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Bush's Speech

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posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 10:14 AM

Originally posted by joehayner

Once again, the repgunants go bakc to their fail-safe, knee-jerk answer. Its Clinton's fault. DOn't you get tired of blaming Clinton for everything?

It's the same reason you never get tired of blaming Bush. You're blind and can't see past your own party lines. Like I said, Republicans don't ruin America, and neither do Democrats. You dumbass extremists do.

Who's running the country right now? Repugnants. They control the White House.They control Congress. They control the judiciary. WHo else am I going to point hte finger at. When are repugnants going to learn to accept responsiblility like adults?

[Edited on 21-1-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 10:34 AM

Who's running the country right now? Repugnants. They control the White House.They control Congress. They control the judiciary. WHo else am I going to point hte finger at. When are repugnants going to learn to accept responsiblility like adults?

Who's running it? Extremist idealists like you. Those who pander to the masses with lies. Try pointing your finger at yourself. When will you learn to open your eyes? Take a look at what's going on around you.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 10:40 AM
This is just crap. Who controls congress. What is the party affiliation? Answer the question! Who controls the White House and what is the party affiliation! Answerthe question! Extremeists like me hav eno power. We get put in "Free Speech Zones" 10 miles away form ever having our voice heard so you can go to Hell.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 10:43 AM

Originally posted by Colonel
This is just crap. Who controls congress. What is the party affiliation? Answer the question! Who controls the White House and what is the party affiliation! Answerthe question! Extremeists like me hav eno power. We get put in "Free Speech Zones" 10 miles away form ever having our voice heard so you can go to Hell.

People like you have always controled the government. You all want the same thing, so don't act like you're not getting it.

BTW, I'll meet you there.

Have a nice day.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 10:50 AM

Originally posted by joehayner

Originally posted by Colonel
This is just crap. Who controls congress. What is the party affiliation? Answer the question! Who controls the White House and what is the party affiliation! Answerthe question! Extremeists like me hav eno power. We get put in "Free Speech Zones" 10 miles away form ever having our voice heard so you can go to Hell.

People like you have always controled the government. You all want the same thing, so don't act like you're not getting it.

BTW, I'll meet you there.

Have a nice day.

You know what's always so amazing about you, hellspawn? You always speak in generalities---never specifics. "People like you." "You extremists." I ALWAYS bring specifics and particulars with the requisite proof of what I say. With you, its "those people," "people like you," "the extremeists." Hell, you can;t even answer my question on who controls the three branches of goevernment because it would destroy your point, making me right.

Look, I call it out like I see it, hellspawn, and that's the difference between you and me.

[Edited on 21-1-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 11:14 AM

You know what's always so amazing about you, hellspawn? You always speak in generalities---never specifics. "People like you." "You extremists." I ALWAYS bring specifics and particulars with the requisite proof of what I say. With you, its "those people," "people like you," "the extremeists." Hell, you can;t even answer my question on who controls the three branches of goevernment because it would destroy your point, making me right.

Look, I call it out like I see it, hellspawn, and that's the difference between you and me.

Do I need to explain it like I would to a four-year-old? You know what I mean. Extremists, people who lay on the far ends of the spectrum. Far right and far left, you're both the same. They have the same goals, yet you continue to hate half of them because they are in the guise of a different name. They both want to control, to get what ever they want and to live comfortably off you, the tax payer. They offer their friends high-paying positions in administration where there are plenty of people already.

I answered your question, and you know it's true. Your motto is not 'deny ignorance', it's 'breed ignorance and deny reality'. I don't even think you realize you're doing it, that's the sad part.

The difference between you and me is that I possess common sense, Something you're in dire need of.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 11:18 AM

Originally posted by joehayner

You know what's always so amazing about you, hellspawn? You always speak in generalities---never specifics. "People like you." "You extremists." I ALWAYS bring specifics and particulars with the requisite proof of what I say. With you, its "those people," "people like you," "the extremeists." Hell, you can;t even answer my question on who controls the three branches of goevernment because it would destroy your point, making me right.

Look, I call it out like I see it, hellspawn, and that's the difference between you and me.

Do I need to explain it like I would to a four-year-old? You know what I mean. Extremists, people who lay on the far ends of the spectrum. Far right and far left, you're both the same. They have the same goals, yet you continue to hate half of them because they are in the guise of a different name. They both want to control, to get what ever they want and to live comfortably off you, the tax payer. They offer their friends high-paying positions in administration where there are plenty of people already.

