber, it's name and purpose, besides myths of very ancient origin."
The blueprint or model would have to have been crafted in some form of durable material in order to last. The design would also most likely have come with an oral tradition. The custodians of the blueprint (perhaps the Shemsu-Hor or ‘Followers of Horus’) ensured its passage through time and would have transmitted any oral tradition that went along with the model e.g. its association with Sah (Orion), its association with the ‘continuation of life’. The custodians may well have become the AE priesthood whom we know exerted great influence over the Pharaohs.
SC: The design, model or blueprint had been with them for thousands of years. It was part and parcel of their religious and cultural life. This model represented the Zep Tepi. It came from the heavens of the ‘First Time’ and was somehow associated with the ‘continuation of life’! Of course it was important to them – even if they had long forgotten the deeper knowledge their ancient forebears had encoded into it.
SC: A civilisation that understood higher math (i.e. the Pi constant expressed as a decimal fraction), astronomy (precession) and geodesy – yes. I don’t think they had iPods, or drove 4x4s or had flying machines or nuclear bombs though.
Byrd: I still find this really unconvincing. "314" could be a lot of things. 314159 could ONLY be pi.
Byrd: I'm also unconvinced that "314" was meant, given the presence of at least one unfinished pyramid at the site.
SC: This civilisation had awareness of a cataclysmic cycle which the Earth passes through every 13,000 years or thereabouts; knowledge that is presently lost to our civilisation.
Byrd: I'm afraid that things fall apart right there. We have good data, and there is no extinction at or around 26,000 years or at or around 39,000 years.
SC: When this civilisation was destroyed c10,500BC (possibly as a result of a meteor impacting upon the Earth causing a shft of the Earths axis),
Byrd: There's no crater of sufficient size. You may be overestimating the explosive power of meteors. One that's big enough to leave a 1 mile impact area really only has the power of a 1.7 megaton bomb.
That's smaller than the bombs we dropped on Nagasaki and Hiroshima:
SC:…the enlightened survivors (The Designers) encoded this knowledge into a design – possibly a scaled-down model crafted in granite or some other durable material of the Giza monuments. This was done because they possibly (for good reason) believed their own civilisation would very quickly descend into a stoneage existence and lose most, if not all, of the knowledge it possessed. They wished to pass down the knowledge of this ‘cycle of cataclysms’ to future civilisations as a forewarning. They crafted a very specific design that encoded this information in the hope that at some future date, a civilsiation would arise that would look at their design and see their ‘message’.
Byrd: Here you're speculating -- and then turning those speculations into fact.
Byrd: The "message" makes no sense, when they could have easily engraved a huge metal plate (or sculpted rock) with a picture and writing and been very specific about it. In fact, there's a number of rock art sites (dating older than your imagined civilization) that record astronomical events, and it's pretty plain to see what they mean.
SC: And when it was finally built it was to be built so large that it would last as a ‘message for all time, through each and every cycle of cataclysm’.
Byrd: But there aren't any cataclysmic cycles.
* the ancient unnamed civilization somehow got the plan for the design into the hands of Imhotep.
SC: This is what the AEs themselves tell us.
Actually, they don't. Someone found the reference for me.
Here's what Aldred said verbatum:
The temples of Philae, now rebuilt on the adjacent island of Agilkia, are first of a series of magnificent stone buildings that arose on ancient foundations at Kom Ombos, Edfu and Esna in Ptolemaic and Roman times as far as Dendera 115 miles to the north. These vast edifices in their huge proportios, their unstinted use of sandstone and granite, their elaborate floriated capitals, their astronomical ceilings, their scrupulous detail and technical triumphs, have a solemn grandeur. They were built according to an architectural plan which was supposed to have been revealed in a codex that fell from heaven at Saqqara in the days of Imhotep. The most complete of them is the temple of the falcon god Horus at Edfu, built between 237 and 57 BC, the most perfectly preserved monument of the ancient world. It's many inscriptions have bequeathed a wealth of information about the founding of such temples, their construction and use. the daily ritual, the festivals and their dates, the duties of various priests, even the dimentions of each chamber, it's name and purpose, besides myths of very ancient origin."
Your source very plainly says the design of the temples -- and only the temples was what arrived and it didn't come to Imhotep, but to someone else. I think we can probably find an exact translation somewhere to confirm this.
Byrd: Furthermore, as you can see in the text you read, the "codex" didn't land at the temple of Horus. The temple of Horus is one particularly nice example of the standard plan that was passed along by cultural means and by a design.
SC: The blueprint or model would have to have been crafted in some form of durable material in order to last. The design would also most likely have come with an oral tradition. The custodians of the blueprint (perhaps the Shemsu-Hor or ‘Followers of Horus’) ensured its passage through time and would have transmitted any oral tradition that went along with the model e.g. its association with Sah (Orion), its association with the ‘continuation of life’. The custodians may well have become the AE priesthood whom we know exerted great influence over the Pharaohs.
Byrd: Ah, but from your own original source we DO see an example of them following a codex and a tradition that was handed down. We don't see pyramids grouped in "314" arrangements before... or after Giza.
SC: The design, model or blueprint had been with them for thousands of years. It was part and parcel of their religious and cultural life. This model represented the Zep Tepi. It came from the heavens of the ‘First Time’ and was somehow associated with the ‘continuation of life’! Of course it was important to them – even if they had long forgotten the deeper knowledge their ancient forebears had encoded into it.
Byrd: Now you go deeper into speculation about this and treat it as fact. And the only reference to "Zep Tepi" I find is not Egyptian but to that hoax, "emerald tablet of thoth."
I'm afraid that citing things from a modern hoax don't help your point.
The Mayan prophecy tells us that in 1999, our solar system began to leave the end of the fifth cycle which started in 3113 B.C. and that we find ourselves in the morning of our galactic day, exiting darkness and on the verge of being in plain day of our central galaxy in 2012. They say that at the beginning and end of these cycles, which is to say, every 5,125 years, the central sun or light of the galaxy emits a ray of light so intense and so brilliant that it illuminates the entire universe. It is from this burst of light that all of the Suns and planets sync. The Mayans compare this burst to the pulse of the universe, beating once every 5,125 years. It is these pulses that mark the end of one cycle and the beginning of the next. Each pulse lasting 20 years, a Katún.
5. The Mayans also say that by 2012
we will have gone beyond technology as we know it.
we will have gone beyond time and money.
we will have entered the fifth dimension after passing through the fourth dimension
Planet Earth and the Solar System will come into galactic synchronization with the rest of the Universe.
Our DNA will be "upgraded" (or reprogrammed) from the centre of our galaxy. (Hunab Ku)
Everybody on this planet is mutating. Some are more conscious of it than others. But everyone is doing it.
Scott, so the 'advanced' civilization didn't have technology but they had knowledge. I find it hard to conceive of how a civilization would ascertain cosmic cycles (and I agree with Byrd that there were none) without a technological advanced astronomy and mathematical ability. Unless you have a mathematically model of the solar system and a firm idea of physics and natural laws the events that happened way back then would best be described as "the anger of the gods".
Hans: Byrd and I, both with only a limited knowledge of Egypt, are able to punch huge holes in it -
Hans: …which also happened when you brought it out to the attention of the real Egyptologists at Hall of Ma'at.
Hans: As hard as it may be to accept, IMHO you are 'guilty' of cherry picking and ignoring contrary data.
: Hans: 1. No ancient 'advanced' civilization.
Hans: 2. Orion and the Pyramids don't match up.