Hey guys, I was just wondering how I get to upload a video in a thread. I clicked on the YouTube VIDEO button and put in the url and the result was a
black box with nothing in it. I was wondering, how do I get the video to show up on the screen? Thanks alot!
Only copy the part of the code that is after the= sign in your web address.
Paste that into the youtube box.Sometimes even then the code is malformed , although not your fault...some vids just don't work.
Sometimes you might be on a page with "go&mode=related&search=" and such at the end of the URL. That's depending on how you clicked before you
found the video.
The easiest way to make it right, is to copy the link from the "URL" box for the video on YouTube. Paste this in your post. Then remove everything
in front of (and including) the "v=" in the url. Then you'll have the video id. Place yvid-tags around the video-id.