I answered your question, and you know it's true. Your motto is not 'deny ignorance', it's 'breed ignorance and deny reality'. I don't even think you realize you're doing it, that's the sad part.

The difference between you and me is that I possess common sense, Something you're in dire need of.


Is it extremist to care for the homeless, the unemployed, the destitute? In your eyes, we need a Darwinian society where nobody gives a damn about anyone else but goes to church on Sunday to "PRAISE JAYZUS (even tho you don;t believe, your friends do).

What kind of evil society is that. That';s not where I want to live. That's not the America I know.

[Edited on 21-1-2004 by Colonel]

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 11:19 AM
The worst part of the speech by far was the threat to constitutionally protect marriage...omg, really ??? I didn't know marriage was in danger, but everything is in danger according to Dubya. And then he comes with this extremist judges bull crap, oh, like the one you put on the bench this weekend you slimy hypocrite! But, don't forget people, God loves everybody even the gays. He just draws the line at giving them equal rights afforded to every American that pays taxes. We've got bigger issues that he refused to address like the exporting of america but he decides to goes after a whole segment of our population ???

He ends, "This is a time for great change" --ya damn skippy and we're starting with yo ass!! I can't believe I was actually thinking of voting for this creepy moron. Three things changed my mind and I'll share them with you.

1st straw...the shady attempt to privatize medicare
2nd straw...immigration policy
last straw...the shady appointment of a racist to the federal bench

the camel is dead.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 11:21 AM
Saphronia: That litte bit of underhanded gay bashing was to get back to his base, the core repugnant bigot and homphobe. He sees his independent voters slipping so he he needs support from his base.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 12:07 PM
If you are in this country illegally, you should be arrested and deported to your country of origin. Bush should not allow these "criminals" any courtesy not afforded to Legal US immigrants. There are immigrants out there that go about life not breaking the law.

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 12:10 PM
Hey Colon-el.....Bill Clinton is the "Anti Christ"

posted on Jan, 21 2004 @ 12:22 PM

Originally posted by Saphronia
I didn't know marriage was in danger,

Stop rolling over and tapping the snooze button. He wasn't talking about marriage -in general- being in danger. He was talking about gay marriage being recognized and how it lowers family standars... And how it's immoral.

And yes, according to Bush a lot of things are "in danger." Apparently Clinton didn't think so and look where it got us. Gay pride rose to it's PEAK during his administration and so did the threat to America.

How many terrorist attacks happened to us on his watch? Care to answer that, Colonel? If you've got the know-how to do so, please also answer this one: How many of those attacks were backed with retaliation? And I'm not counting the empty pharmecutical factory in Afghanistan.

Let's here it.

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 01:01 AM
As long as there are women on this planet there will be marriage. Marriage is not in danger by no stretch of the imagination. And, if it were it wouldn't be gays that devalued it--it would be straight men.

Either way, if you are a citizen of the US you should have the same constitutionally protected rights as everyone else, bottom line. This is why republicans are scary. You wanna restrict folk rights--and that aint right. This is america folk should be allowed to live however they choose--if they wanna marry a damn goat--so be it! Who cares? As long as you are an adult and not hurting anyone or breaking any laws, do you. Live and let live. We've got bigger problems than the degradation of marriage. Protect marriage...pshh, that's the most idiotic idea. Especially when close to 50% of marriages in the country end in divorce and many of the congress members applauding are on their second try.

[Edited on 22-1-2004 by Saphronia]

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 03:02 AM

Originally posted by kramtronix

Originally posted by Saphronia
I didn't know marriage was in danger,

Stop rolling over and tapping the snooze button. He wasn't talking about marriage -in general- being in danger. He was talking about gay marriage being recognized and how it lowers family standars... And how it's immoral.

And yes, according to Bush a lot of things are "in danger." Apparently Clinton didn't think so and look where it got us. Gay pride rose to it's PEAK during his administration and so did the threat to America.

Let's try this again since you didn't understand.

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 08:35 AM


Is it extremist to care for the homeless, the unemployed, the destitute? In your eyes, we need a Darwinian society where nobody gives a damn about anyone else but goes to church on Sunday to "PRAISE JAYZUS (even tho you don;t believe, your friends do).

What kind of evil society is that. That';s not where I want to live. That's not the America I know.

