posted on Sep, 12 2007 @ 04:49 AM
Hello Guys
I was wondering if anyone out there can help me with Psiballs,
I have read a few sites on how to do this, however, I have not been able to produce anything.
A lot of people have said that their hands get warm trying, my hands also get warm but I am unsure if this is the beginning stage of creating a
Psiball or if it is where I have cupped my hands and they are getting warm from being in a close proximity to each other (if you know what I mean).
I have been trying for about 2 weeks now (on and off) but to no avail.
So I am here for any guidance you kind folk wish to provide, any help would be appreciated.
Also, I tend to smoke a bit of wacky, would this hinder or enhance my chances??