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9/11 First Responder Heard WTC 7 Demolition Countdown(Video added)

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posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 11:11 PM
Good last point.

This has become very sad and sickening to me.

People believe guys sitting at a desk that claim an 'official' story over the people that risked their lives to save people. People that were in the buildings. People that were outside the buildings when it happened.

It is a shame that no one believes the words of firefighters that day some of them volunteers, but sit in their comfy chair thinking the people paid to come up with a story that were far away are more right than them.

Instead of coming and debunking everything you don't agree with, why don't you go and volunteer for your fire department, they can always use the help, no matter where you are. Then, after that experience, you may realize that they are the good guys, honest, hard working ... definitely trustworthy.

It is the people who deny any real evidence ... deny first hand accounts from people who lived it and lived through it personally ... but believe story after revamped story about collapses, now it is a different collapse, etc. the officials in a/c spew ... that make me sick of this place.

I am not sorry to disappoint you, but, I will take the personal experiences of surviving firefighters from that day over any so-called 'official' story made up by some jokers. The real official story is the truth ... what we have is a POLITICAL story ... since they call the public servants officials now, it is their story ... so, technically official story doesn't have to be reality.

This is tiring ... and not from worry or stress, but from the lack of critical thinking.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 07:23 AM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
reply to post by Redge777

Um...why would you have him outside with a radio at all? If this was supposed to be this ultra secret black ops move... why ...why... why would he not have an ear piece in??

Same arguement as darth helmet, redcross people carry radios, they don't where earpieces.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 07:44 AM

Originally posted by Griff

. So, again I'll ask why were people close enough to fear for their lives? Is it because he was actually there and not part of the fire department and therefore wouldn't have been commanded to "pull it"? Or could it be that he was a first responder and was there doing his job as search and rescue? Therefore actually witnessing what went down? I take his word over most of all. Eye witness accounts are very rare but for the most part, IMO, they show us something that has not been told to us.

Are you calling this man, a hero of 9/11, a liar? Plain and simple question. Answer that please.

First of all, please go back to my past see a 47 story building collapsing... you are afraid! I will have to check the exact collaspe zone that was made and if this is the appropriate yardage.

Do you think the Red Cross and others were allowed closer to WTC7 than the FDNY?
Do you think the Red Cross were in on it?
Do you thenk the Red Cross were allowed radios that tapped into the Black op's frequency?

Do I think the man is a liar? Not yet.... just like you should hesitate a little before you label him a "hero." (and I'm not saying he isn't.)

There is a lot more to this story than meets the eye here.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 07:49 AM
reply to post by Redge777

You didn't read any more of my posts Redge, The man stated at approx. 1:05 of the video that he was working with a "Domain of Red Cross" people. This was not one guy with a Red Cross uniform. If this in deed was a "Back Op" person dressed as a Red Cross employee, why would he feel the need to look upset and tip off people that were around there?

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:28 PM

Was the Red Cross implicated?

Yes in fact this so called first responder stated in the video from the OP at approx. 1:05 of the video he states that there was a "domain of Red Cross" that he was working with. This was not just the one guy standing there. There was a Red Cross crew there. The notion that the Red Cross was either in on it or that they would have access to radios that have a link to the Times Square, New Years Eve style countdown is not possible.

Who's next on the in on it list ? The Cub Scouts?

your logic is non sequitor.

how many agencies were 'in' on the manhattan project? the red cross was. it was a huge conspiracy (not the red cross's part, the project as a whole). therefore it is not unlikely at all that if there was a 911 conspiracy the red cross could be 'in on it'.

i would cite pearl harbor but people still arent over that and although it has been proven enough to win a court case its not 100%. the manhattan project is.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:45 PM
reply to post by jprophet420

To create a bomb is A LOT different than killing thousands of Americans with planes and bombs.

So, JP, are you stating that you think the Red Cross may have had a hand in all of this?


posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:50 PM
The collapse zone for most fire services is 1 to 1.5 times the height of the building. Now given the large amount of people exiting the building and the chaotic nature of the incident I would say that those outside out numbered those for crowd control or removal by a large margine, making it a very difficult scene to control. Have seen it personally. Things dont always run as smoothly as the public likes to think that they do.


posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:53 PM
If they whole purpose was to inflame the public at large....Why inform them to move at all? The bigger the death toll....the madder the populace Counter productive the the "black op" that is being run dont you think?

[edit on 15-9-2007 by six]


posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 01:57 PM
Another question...If you are running THE BIGGEST "black op" of all time...Why would you not use a encrypted radio?...Military has them...Portable hand held units too...Even the goverment is not that stupid.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:43 PM

Originally posted by six
Another question...If you are running THE BIGGEST "black op" of all time...Why would you not use a encrypted radio?...Military has them...Portable hand held units too...Even the goverment is not that stupid.

Or at LEAST earpieces !! Not here though... in Alex Jones world, we have black operatives dressed up at Red Cross workers with regular walki-talkis ...and then develope a conscience.

Or in others fantasies, we have a Red Cross that is complacient in helping the government kill its own!

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 02:57 PM
Im not stating the Red Cross had anything to do with 9/11.
But to play devil's advocate with ya,do you mean this Red Cross?

(CBSNews)-Red Faces At The Red Cross Local Chapters Kept 9/11 Money Instead Of Sending It In For Victims
....According to documents obtained by CBS News, a dozen of the Red Cross chapters audited were marking, or "coding", donations as local funds. This means chapters like San Diego, Southwest Florida, and Gateway Area, Iowa would keep the money instead of sending it in for Sept. 11 victims.