No, but it is extremist to believe I should pay for some homeless guy's daily bottle of booze. I think it needs to be a well balanced social/capitalist society, which it currently is not. No, I don't want a darwinian society, that's also an extremist view! You don't get it, I'm not far right, but I do favor some conservative policies over liberal ones.

I would hate to live in a nation where everyone praised 'Jaysus'. That's a nation run by religion, I side with the libs on that one. I'm totally against religion in politics and I have said that so many times it should be ingrained on ATS somewhere. You don't even know my friends. I have friends that are strict Christian, loosly Christian, Muslim, Athiest, Darwinist, Pagan, Wiccan, ect...and they're not all moderate-conservatives, none are. Don't tell me what I want. I know what I want.

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 12:44 PM

Originally posted by kramtronix
Let's try this again since you didn't understand.

no, i're the only one that doesn't get it. Next time, read the whole post before you open up your big fresh mouth...since you lack basic reading comprehension skills: "degradation" means the same thing as "lowers family standards".

The constitution is not geared toward this brand of bigotry. That is why he has to seek an amendment...which makes his thinking unconstitutional and illegal even by the framers standards. It also means that judges that rule gay marriage protected under the constitution are not activist, but actually following the rule of law. I believe the word of law doesn't need this nasty piece of discrimination to it. And, 49% of the population is not a large enough of a majority to run around changing the constitution.

Read slowly, think, then reply.

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 01:02 PM
Whoa now! You're the one who misunderstood what the President was conveying. You said, "I didn't know marriage was in danger." I responded by pointing out that MORALITY is in danger.

I didn't mean to get all Cap'n Obvious on you.

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 01:13 PM
Repugnants mind: We couldn't stop the whites and negroes from marrying! We couldn't stop the Catholics and the Protestants from marrying! We couldn't stop the Jews and Gentiles from marrying! BUT, BY CHRIST, WE'LL STOP THE QUEERS!

By creating laws that discriminate against a certain group of people.

Have I mentioned that I hate repugnants today?

posted on Jan, 22 2004 @ 03:44 PM
kramtronix: Bush said, "Our Nation must defend the sanctity of marriage."

If it needs defending then he believes it's in danger.

He also said: "Activist judges, however, have begun redefining marriage by court order, without regard for the will of the people and their elected representatives."

This refers to the Clinton law, which is unconstitutional.

Which is why he added this, " If judges insist on forcing their arbitrary will upon the people, the only alternative left to the people would be the constitutional process."

He didn't say anything about morality he based the whole of his comments on the "will of the people", in his mind the only people that matter are the people the people that vote for him--under this thinking black folk would still be living under discriminatory separate but equal laws. He can't make law on your personal sense of morality. He has to say it's the will of the people because its #ing unconstitutional to discriminate against a person because of their sexuality.

Surely you can see that the immorality of homosexuals is just your opinion. And hopefully, you know that in a free world you can't force your sense of morality off on other free thinking individuals who have their own sense of morality. You have a right to be against anything just as other's have a right to be for anything. You don't wanna lose your rights, so you damn well better stand up for other's. The constitution is too important to change because you don't like the lifestyle of homosexuals. They are american citizens and as americans they should have the same rights as everybody else. And without this admendment their rights have to be enforced.

Btw, this isn't just republican bigots, Clinton opened the flood gates by signing that gross defense of marriage act into law--which is also unconstitutional and should be overturned or else we're gonna to have to take "land of the free" out of the star spangled banner.

and damn, i don't even care about this that's not like he's really going to do it. he's just wolfin for his base. My whole objection was on the basis of him calling judges activist after appointing racist Pickering.

[Edited on 22-1-2004 by Saphronia]

posted on Jan, 23 2004 @ 02:54 AM

Originally posted by Colonel
Repugnants mind: We couldn't stop the whites and negroes from marrying! We couldn't stop the Catholics and the Protestants from marrying! We couldn't stop the Jews and Gentiles from marrying! BUT, BY CHRIST, WE'LL STOP THE QUEERS!

By creating laws that discriminate against a certain group of people.

Have I mentioned that I hate repugnants today?

That was about as ignorant as it gets. Deny ignorance, huh?

Interracial marriages and mixed religion marriages don't bother me a bit. However, what you fail to realize is that being GAY is not a religion, nor is it an ethnicity.

How can you argue with anatomy?


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