I had this idea to seriously obstruct the genocide in Darfur being committed by Arab Militia (tribes) with the blessing of the Sudanese government:
Give the…
1. Fur people:
2. Zaghawa:
3. Masalit:
Of Western Sudan weapons.
This idea is so ripe; in fact according to Wikipedia these people already have the…
Sudan Liberation Army:
Justice And Equality Movement:
Both these groups are fighting for democracy, and have been mobilised by the Sudanese government’s racial discrimination against the three (listed)
ethnic groups.
My Strategy
1. Paying for the Weapons…
Well we have army surplus we normally sell onto other countries anyway, a government subsidy to get them in the hands of people who really, really
need them wouldn’t attract much domestic criticism (not that arms sales normally attract much attention anyway).
2. Delivering Them…
As said the Sudan Liberation Army and Justice And Equality Movement make obvious vendors, I'm sure MI6 could sort a few air deliveries out. What
exactly is the Sudanese government going to do about? Cut copper supplies of? Oh we don’t buy their copper anymore because of U.N sanctions, because
of the genocide.
3. Legalising the Transaction…
Western nations often seem to be a law upon ourselves anyway; but I guess we could always try getting it rubber stamped through the U.N. Maybe China
would oppose it, but if they did, would it really be both their while if this is one time violating the U.N might not be such a bad thing?
My Logic…
Had the 6 Million Jews killed during the Third Reich…
a. Known they were being genocided
b. Had e.g. pistols
Don’t you think the military would have thought twice about committing the Genocide (when it)? After all if I was a civilian facing a genocidal
enemy then I would think to myself “We’ll at the current rate I’m going to be dead anyway; therefore anything I do is a bonus”
I might have shot several genocidal enemies before being killed myself, others will have shot none at all. Even so overall, you would expect the 3rd
Reich to be down about 6 million troops, or people who could have been used as troops, and whose role troops would have to fill.
That’s a big consideration!!!
Reinforced Logic…
Unlike Afghanistan we don’t appear to be planning to imminently occupy the place so an armed population isn’t really our problem. And if we were
planning to occupy it, “who the hell are my countrymen to die in foreign country as merely a invading police force?” is my thoughts. But arms…
We’ll in my opinion there are certain people you can ethically sell weapons to and certain ones you can’t. People facing genocide has got to be
the top of the list of those you can.
The Liberal Left…
Some short circuit thinking, liberal person is bound to point out all the social problems an armed population can cause, America for instance.
My attitude is: Let them say Blah, Blah, and whatever else. Because can they think of a bigger social problem than everyone
all being dead?
Somehow I doubt it!!!
Not An Original Idea of Mine…
1. This article is titled: Should The West Arm the Kosovo Liberation Army
2. And we helped arm the Anti-Taliban Northern Alliance
www.guardian.co.uk... (we should have before since
they’d been fighting the Taliban for over 6 years before 9/11).
So the Unnerving Question Is…
Why Hasn’t This Idea Been Talked About More Before?
After all Blair wanted to send troops to Darfur…
Then Dropped The Idea:
Why does Blair’s occupation daydreaming get so much attention from our pres leaders? When meanwhile; a far smarter idea (like to give Darfur’s
people the means to defend themselves against killers) passes almost unspoken?
Surely there is something seriously lacking in the mindset of not just our press, but also our leaders? Why Is that? and
Where Does It Come