Full story here

Or maybe this Red Cross

(CBSNews)-Disaster Strikes In Red Cross Backyard Charity Fails To Get A Grip On Criminal Scandals At Local Chapters
...The New Jersey fiasco, in which donations and government grants were all stolen, happened right under the nose of Red Cross headquarters. Critics say the reason the Red Cross has so little control over its chapters is that the chapters are pulling the strings: they collect most of the donations, dominate the national board and resist tighter controls by headquarters.

Full story here

Again,im not stating the Red Cross had anything to do with a 9/11 cover-up.But dont act like the Red Cross is above coruption.Nobody is.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 03:23 PM
reply to post by Black_Fox

Black Fox... JP was stating that...sorry if you thought i was directing my recent post at you.

There is not one organization that I know is 100% without some sort of corruption. (please point one out if there is, anyone)

Comparing theft, and other coruption to the mass murder of 3,000 American civilians in a mega governmental conspiracy is not

[edit on 15-9-2007 by CaptainObvious]

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 06:56 PM

Originally posted by six
Another question...If you are running THE BIGGEST "black op" of all time...Why would you not use a encrypted radio?...Military has them...Portable hand held units too...Even the goverment is not that stupid.

you would be able to hear what was being said on an encrypted radio as long as you had the receiver in your hand.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 06:58 PM

Originally posted by CaptainObvious
reply to post by jprophet420

To create a bomb is A LOT different than killing thousands of Americans with planes and bombs.

So, JP, are you stating that you think the Red Cross may have had a hand in all of this?

i'm saying you don't have to be down with the ends to be part of the means.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 07:36 PM
Originally posted by TheOmen

Well,a countdown would certainly explain alot and maybe the sheeple will now change their minds!

Inside job is fast becoming the most obvious conclusion to the events of that day.

Thanks for the post TheOmen. Yes, I believe that very soon, maybe in a couple of months, 911 will reach a critical mass where there will be so much overwhelming evidence of government involvement that one of 2 things will happen:

Declaration of martial law or,

Arrests of those involved.

Unless there is a loyal group of military who know what happened and were unable to stop it, who are waiting for the right time to act, then martial law will be declared and all speculation about 911 will cease under threat of death.

There is actually a smaller group than you would imagine who planned this. It would have had to include the Joint Chiefs of Staff and a few high ranking members of the Pentagon.

Lower than that, invididuals would have been sucked into the plot due to their clearances and rank but where probably not voluntarily complicit in the murder of 3000 of their fellow Americans.

Many ask, why aren't they coming forward? Can't. Too much at stake. Too easy to get killed if even slightly suspected. Its truly the most treasonous and barbarous act against a nation in modern history. You'd almost think that when the Mob left Las Vegas they went directly to the Pentagon.

posted on Sep, 15 2007 @ 08:23 PM

Originally posted by johnlear
Many ask, why aren't they coming forward? Can't. Too much at stake. Too easy to get killed if even slightly suspected. Its truly the most treasonous and barbarous act against a nation in modern history. You'd almost think that when the Mob left Las Vegas they went directly to the Pentagon.

People have come forward but may of them have received punishment. Like Sergeant First Class Donald Buswell (intelligence analyst) who is facing a possible court martial for writing an e-mail that questioned the official story.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 07:44 AM
reply to post by johnlear

Hi Mr. Lear ~

this thread is to discuss a claim of a countdown at WTC7, may i suggest that we please stay on topic.



posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 09:11 AM
To me, WTC 7 just simply does not add up at all, and I've come to the conclusion it was an afterthought, done on the fly.

First, if it was to have been part of the original plan, then it would have been brought down shortly after the north tower fell. Chaos all around, no way to know if it was damaged or not, so drop it then. There is no good reason on earth to have let it linger til 5:30 in the afternoon, then CD it in such a sloppy, public fashion.

Despite attempts to bark down yet another first responder's eyewitness testimony, the wealth and depth of that testimony, as well as the video evidence, is incontrovertible.

But it was so sloppily done, everybody was letting slip by their foreknowledge and actions that it was a CD, even Silverstein gets on TeeVee, for Chrissakes, to tell us it was a CD. The BBC comes in a half-hour before to tell us it's already fallen down. Six years later, and NIST still hasn't attempted to explain it, and in fact have pawned off that thankless task to paid subcontractors--lucky them.

In the immortal words of Monica Lewinsky, "Like, Hello?"

A sloppy mess. Obviously an afterthought. The question is, Why?

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 10:16 AM

Originally posted by gottago
To me, WTC 7 just simply does not add up at all, and I've come to the conclusion it was an afterthought, done on the fly.

First, if it was to have been part of the original plan, then it would have been brought down shortly after the north tower fell. Chaos all around, no way to know if it was damaged or not, so drop it then. There is no good reason on earth to have let it linger til 5:30 in the afternoon, then CD it in such a sloppy, public fashion.

Despite attempts to bark down yet another first responder's eyewitness testimony, the wealth and depth of that testimony, as well as the video evidence, is incontrovertible.

Do not forget we also have a video of workers comming out of the safety zone area (that was set up by the firechiefs when they evacuated the fire fighters) stating the building is comming down.

posted on Sep, 16 2007 @ 10:47 AM
reply to post by ULTIMA1

As noted by many in the area around WTC7 that the building was in jeopardy. Firefighters, EMS, police, engineers..etc. Not only "workers" that were inside the safe zone. The media was told that the building was in rough shape.

Just a question...IF you are somehow implying that the workers that were inside of the collapse zone are "in on it" ... why would they tall anyone on their way out?

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