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08 candidates

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posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 03:09 PM
I have not actually posted on ATS in quite along time, and when did post in the past was quite intimidated by other members amount of knowledge on subjects. Recently I’ve been watching some of David Ike and Jordan Maxwells lectures, and have come to find that I believe in this “web of secret societies” that answer to the illuminati. After listening to some of Maxwells lectures I’ve been looking for the symbols that he mentions in this particular lecture:

I did find one symbol in particular representing one candidate that I found quite disturbing. Barack Obama has a sun rising as his campaign “logo” (pictured below). Now, I can’t remember exactly what Maxwell had said about the sun rising (specifically in the east?), but I know it was not good.

If anyone knows anymore about that in particular please feel free to share.

I also was wondering if there was a site somewhere that told you what candidates were a part of which secret societies; this is the main reason for this thread. I do not want to vote uninformed.

Thank you

posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 06:37 PM

Originally posted by ParadiseLost
Recently I’ve been watching some of David Ike and Jordan Maxwells lectures, and have come to find that I believe in this “web of secret societies” that answer to the illuminati.

I'm sorry.

I did find one symbol in particular representing one candidate that I found quite disturbing. Barack Obama has a sun rising as his campaign “logo” (pictured below). Now, I can’t remember exactly what Maxwell had said about the sun rising (specifically in the east?), but I know it was not good.

If anyone knows anymore about that in particular please feel free to share.

I guess Japan is a whole country full of Satanic Secret Society members, eh?

It looks like an "O" (Obama?) with the stripes of the flag kind of superimposed on it. To see a rising sun in that logo is stretching quite a bit, methinks.

I also was wondering if there was a site somewhere that told you what candidates were a part of which secret societies; this is the main reason for this thread. I do not want to vote uninformed.

If there was such a site, I would bet dollars to donuts that it is total garbage, much like all the sites that said Bush was a Mason (and most "Illuminati" sites as well, incidentally). It doesn't take much reasoned research to see that these people are either retarded or maliciously telling lies and making shyte up just to make a buck.

If you're listening to crackpots like Icke, you're not voting "uninformed," you're voting "misinformed." They want to sell books to weak-minded individuals who are insecure and paranoid enough to "believe" their tripe.

The sad part is, it's working. It's disgusting.

Do yourself a favor: forget David Icke and come back to the real world.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 12:14 AM
I wasn't trying to imply that Japan was a country full of Satanic Secret Society members, Maxwell had said something about sun worship and the sun rising to the east had something to do with sun worship. He had said that shells logo (as in the gas station) was an example of this, and he also said he contacted them and they confirmed what he said was true.

I really hope you’re not saying that I am a weak minded individual. I consider myself to be quite an intelligent 19 year old young man, and have been told by many notable adults (not my mom) since childhood that I have been more mature than others around me.

I don’t tend to believe everything Maxwell and Ike say, particularly about Ikes “reptilian bloodline theory” or Maxwell's “decedents of aliens theory”. But I do think they have stumbled on to something with this web of secret societies answering to one single group that is pushing for a new world order type deal. Which, in my opinion, wouldn’t be that bad as long as the people/council in power were smart responsible leaders.

I don’t intend on buying either of these two dudes MANY books on these topics, but I don’t see how watching some of their lectures/presentations are that bad. Just after watching Maxwell's You tube presentation of symbols I had kind of been looking for them (specifically in politics). I mean, I know that these guys are trying to making a buck, just to talk to Maxwell for an hour costs $125

Thank You very much for your input Axeman

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by ParadiseLost
I wasn't trying to imply that Japan was a country full of Satanic Secret Society members, Maxwell had said something about sun worship and the sun rising to the east had something to do with sun worship. He had said that shells logo (as in the gas station) was an example of this, and he also said he contacted them and they confirmed what he said was true.

I can tell you right now that this Maxwell guy is pure hogwash. he didn't contact Shell, and Shell didn't tell him they were sun-worshipers. Sun worship was a practice of ancient agricultural societies who depended on the sun for warmth, light, and to grow their food. For them, the sun meant survival, and they viewed it as a god.

Today, we know that the sun is a star, not a god. It is composed of various gases undergoing nuclear reactions, not a supernatural spirit. BUT...

Let's say, just hypothetical, that Shell WERE sun worshipers. My question to this would be: so what? This is America, and people have the right to any religious belief, or non-belief, they want to hold. Same thing for Barack Obama. It really doesn't matter if he worships the sun, the moon, or Bugs Bunny. His religious beliefs are nobody's business but his own. The relevant question is "What are his stance on the issues?"

