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The Great Pyramids Dam Easy Part One

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posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 07:16 AM
You know Silo I'm getting an intuitive feeling that Howard might want people to respond to him. But then he is going about making sure no one will. LOL

Well Howard you do seem to post excessively, I would suggest a change of personality and demeanor.

One correction to your earlier posting

I posted information showing that the Egyptians made ONE dam, which they used to block the water in a wadi that leads to the Nile. I support the sharing of knowledge and information, not you. If asked whose information I find more factual and compelling then I would fully support Byrd and the others in this matter.

Nice pictures but I have one question - what is said in association with those pictures?

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 12:02 PM
reply to post by Howard

The rest of this papyrus deals with the prosperity of Egypt because of the dam on the river that controls the annual flooding of the Nile

Again, I'm no Egyptologist - but you're just plain wrong. The scenes you've linked to are from the book of the dead. The barge you mention is the boat of Wennefer (aka Osiris). The scenes following are scenes of the deceased working the Field of Rushes and the Field of Offerings and then ending at the Judgment scene and the crossing of the Lake of Offerings. Every image of 'prosperity' is nothing more than the deceased doing what's expected of them in the afterlife.

Here's some info:

And more:

Oh, and wait - read the text on your own links:

As far as the boat of Wennefer - Osiris is known as the god of life, death, and fertility. What does a dam have to do with life, death, or fertility? My guess (and hopefully Byrd will clue us in here) is that the boat of Wennefer symbolizes the transition from life to death - or possibly rebirth in the netherworld. I'm not really sure about my deduction there - but I'm quite certain it does not represent a dam.

And in the future, Howard, please try to make it a point to not be obnoxious. I'm sure we all respect a good debate so long as the debater is at least as respectable as the topic.

posted on Sep, 20 2007 @ 05:53 PM

Originally posted by Howard
Hanslune has provided the link to an article stating that the Egyptians were the first to build dams. Thank you so much Hanslune for your support.

One dam, and there's evidence for it. As Hans said, that was the last dam they tried to build.

From The British Museum.
This picture starts from bottom right of the story panel. There you will find a representation of a Stone barge which I define as a “Machana”. On that barge is a right triangle with a stair step hypotenuse This symbolizes A DAM as you are aware Dams are wider at the bottom that they are at the top. This is not “a hill” or “throne”

If you read the text, as Hans said, the object is clearly defined. And by the way, it's not a "barge" or a "stone barge" -- it's an ornamental boat with a high prow in the shape of a snake's hed and several sets of oars.

Had it been any of the things you said, the hieroglyphics next to it would have clearly said this. But what they say is instead what Hans and the British Museum said.

This is a Papyrus that connect Anhai the larger gal on the right, to Isis the smaller gal mid-page bottom, look closely she has “a dam” on her head not a throne .

So... how do you explain that to the Ancient Egyptians who wrote that Isis' symbol is a throne and that it's a throne she has for her crown? There are lots of models of this particular type of throne, including wooden and gold ones as well as the ones on statues.

And Anhai is a man. He's not a woman.

Now take this information and in the light of what you have seen from these Papyrus from the British Museum and try to understand the concept of Isis and Osiris In my second thread on this subject. May be if your are not to myopic it will be clear to you. If not get some new glasses.

I think it's clear that you can't read the hieroglyphics (they can be a challenge to read) and that you don't know enough about the culture to identify the boat of Osiris or to identify men's clothing and crown styles.

To make an idea that's hard to knock over, you really need to know a lot about the culture... more than you glean from looking at the art. You need to be able to read the words they write or at least be able to identify things like Osiris' name on the papyrus. Those who don't know enough about the culture they're theorizing about make mistakes like identifying things wrongly when the answer is written there (in the original language) for everyone to read if they just take the time.

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 09:41 AM
reply to post by memoir

This thread has been transformed from “The pyramid Built dam easy part one” into Can Howard understand ancient concepts and languages? So meet me at my new thread. (Ancient Mysteries/ Common Knowledge or Parables?)
However there is additional information on this subject can be found on my thread “The pyramid Built dam easy part 2”

posted on Sep, 22 2007 @ 12:51 PM
I think everyone gets the idea of a parable. But parables aren't true. They're made up stories. They teach people things.

The story of "how we built Hoover dam" isn't a parable. The story of "Pandora's box" is.

So I think they're right to ask if you know much about Egypt. Egyptians wouldn't make up weird parables for people who live 5,000 years in the future any more than we do.

posted on Sep, 23 2007 @ 10:56 AM
reply to post by Indellkoffer

My dear Grand mother you seem to be confusing illustrations with “parables of the ancients”. Commonly done. In fact you are to not to understand them as “common” person. You are only to understand them as stories and never get the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dig deeper you will. How ever most people put thier fingers in thier ears and sing LA,LA ,LA

posted on Sep, 24 2007 @ 10:28 AM

Originally posted by Howard
My dear Grand mother

Y'know, that sounds awfully patronizing... like you're patting me on the head and telling me to go sit in the corner and drool quietly.

you seem to be confusing illustrations with “parables of the ancients”.

Well, I'm not. It's true that my degree in English was a very long time ago, but at the Baptist College I attended, we studied parables and myths and legends from around the world and we focused on Biblical parables.

I know what a parable is. I know what an illustration is. I think you've pulled a "humptey dumptey" on us and are deciding to make a word mean whatever you want it to mean. Well, you can call a dog "a cabbage", but people will only look at you as though you're stupid when you talk about teaching your cabbage to fetch.

In fact you are to not to understand them as “common” person. You are only to understand them as stories and never get the point!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dig deeper you will. How ever most people put thier fingers in thier ears and sing LA,LA ,LA

Who's doing the fingers in the ear thing?

I checked your site and then I went to the library to look up things on Egypt and hieroglyphs. You're doing the LALALA over hieroglyphs and a lot of other things. Coloring the sign for "mouth" blue and saying it's "pool of water" doesn't make it so.

And if you don't understand the country or what they wrote, then you sure aren't going to "get" their parables or metaphors or illustrations. And making up things about you think they are saying doesn't work. My nephew, who's four, makes up things about the cartoons in the paper because he can't read the words. That doesn't mean that the stories he makes up for the Wizard of Id strip of the day are what's really in the cartoon strip.

posted on Oct, 12 2007 @ 05:02 PM
reply to post by forestlady

i am glad somebody pointed out this too. i have a master's degree in archaeology and an undergraduate degree in ancient greek, my head was about to explode reading howard's posts.

posted on Oct, 17 2007 @ 11:46 AM
This is a completely moot point... but I thought I'd put it here as I found it interesting.

Regarding more on the boat of Wennefer; I found this while reading up on the Arc of the Covenant.

Writing in his book, The Head of God: The Lost Treasure of the Templars, Keith Laidler says:
“The Ark of the Covenant can also be shown to be of Egyptian derivation. Many gods (including the state god Amun-Ra) were carried in procession in stylized boats, or arks. They were, as it were, portable homes for the gods. This was a very ancient tradition. When Tutmoses III, the great empire builder of the eighteenth dynasty, went forth to do battle, his god went with him. ‘Proceeding northward by my majesty, carrying my father Amun-Ra, Lord of the Thrones of the Two Lands before me.’ While he rejected many of the old ways, Akhenaten retained the ark as a ‘home’ for his god. That Moses introduced an identical concept to the Israelites (who also used to carry the ark of their god Adon (Aten) before them when they engaged in combat) is quite compelling evidence of identity.”

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