posted on Sep, 11 2007 @ 07:28 PM
Why is it illegal for one to drive under the influence of alcohol yet perfectly legal to drive with a freakin cell phone glued to your ear?
Seriously, we ALL know that drunk driving isn't a good idea......and law enforcement agrees by taking away licenses for such offenses.
I propose they do the same for IDIOTS that drive and talk on their damn cellphone at the same time.
I mean seriously, is there ANYONE hear who hasn't almost been hit while driving by some moron (usually an 18 year old girl) driving 60 miles an hour
and talking on a freakin cell phone?
It's ridiculous, some of these people can't drive as it is....and they certainly aren't doing a good job of it while gabbing into their freaking
cellphones and checking them when the beeps come in.
I don't know how many times in the last two weeks I have nearly been backed into or hit by some idiot talking on their cell phone.
You mean to tell me that me not wearing a seatbelt, while totally non hazardous to anyone but me, is a fine-worthy offense yet yapping into cellphone
while behind the wheel of a death machine on wheels is not?
It's about time something was done about this crap! Cell phones need to be COMPLETELY forbidden from use while in driving a vehicle. Not only should
it carry a fine, but it should carry at least a week long jail sentence for wreckless driving and, when one of these morons hits somebody, attempted
vehicular homicide.
I have seen people on a two day alcohol binge drive better than these college girls with their little pink phone permanently attached to their
Why has nothing been done about this?
I swear, the day one of them hits me....I WILL be going to jail (if not the morgue) after promptly dropping their arse with my tire iron....several
Oh, you think their regular driving is should see them trying to change lanes with this thing glued to them. It's like a leper
trying to bathe with sandpaper.
Driving with a cellphone stuck to your ear is not only dangerous, but it's COMPLETELY inconsiderate.
I'm pretty sure that whoever it is that you MUST be on the phone with while behind the wheel of your death machine can wait a lot easier than some
mother can scrape her kid off the freaking median wall.
PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE U.S. Government, do something right for a change and BAN cell phone usage while operating a vehicle.
THAT might actually save a few lives.
Edit to add: I TRULY hope cell phones cause brain cancer. THAT would be a little justice in the world.
[edit on 11-9-2007 by SimiusDei]