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 07:34 AM

Originally posted by ParadiseLost
I wasn't trying to imply that Japan was a country full of Satanic Secret Society members, Maxwell had said something about sun worship and the sun rising to the east had something to do with sun worship. He had said that shells logo (as in the gas station) was an example of this, and he also said he contacted them and they confirmed what he said was true.

I can tell you right now that this Maxwell guy is pure hogwash. he didn't contact Shell, and Shell didn't tell him they were sun-worshipers. Sun worship was a practice of ancient agricultural societies who depended on the sun for warmth, light, and to grow their food. For them, the sun meant survival, and they viewed it as a god.

Today, we know that the sun is a star, not a god. It is composed of various gases undergoing nuclear reactions, not a supernatural spirit. BUT...

Let's say, just hypothetical, that Shell WERE sun worshipers. My question to this would be: so what? This is America, and people have the right to any religious belief, or non-belief, they want to hold. Same thing for Barack Obama. It really doesn't matter if he worships the sun, the moon, or Bugs Bunny. His religious beliefs are nobody's business but his own. The relevant question is "What are his stance on the issues?"

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 05:23 PM
reply to post by ParadiseLost

I don’t tend to believe everything Maxwell and Ike say, particularly about Ikes “reptilian bloodline theory” or Maxwell's “decedents of aliens theory”. But I do think they have stumbled on to something with this web of secret societies answering to one single group that is pushing for a new world order type deal. Which, in my opinion, wouldn’t be that bad as long as the people/council in power were smart responsible leaders.

Maxwell and Icke know nothing at all. Whenever someone claims to have inside knowledge of some vast cabal, ask yourself questions like "Who is this guy? Why would he even have access to this information? Why would anyone who matters be talking to him at all?"

Icke is a loon. He plagiarized his Reptilian schtick from an old Sci Fi short story and from They Live starring "Rowdy" Roddy Piper. Who is Jordan Maxwell and what is his background? He didn't go to Exeter or Andover. He didn't go to Yale. His family isn't in any Social Register or in any edition of Burke's Peerage. How exactly do you imagine a person like that would gain access to any elite society?

Whatever sub rosa machinations are currently driving world events, it's a safe bet Icke, Maxwell and their ilk have not been invited to the party.

posted on Sep, 13 2007 @ 11:40 PM
Thank you Peabody. I tend to get too excited sometimes and overlook certain questions that should be asked(such as the ones you mentioned). I couldn't help but crack a smile at myself after reading your post.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:46 AM

Originally posted by ParadiseLost
I wasn't trying to imply that Japan was a country full of Satanic Secret Society members, Maxwell had said something about sun worship and the sun rising to the east had something to do with sun worship. He had said that shells logo (as in the gas station) was an example of this, and he also said he contacted them and they confirmed what he said was true.

And you believe that? Seriously? Shell is a huge corporation with probably millions of employees... it's ridiculous, honestly.

I know you didn't imply anything about Japan; I was just making a point. Symbols can be interpreted any number of ways, depending on the individual's point of view. So, whereas the conspiracy theorist may see one thing, the person or people making use of the symbol may (and probably do) interpret the symbol differently. In this case, it is the interpretation of the person who is making use of the symbol that is important; not the speculation of idiots like David Icke.

I could say that the Canadian flag really hints at the Canadian plot to invade the US and kill us all with spears and clubs made out of Maple wood, and that the red leaf symbolizes the blood that will be shed, and the Maple that will shed it. That, of course, would make me an idiot -- much like the aforementioned individuals.

I really hope you’re not saying that I am a weak minded individual. I consider myself to be quite an intelligent 19 year old young man, and have been told by many notable adults (not my mom) since childhood that I have been more mature than others around me.

No, not at all. But that is these guys' target audience. People looking for someone else to blame, people who are weak and gullible. It's their bread and butter. Do you think any intelligent person who reads and researches things to find their own answers will buy that garbage? No.

I don’t tend to believe everything Maxwell and Ike say, particularly about Ikes “reptilian bloodline theory” or Maxwell's “decedents of aliens theory”. But I do think they have stumbled on to something with this web of secret societies answering to one single group that is pushing for a new world order type deal. Which, in my opinion, wouldn’t be that bad as long as the people/council in power were smart responsible leaders.

I feel that if there were such a thing, there would be more evidence and less wild speculation. Sensationalism is a very powerful distorter of truth. Occam's Razor is our friend.

As I have said before, I'm sure there are people out there trying to pull strings, and succeeding; but I highly doubt they exist as you have described.

