reply to post by NGC2736
I dont think we will ever be done with roswell.. Not until the government offically announces the validity and existence of the event.
~Off Topic~ ------ Reply to NGC2736
What you say is true. Once anyone begins to dig into all of this information, and discovers the truth. You will get to a point where your eyes open,
and when you look around you.... You begin to see that 90% of all people lie... You then can begin to see that our whole society is a falsity.
(people dont want to face this)
People know that practially everyone lies, and it is why we have so many debunkers and non-beleivers. The key is being able to tell when people are
lieing, and understanding why. It is also important to "fully" understand what a lie is in the first place, even greater yet.. Why do people do it?
First of all people lie for many reasons... Mainly people lie to boost ego, to attain things, and to protect. A lie is a false peice of information
used to keep people from any true peice of information.(which the lie is suppose to hide) Now understand that "almost" every lie is a bad lie.
People have the right to know the truth... If they cant handle the truth, and you hide it from them.. They will never learn how to handle it; therfor
our society becomes stagnent and its growth will dramatically reduce. Simply because when you spread false information.. You are only hurting the
collective, consciousness of the people. Because this false information will spread... It would become harder to get rid of it then it was to plant
it... You can see proof of this through our society having a hard time adjusting to the belief of ET having allready been to earth. And religous
types of people accepting any information outside of their bibles and teachings. And any other ideas that people keep within their mind, (regardless
if this information is true or not) becomes harder to change as they get older(stubborn). In the end it is akin to a disease, spreading rampant,
which needs to be cut off from our children. Then our society can begin to change.. slowly.. this is allready happening, as evident in my post(the
adults are teaching their kids different now, among other things)
People also tend to make up their own false informations when they are confronted with anything they do not understand or know the answer to.
But again it all boils down to being able to face and know what the real truth is. If your not 100% sure of any truth's that you may have...
Dont lock it into the brain as 100% true in stone.. this is the worst thing people can do and it is causing so many problems... Because we are in a
constant state of learning and growing(information is being changed, one minute, its, milk is bad, the next its good ect.).. it is not good to
prematurly lock any beleif in your mind, if there is no 100%(no doubt) truth factor.. then it cannot be truth.(For the real truth... has no lie's
within it) How many things are 100% in this world? Not much... people say, nothing is 100%... Like I said we are in a constant state of flux,
learning and growing, and information is going to change alot during these times.
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