posted on Sep, 18 2007 @ 04:07 PM
I have personally had a chip put on me against my will and believe me they can be very uncomfortable. I may have more than one, but the one that
bothers me the most is on the bridge of my nose. I have tried putting strong magnets on it for as many as twelve hours with no obvious affects. Also
had my sister and girlfriend try and remove it by cutting into my nose with no luck. It seems as if it was injected into the cartledge. Doctor Roger
Leir of responded to my email and requested I get an x-ray and send it to him to see if he could help.
This particular device actually emits digital video that is projected, strobe like, constantly in all directions. Although only visible in my
peripheral vision when my eyes are open, they are much more visible when closing my eyes. For several years now this device has increased in
discomfort progressively. At first being a minor irritation, and now being very uncomfortable. The emissions cause the muscles in my eyes, face and
head to contract at various rates and locations, (making me wonder if there is some kind of array) This is quite cruel physically and effectively
disrupting my mental abilities, like articulation or math, that was easy to do in my head, has become more difficult.
I believe this is going on all over. The group that did this to me were very good at it and, I have to believe, that they have continued unabated
since I left the area.
You have only to do a search on government mind control to find many websites devoted to this kind of attack. Hopefully people will begin to ask
questions about this kind of behavior.