I don’t intend on buying either of these two dudes MANY books on these topics, but I don’t see how watching some of their lectures/presentations are that bad. Just after watching Maxwell's You tube presentation of symbols I had kind of been looking for them (specifically in politics). I mean, I know that these guys are trying to making a buck, just to talk to Maxwell for an hour costs $125

Exactly. Do you think that if he actually believed that garbage that he would charge that kind of money to hear about it? Please. He would be shouting from the rooftops, for free. If he really wanted to "save" people from this impending "doom," why on earth would there be a price on the information?

There wouldn't, of course. They are charlatans and a frauds and their only interest is in divesting people from their hard earned money. It is blatantly obvious to those with eyes to see.

Thank You very much for your input Axeman

You are welcome. I apologize if you took offense -- I meant none.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 09:50 AM
I think Obama and his wife are members of the Council on Foreign Relations.

I don't know about any other candidates' ties to any secret societies or suspect organizations.

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 05:37 PM
The current-day term Illuminati seems to refer to the Cabal of Globalists intent on conquering (or as they say it, 'uniting') the world through fear and hostility. So I assume you are referring to the infamous Cabal (a.k.a. TPTB, Illuminati, Globalists, Zionists, Satanists, Sun-Worshipers, etc.) which is circulated on many conspiracy sources as the root of all this evil we experience in the world...

While many members are dedicated to the actual goal of conquering through fear and hostility, I would easily say that some (at the highest echelons, and perhaps even every truly top-ranking member) know in earnest that they are just helping people on the road to enlightenment and the Coming of Age for Humanity.

I know if I were trying to teach a child discernment and self-responsibility, I would tell him lies in which he could test the validity my statements himself... Why would this not work on a global scale as well?

Perhaps at the core of the Illuminati is the lesson that we should trust our own inner guidance over that of any 'Guru' or Outside Force? That the One True God (which is formless in nature, divine in principle, and collective in entity) is INSIDE rather than OUTSIDE oneself?

... and if that is all true, I say we should still vote for the candidates who are unbound by Illuminati doctrine, as failing to do so means we have still not learned our lesson in discernment and self-responsibility...

And... I believe it is rather easy to determine whether or not one is in the palm of the Cabal, especially for the presidential candidates! One need look no further than the ticket one is running on:

*Where is the money from their campaign coming from?
*What does the candidate plan to do when they are president?
*Are they highly advertised and displayed on mainstream news?
*Are they ignored by the mainstream news, despite considerable following?
*Do they mention anything about the IRS, the Federal Reserve System, NAFTA/CAFTA type agreements, and/or anything else they (as in The Cabal/Illuminati) are attempting to hide from us until we have already agreed to them?

This is just my perception (which is subjective, as all of your own are), but I find it funny and coincidental that many people are quick to point out the audacity of a huge conspiracy by calling the 'conspiracy exposers' loonies and crazies. Is it not entirely likely that they either ARE crazy, possess the half-truth, or perhaps intentionally delude the truth in order to keep the Illuminati agenda realized?

What kind of inner discernment is developed if there are celebrities or well-known figures spouting off clean n' pristine truth for all the four corners of the world to hear?! Well... not the strong, inner kind - especially when the truth is popular to go along with, as the decision to join the majority often requires less discernment (though I know the opposite is also true depending on life's circumstances).

The truth IS in there somewhere! There IS a global conspiracy, and many public figures are tied into it if-they-are-not members themselves already. Does this mean you should trust anyone who claims there is conspiracy (or DISTRUST anyone who says otherwise)? Of course not! And you will likely hear the honest truth from crazy conspiracy theorist and government propaganda agent alike - just not for their entire lecture.

Stay true to your own path and you are incapable of going astray.

BTW, I'll be throwing in my two cents:

Mr. Obama and Mrs. Clinton are *portrayed* (key word) as the only viable non-republican candidates, while there are NO strong candidates *portrayed* (key word) on the republican ticket...

I find that so funny because it is (ala Spaceballs) ludicrous speed!
Don't those people Google the Internets(tm)?

Just four words for those who have yet to be involved:

Ron Paul in 2008

[edit on 14-9-2007 by TrueAce]

posted on Sep, 14 2007 @ 06:01 PM
reply to post by djohnsto77

I don't think Obama is a member of the CFR. He has addressed at least one CFR meeting, but as far as I'm aware he is neither a lifetime nor a term member of the committee itself.

It's always possible I'm wrong about this. Do you have a cite for that?

It will of course not surprise anybody that Hillary Clinton IS a member of the CFR.

Oh! Before I forget, so is notable Republican actor/part time Presidential canddiate Freddy Thompson. He doubtless brings all his folksy, plainspoken, outsider wisdom to meetings of the elite organization.

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