posted on Aug, 5 2003 @ 12:26 PM
I also think that either deliberate or even unknowingly the bibles or religious writtings have been altered throughout the ages and translations. The
deliberate changes could go just as you said. But also just the translations from almost if not all older languages to new ones have some words
and/or phrases that don't translate straight over. In fact even today between modern language you have certain cases where a single word in one
language has many meanings in another. For a simple example the meaning of Tao translated into english is "The Way" or "Devine Path" but there
isn't any solid translation. The meaning has to be translated as well as the actual word itself. So if you consider that all scriptures are usually
based off of older scriptures, you have to allow for some uncontrolable amount of error or change in meaning.
I would also add to your list:
4. Using words and language will never equal the actual experience itself and is therefore not 100% complete.
5. To err is human. Even the first scriptures then are still MAN's version of the Word of God, which would have some bit of error or degree of
interpretation failure.
The simple fact that even today there is still so many ways of interpretation, even within the same faith, is a sign that it may not be the most
reliable way to sum up God, our Creation, Life, Existence, Reality, Universal Law, etc...